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Tuesday, November 03, 2015

100 U.S. cities beg Obama for more Muslim refugees

Stephanie Rawlings-Blake, mayor of Baltimore, almost gets teary eyed when she talks about the need to rebuild her city with immigrants and refugees.

It’s an issue that’s close to her heart, but the argument she uses is not new. It’s the same line that is touted by the mayors of other cities, mostly in the Rust Belt, like Baltimore, Minneapolis, Detroit and Pittsburgh.

They crave a steady flow of new immigrants and refugees, they say, because their economies depend on it. Too many of the native-born middle class whites have long since departed for the suburbs.

Baltimore, for instance, has lost a third of its population since 1950. Detroit has lost almost half of its population, and Pittsburgh has also struggled.


Anonymous said...

If and When you can control the THUGS and CRIMINALS that run your streets then and Only then will people even consider moving back!

Anonymous said...

This is all about taxpayer handouts. More refugees equals more federal money. This influx of funds does not strengthen a the long run it destroys it because these needy people take more than they give and drive out the native population farther changing the demographics. Even working people are figuring out, the pay is better being a freeloader. Cities and the country are going to have to hit rock bottom to turn around unless fiscally responsible leaders replace these who will willing destroy their communities for the "free" money hosting immigrants bring.

Anonymous said...

Just had to go puke! Should have checked the news before I had lunch!!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how much she is getting under the table to support the Muslim invasion....

Anonymous said...

Beg for more terrorists!

Anonymous said...

It's all about votes with democrats. Worthless people who only care about themselves. Democrat politicians don't even care about their own children much less anyone else's and only a fool would ever vote for or align themselves with the democrat party. Evil wicked people who only care about getting elected as if it some honor or something.
Any and all democrat elected people are the worst of the worst, complete and utter dregs of society. I will not even allow my air to be fouled with the stench of a democrat politician. They aren't worthy of me.

Anonymous said...

OMG! This person is certifiably NUTZ!

Anonymous said...

11:59 You've nailed it.

I've been looking for a comprehensive and credible breakdown of the dollar amounts "granted" to cities for taking them. Problem is, it is usually a one time federal handout to the city, then their support and upkeep falls mostly on the states and counties. Correction: the taxpayers.

Ms. Stephanie may be imagining a modern-day Ellis Island perched out in the harbor, processing a flood of immigrants bringing a windfall of skills, talents, work ethic and hope to the city. People who would struggle to integrate with their adopted country, who would work to take opportunity and turn it into prosperity and success through hard work, initiative and determination. People who would build, and create new jobs for the native population, filling the tax coffers and bringing a new energy fueling growth, pride and self-sufficiency.

People who were grateful to be given the chance to be Americans.

Yes, many of those immigrants built the city, added their own diverse flavors to the melting pot, while embracing the culture of America's all. That's what we're made of, at least those who want to be American, without hatred for the country that gives them so much.

But those people are no longer welcomed to our shores. The peoples who vied for the chance to trade everything to be one of us, have been all but shunned. Turned away as somehow disgraceful and of unworthy heritage, in overwhelming favor of the brown masses who have themselves made their own countries into despotic, impoverished cesspools of violence and intolerance.

If she had the city's best interests at heart, she'd be crying real tears begging the ("taxpayers") to move back to the city. But that would mean getting the "low information voters" under control, and taking away their "room to destroy".

Anonymous said...

November 4 at 8:34,
All that is well said.

But Rawlings-Blake is just a willing but likely unwitting pawn in this game being engineered by the global elite.

Soros and the other global elite, the Kings and Queens, the .01% at the top of the wealth pyramid, position Obama and Clinton and Bush and Ryan, their Rooks, Bishops, and Knights to fortify their castles.

The rest of us are useless to their ilk. They occupy us by pitting Democrats against Republicans, blacks against whites, Christians and Jews against Muslims, profiting from it every step of the way.