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Saturday, October 31, 2015

A Message From Marco Rubio: Wait for what?


In the latest Republican presidential debate, one of the moderators actually asked me if I should "slow down." That's exactly what the establishment has been telling me for years. That I should "wait my turn."

Wait for what? This country is running out of time:
  • Millions of people are living paycheck to paycheck at the same time they're working as hard as they ever have because everything costs more. They have not had a real raise in decades.
  • Small businesses are struggling: more businesses are closing than opening.
  • We live in a world that's out of control, with a president who's weakening our military and doubling down on a failed foreign policy while our adversaries continue to grow stronger.
The time to act is now, the time to turn the page is now. If we don't act now, we'll be the first generation that leaves our children worse off than ourselves.

With your help and support, I'll be the leader that turns our country around and ensures the 21st Century is an American Century.

But you saw Wednesday night just how difficult our task will be with the mainstream media acting as Hillary Clinton's Super PAC.

If you want to ensure that our campaign can take the truth straight to the voters -- without relying on coverage from the biased media we've come to expect (and saw at the debate) 

Marco Rubio

P.S. I couldn't believe it when one of the moderators misled about my tax plan -- despite having to correct a story earlier this month where he made the exact same claim! 


Concerned retiree said...

He is "The Man"

Anonymous said...

I don't trust this man...he is bright and gives everyone the answers they want to hear. I want a candidate that has more interest in the people he serves. He misses a lot of votes because he is more interested in becoming president than in helping the people who voted him in office. My three top candidates are Trump, Carson and Cruz. Remember Obama...smoothie talker.