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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Obama Going On Democratic Fundraising Trifecta

WASHINGTON — President Barack Obama is interrupting a weekend trip to return to the White House.

White House spokesman Josh Earnest said Obama changed his plans for Friday and will return to Washington late in the evening after fundraisers in New York and Rhode Island, instead of overnighting in New York as originally planned.

Earnest said Obama himself made the decision to return to the White House and that it was unrelated to any current events.

“He can sleep in his own bed, do a little work tomorrow, spend some time with his family” before traveling back to Westchester County in New York on Saturday afternoon to attend a private event.


Sheriff Joe: Terrorists Know How To Get Into U.S.

Worldwide news coverage of America’s porous southern border, says Arizona Sheriff Joe Arpaio, has effectively tipped off terrorists on exactly how to get enter the U.S. undetected.

“The border is still not secure and probably never will be 100-percent secure,” Arpaio told WND in an exclusive interview. “I’ve been working there 34 years on both sides, and anything can happen. Anybody can cross that border, whether they’re Central American, Middle Eastern or terrorist.”

Arpaio confirmed he’s seen Middle Eastern illegal immigrants pass from Mexico through his Maricopa County area, and he’s worried constant television coverage of how easy it is may inspire terrorists from Middle Eastern countries to follow suit.

Has Hillary Ever Been Right?

Sen. Rand Paul raises an interesting question: When has Hillary Clinton ever been right on foreign policy?

The valkyrie of the Democratic Party says she urged President Obama to do more to aid Syrian rebels years ago. And last summer, she supported air strikes on Bashar Assad's regime.

Had we followed her advice and crippled Assad's army, ISIS might be in Damascus today, butchering Christians and Alawites and aiding the Islamic State in Iraq in overrunning Baghdad.

But if the folly of attacking Assad's army and weakening its resistance to ISIS terrorists is apparent to everyone this summer, why were Clinton, Obama and Secretary of State Kerry oblivious to this reality just a year ago?

Consider the rest of Hillary's record. Her most crucial decision as Senator came in 2002 when she voted to invade Iraq. She now concedes it was the greatest mistake of her Senate career.

She voted against the surge in 2006, but confided to Defense Secretary Bob Gates that she did so to maintain her political viability for 2008.

This is statesmanship? Not voting your convictions about what is best for your country at war, so as not to antagonize the liberals in the Iowa caucuses?


Plane With Unconscious Pilot Breaches D.C. Airspace, Then Crashes Into Atlantic

The pilot of a small airplane apparently lost consciousness while flying Saturday afternoon and flew into restricted airspace over Washington, D.C. before crashing into the Atlantic Ocean, federal officials said.

Coast Guard Petty Officer Nate Littlejohn says crews are searching for the plane. It crashed Saturday at 3:17 p.m. about 50 miles southeast of Wallops Island, Virginia, according to a statement from the Federal Aviation Administration.


‘We don’t have a strategy,’ Obama says after ISIS death march video surfaces

As ISIS militants were bragging about their latest mass execution, President Obama admitted that he has no plan for combatting the bloodthirsty terrorists.

“We don’t have a strategy yet,” Obama said in a Thursday news conference.

The startling — and troubling — admission came hours after videos surfaced showing the militants marching at least 150 Syrian soldiers through the desert — stripped to their underwear and barefoot.

The troops were then executed, their bullet-riddled and slashed bodies arranged in a crescent moon that stretched across the desert.

“Yes, we have executed them all,” an ISIS fighter told Reuters.


Don't Answer ANY Calls From This Number!

The Internal Revenue Service is warning taxpayers of a new phone scam involving fake IRS agents who try to scare callers into paying fake tax liens by claiming they will be arrested if they don’t pay immediately.

The number 202-609-7070 has been listed in several complaints filed in August. The callers are reportedly using other numbers with a Washington, D.C., area code as well.

As KTVI-TV reports, the call usually goes something like this:
The phony agent usually has a heavy accent and tells the victim they owe money to the IRS. They say that if they don’t pay immediately then they will be arrested.


CIA expert: Obama switched sides in war on terror

'America has moved toward its Muslim enemies'

It’s an explosive charge, one that puts the president’s motives into question.

A former CIA agent bluntly told WND, America has switched sides in the war on terror under President Obama.

Clare Lopez was willing to say what a few members of Congress have confided to WND in private, but declined to say on-the-record.

She said the global war on terror had been an effort to “stay free of Shariah,” or repressive Islamic law, until the Obama administration began siding with such jihadist groups as the Muslim Brotherhood and its affiliates.

Why the switch?

Lopez explained, when the so-called Arab Spring appeared in late 2010, “It was time to bring down the secular Muslim rulers who did not enforce Islamic law. And America helped.”

And why would Obama want to do that?


Ocean City Uses Federal Grant To Install New Radio System

OCEAN CITY — Thanks to a hazard mitigation grant from the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), the Town of Ocean City’s Emergency Services Department now has a new FM emergency advisory radio system.

The FEMA-sponsored Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) provides grants to states and local governments to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures.

Ocean City’s HMGP grant award to install the new FM Emergency Advisory radio system is $55,000, with a Federal Share of $41,250, and a non-federal share of $13,750.

“We received a very generous grant that will help us better communicate to our residents and visitors during times of emergency,” said Emergency Services Director Joe Theobald. “We were also very fortunate to receive two licenses from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and had our extraordinarily talented Electronics Services Manager, Robert Dimaio, and staff to build the station from scratch.”


Obama About to Fire His Smoking Gun Again

Those who think that either the Constitution or possible negative consequences to the Democratic Party will deter President Obama from acting unilaterally on immigration policy probably still don't understand what makes this man tick.

The main things that drive him are his own interests — whether political or legacy — and his own ideological goals.

The Washington Post is reporting that both Democrats and Republicans "are in a state of high anxiety" over the possibility that Obama will issue an executive order allowing millions of people who entered the country illegally to stay in the United States in contravention of Congress, which clearly hasn't authorized this move.

The Post says both parties, for different reasons, fear that such an action by Obama could negatively impact their prospects in November's midterm elections. Obama's threat — and that's what it is, a threat, because there's nothing positive about his acting lawlessly again, especially for such a nefarious purpose — brings back more un-sweet memories.


More Tram Advertising Expected Next Year

If you’ve taken notice of the Boardwalk’s new “McTram,” there may be more, and hopefully different, tram advertising coming next season.

Last week, the city began piloting the idea of advertising on the Boardwalk trams by installing backlit signs atop the rear car of the single vehicle.

Although Direct Media, the contractor who markets advertising on city-owned vehicles, apparently solicited a number of business contacts for opportunity, the most aggressive response and highest bid came in from McDonald’s.


Why We Like ‘Right-to-Work’ Laws More Than Unions

As another Labor Day rolls around on Monday, a new Gallup survey of Americans’ attitudes about the labor movement shows that just 53 percent still approve of unions and their goals – while the vast majority favors so-called “right to work” laws that have greatly accelerated the decline of private-sector union organizations.

Labor unions once had enormous political and economic clout in this country, but their influence and support have waned in the private sector while growing more robustly in the government sector.

Indeed, public approval of the labor movement once was as high as 75 percent in the 1950s, when giants such as George Meany of the AFL-CIO and John L. Lewis of the United Mine Workers dominated the movement.


Democratic Del. John Wood Endorses Larry Hogan For Governor

Democratic Del. John Wood has broken party ranks to announce his endorsement of Republican Larry Hogan for governor. Wood was honored by St. Mary’s County Democrats in May to recognize his retirement after 28 years in office. Hogan’s opponent is Democratic Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown.

Wood is no stranger to supporting Republicans. He was a supporter of former Gov. Robert Ehrlich. Hogan was a member of Ehrlich’s cabinet. Wood also endorsed Tommie McKay in the Republican primary in the race for his replacement for the District 29A delegate’s seat.

Wood told the Bay Net that he has known Hogan for 20 years and he thinks he is a good choice. Hogan attended Wood’s Golf Tournament and Bull Roast at Breton Bay Golf and Country Club on Tuesday along with his wife Yumi.


BREAKING NEWS: Michael Sam released by St. Louis Rams

Michael Sam, the first openly gay football player drafted by an NFL team, has been released by the St. Louis Rams.


In town halls, U.S. lawmakers hear voter anger over illegal migrants

(Reuters) - When Republican Rep. Jeb Hensarling sat down with colleagues and constituents at a recent Chamber of Commerce lunch in Dallas, the first question he faced was whether Congress planned to address immigration policy and a burgeoning border crisis.

"I'm supposed to do this in 30 seconds?" he joked, noting the issue's complexity. While he was optimistic about long-term prospects for dealing with border security and immigration, he said, "between now and the end of this Congress, I'm a little less sanguine about it."

It has been a question heard repeatedly by lawmakers this month in "town hall" district meetings punctuated - and sometimes dominated - by concerns and angry outbursts over immigration policy and the crisis caused by a flood of child migrants at the southwestern border in recent months.

Those summer town halls have provided lawmakers a first-hand glimpse of growing discontent among Americans over U.S. immigration policy. Seventy percent of Americans - including 86 percent of Republicans - believe undocumented immigrants threaten traditional U.S. beliefs and customs, according to a Reuters/Ipsos poll conducted in mid-July.



As summer vacation comes to an end, the Ocean City Police Department would like to remind motorists to be cautious while traveling as Worcester County students return to class September 2. Motorists should do their part to keep children safe and be aware of school busses during busy commutes.
School bus pick-up and drop-off times may vary, however; citizens can generally expect to see busses on the road between 7 a.m. and 8 a.m. then again between 2:45 p.m. and 4 p.m. Citizens are reminded that all drivers traveling in all lanes on the same side of the highway as a school bus are required to stop when the flashing red lights are activated.
“Additional OCPD patrols are continuously assigned to enforce school bus safety each school day,” said Ocean City Police Chief Ross Buzzuro. “Drivers are reminded to take extra time to look for children at intersections and always stop for a school bus that has activated it’s flashing red lights, no matter what lane your in.”
Worcester County parents are also encouraged to remind their students to stay off the street while waiting for the bus and always wait for the bus driver’s signal before crossing in front of the bus.

Obama’s Immigration Policies Are So Popular Democrats Are Begging Him to Delay Them Until After the Election

The Los Angeles Times is reporting that President Obama may postpone his sweeping executive actions on immigration until after the midterm elections. Why? Because Democrats are begging him to:

The two-step plan would bow to the concerns of Democratic lawmakers running in Republican-leaning states who have expressed opposition to Obama’s plans to act unilaterally on the hot-button issue. Some Democratic senators have said he should wait for Congress to pass legislation.

Wait. Why would they want to do that? Aren’t the policies Obama is proposing on immigration wildly popular? That’s what they keep telling us, anyway. “I promise you, the American people don’t want me just standing around twiddling my thumbs,” he said earlier this month. If Democrats would simply stand with the president, then surely voters will reward them. Right?


Amusement Park Seeks Civil Suit Dismissal

OCEAN CITY — Trimper’s Rides is seeking the dismissal of a $1 million civil suit filed in late July that alleges negligence against the iconic Boardwalk amusement park following a June 2012 incident when a child was allegedly run over and dragged by a ride.

On July 22, a Virginia family filed suit in U.S. District Court against Trimper’s and its associated companies alleging negligence during a June 2012 incident during which a child was allegedly hit by a miniature vehicle of the Hampton I ride at the Boardwalk amusement park and slammed to the floor, causing a fracture to his skull. The suit seeks $1 million in damages for current and future medical expenses, diminution of quality of life, disability, mental anguish and pain and suffering.

Last week, however, Trimper’s attorneys filed a formal answer to the complaint, seeking its dismissal on a variety of grounds. The answer includes a paragraph-by-paragraph denial of much of the alleged facts in the case spelled out in the complaint. The answer also asserts the minor plaintiff and/or his parent or guardian assumed the risk and were in part “contributorily negligent.”


Sylvia "Cookie" Harris

It is with deep sadness and regret that we pass on this personal announcement from the Office of Congressman Andy Harris.
Sylvia "Cookie" Harris, beloved wife of over 30 years to Congressman Andy Harris, devoted mother of five and grandmother of two, and a devout catholic, unexpectedly passed away on Thursday, August 28. The family is thankful for the thoughts and prayers that so many have offered already and appreciates privacy during this time.
We offer our sincerest condolences to the Harris family.

Missouri Public School Thwarted From Filing Bogus Charges Against Homeschool Family

The Home School Legal Defense Association foiled a Kansas City public school’s attempt to issue a former student spurious truancy charges when his parents turned to homeschooling.

In some states, parents who choose to homeschool must go through certain legal measures before removing their child from public school. But even though the family followed the law, that still wasn’t enough for their child’s former school.

HSLDA is a nonprofit advocacy group that defends homeschooling families’ right to teach their children without government intervention.


How New York’s New Gun Control Law Is Working Out (Hint: Not Great)

Which state has the largest National Rifle Association chapter in the nation? No, it’s not Texas. As a matter of fact, it’s not located anywhere near the Wild West or the south.

The answer is New York.

In just one year, the New York State Rifle & Pistol Association saw its membership almost double – from 22,000 to 41,000. The National Rifle Association credits the increase to the “Safe Act” (Safe Ammunition and Firearms Enforcement Act), one of the strictest gun control laws in the country, hurriedly pushed through by Democratic Gov. Andrew Cuomo and the state legislature in 2013 following the Newtown, Conn., school shootings.


Somerset County Sheriff's Office Press Release 8-30-14

Taneesha Nicole Milbourne of Princess Anne, criminal summons served on 8-11-14 for disorderly conduct, failure to obey a reasonable order from police, and obstructing/hindering. Milbourne was released on signature pending court actions.

Jeffrey Lamore Jones Sr. of Salisbury, arrested 8-13-14 on a warrant for contempt. Jones was held on a $50,000 bond.

Tyrell Ke’Trae Harris of Princess Anne, arrested 8-13-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Harris was held on a $250.00 bond.

Marquis Timothy Cotton of Princess Anne, arrested 8-13-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Cotton was held on a $500.00 bond.

Rodney Burke of Crisfield, arrested 8-14-14 on two warrants for failing to appear in court. Burke was later released after posting bond.

George Alfred Cephas of Princess Anne, arrested 8-14-14 for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, reckless driving, negligent driving, driving on a suspended driver’s license, failure to stop at a stop sign, and eluding police.  The arrest was the result of a traffic stop conducted by deputies in the area of Somerset Ave, and Broad Street, Princess Anne. Deputies attempted to stop Cephas for traffic infractions, when Cephas fled  finally stopping in a driveway on Antioch Ave. Cephas was administered, and failed field sobriety tests after deputies detected a strong of  alcohol on his person. Cephas was issued citations, and later released on signature pending court actions.  

Courtney Zickafoose of Crisfield, arrested 8-15-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Zickafoose was held on a $250.00 bond.

Patrick William Waggoner of Princess Anne, arrested 8-15-14 for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, possession of suspected marijuana, and driving an uninsured vehicle. Waggoner was released on signatures pending court actions. Deputies came into contact with Waggoner while directing  traffic at an accident scene.  Deputies detected a strong odor of alcohol from Waggoner’s breath and person, where he later failed field sobriety tests.

Jonathan Edward Benton Sr. of Fruitland, arrested 8-20-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Benton was held on a $500.00 bond.

Anita Jo Waller of Princess Anne, criminal summons served on 8-20-14 for 2nd degree assault. Waller was released on signature pending court actions.  

James Kenneth Nealy Jr. Of Princess Anne, arrested 8-22-14 and charged with two counts of 2nd degree assault, child abuse, and reckless endangerment. Nealy was held on a $200,000 bond. Deputies responded to the area of 11526 Somerset Ave, Princess Anne regarding a suspected child abuse investigation. Deputies later learned that Nealy had “spanked” his two children with a cell phone charger leaving cuts and bruises.

Angela Elizabeth Collins of Princess Anne, arrested 8-22-14 on a civil body attachment. Collins was held on a $250.00 bond.

Lawrence Littleton Howard Sr. of Fruitland, arrested 8-26-14 on a warrant for burglary, and theft. Howard was held without bond.

Gregory Wright of Princess Anne, arrested 8-28-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court, and criminal contempt of court. Wright was held on a $500.00 bond.

Jeannie Mae Wingfield of Princess Anne, arrested 8-28-14 on a warrant for violation of probation. Wingfield was released on personal recognizance.

Dafe Samson Ukaivbe of Princess Anne, arrested 8-29-14 for driving under the influence of alcohol,  consuming alcohol in a vehicle, and driving while impaired by alcohol. Ukaivbe was later released on signatures pending court actions. Deputies investigated a suspicious vehicle in the area of the Car Wash on Mt. Vernon Rd, where they came into contact with Ukaivbe who had a strong odor of alcohol coming from his breath and person, and an open alcohol container in the vehicle.

SFD Calls For Service 8-29-14

  • Friday August, 29 2014 @ 23:47Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Friday August, 29 2014 @ 22:24Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Friday August, 29 2014 @ 21:48Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Friday August, 29 2014 @ 21:12Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury
  • Friday August, 29 2014 @ 17:14Nature: Medical EmergencyCity:Salisbury

USMC vs the ACLU

If you look closely at the picture above, you will note that all the Marines pictured are bowing their heads. That's because they're praying.

This incident took place at a recent ceremony honoring the birthday
of the corps, and it has the ACLU up in arms. "These are federal employees," says Lucius Traveler, a spokesman for the ACLU, "
on federal property and on federal time... For them to pray is clearly
an establishment of religion, and we must nip this in the bud immediately."

When asked about the ACLU's charges, Colonel Jack Fessender,
speaking for the Commandant of the Corps said (cleaned up a bit),
"Screw the ACLU." GOD Bless Our Warriors.
Send the ACLU to Afghanistan! (Then watch them pray)

SIX MONTHS: 37,477 illegal immigrant kids released, 280 deported

Obama builds Democratic voting base

The Obama administration has released a huge majority of illegal immigrant children who poured over the U.S.-Mexico border earlier this year into dozens of tiny counties without notifying the public, while deporting just 280, according to new reports.

The Health and Human Services Department released a list of 126 counties 29,890 of the kids were placed into, sometimes with their parents who are also in the United States illegally.

Those counties include some of the most exclusive in the nation, including the Washington suburbs of Fairfax and Loudoun in Virginia and Howard and Montgomery in Maryland. Fairfax received 1,023.

Read more

Feds Look To Allay Seismic Air Gun Testing Fears

OCEAN CITY — With the federal government inching closer to green-lighting the use of seismic air gun testing for natural gas and oil off the mid-Atlantic coast including Ocean City, the agency that would regulate the activity last week issued a statement attempting to clear up some of the myths associated with the potential dangers.

With a renewed interest in tapping potential oil and gas reserves off the mid-Atlantic coast, the federal Bureau of Ocean Energy Management (BOEM) is moving forward with a proposal to allow private sector companies to utilize potentially harmful seismic air gun testing to determine what lies beneath the ocean floor. Seismic air guns essentially shoot a blast of sound into the ocean floor to determine the locations and scopes of potential oil and gas reserves off the coast.

In late July, BOEM released its final Programmatic Environmental Impact Statement (PEIS) for seismic air gun testing in the mid-Atlantic, opining the potential rewards outweigh any possible impact to marine life. While there are still several hurdles to clear before seismic air guns are blasted into the ocean floor off the coast of Ocean City and throughout the mid-Atlantic, the PEIS represents the federal government’s intention to move forward with the proposal despite an outcry of opposition from nearly all corners.


Hillary Joins the Ferguson Lynch Mob

Breaking her calculated silence on the issue, Hillary Clinton said young Michael Brown was a victim of police brutality in Ferguson, Mo., the latest in a long line of helpless black victims mowed down by racist cops who are part of America’s corrupt criminal justice system.

It’s just more left-wing sloganeering, staples of which are knee-jerk cop hatred and making excuses for black criminals.

Clinton, wife of the man some used to call America’s “first black president,” has a long history of race-baiting and race-based pandering. She patronized black Americans in her insultingly awful mock African-American accent when she gave her infamous “I don’t feel no ways tired” speech.

The all-but-declared candidate for the 2016 Democratic nomination for president’s media-hyped public epiphany about Ferguson and Michael Brown comes days after 18-year-old Brown was laid to rest following a grotesque political rally led by the abominable racial arsonist Al Sharpton.


City Council Names New Council Member

The City of Salisbury City Council is pleased to announce the appointment of John “Jack” Heath to the Council seat left vacant following the resignation of former Councilwoman Terry E. Cohen on August 8, 2014. Wednesday, during a Special Meeting of the City Council, Mr. Heath was appointed by a unanimous vote. "Jack Heath believes in this City and has devoted decades of service to our community. We are eager to welcome him aboard as a member of our team," says Council President Jake Day.

John “Jack” Heath has been an active member of the Salisbury community for many years and currently serves as a Volunteer Fire Officer, Rotary Club of Salisbury member, Horizons program mentor, Salisbury University Varsity Club Board of Directors member, City of Salisbury's Foreclosure Task Force and Chairman of the
Mayor’s Council in Support of Individuals with Disabilities. He also is a former secondary School Teacher and Coach.

Mr. Heath, former CEO of Lower Shore Enterprises, retired from the company in 2012. Because of his business experience, community involvement and love of the City of Salisbury, the Salisbury City Council considers Mr. Heath an asset to the City, and welcomes him to the team!

Students Riding Ups, Downs Of Resort’s Housing Market

Peeling paint. Rusty fixtures. Black mold that looks like it’s been tattooed into the surfaces.

Very few people come to Ocean City expecting the Taj Mahal – especially foreign students looking for work. But even fewer expect to find conditions this substandard.

Shankar lives in the apartment with nine other young Nepalese men. Two bedrooms house four people each. Two bunk-beds in each room leave only a small aisle to enter and exit.


Worcester County Republican Central Committee sends heartfelt condolences

Worcester County Republican Central Committee sends our heartfelt condolences to Congressman Andy Harris and his family at the sudden loss of his wife, Cookie. She was an amazing woman, champion for pro-life and a wonderful and loving person. She will be sorely missed . Our prayers go out to the Harris family during this difficult time.

Tall Ship Extends OC Stay

OCEAN CITY — With its planned month-long stay in Ocean City coming to a close, officials from the El Galeon Andalucia announced this week the replica 16th Century Spanish merchant vessel will extend its visit for an additional week.

The El Galeon Andalucia arrived in Ocean City on Aug. 1 amid much fanfare as the popular tall ship sailed through the Inlet and narrowly passed through the Route 50 drawbridge to its berth along the city-owned dock between 3rd and 4th streets. In the weeks since, the vessel has attracted thousands of visitors who have toured its five decks. The El Galeon has also become a fixture on the downtown skyline for motorists crossing the bridge.

The original plan called for El Galeon to go back out through the drawbridge and through the Inlet for its next destination early next week, perhaps as early as Monday, Sept. 1. However, the National Air, Sea and Space Foundation, a non-profit organization sponsoring the tall ship’s east coast tour, announced this week El Galeon is extending its stay for another week in Ocean City before moving on.


A Letter To The Editor 8-30-14

Worcester County Schools Implementing Anti­American US History Curriculum

According to newly redesigned Advanced Placement U.S. History Curriculum being implemented in Worcester County Schools and around America this fall ­ anti­American history will be taught in
classrooms nationwide.

● The Founding Fathers have been edited out.

● America's rich past effectively erased.

● And your child's education has taken another sharp turn to the left.

It's nothing less than leftist indoctrination brought to you by some of the same people that brought you Common Core.

Here is a sampling of what our nation's brightest high school students can expect to be taught in AP history class this year:

● Almost total silence about the Founding Fathers, including no mention of Jefferson, Franklin, Madison, and Adams, and almost none of the Declaration of Independence.

● A relentlessly negative view of American history, which emphasizes every problem and failing of our ancestors while ignoring or minimizing their achievements.

● Omission of military history, battles, commanders, and heroes and a biased and inaccurate view of many important facets of American history.

This Is Happening Now. Unless you speak out, revisionist history will be the new history for your children and grandchildren. Contact your elected school board members and school superintendent to express your concerns about this assault on our country's heritage.

Fran Gebhart
Berlin, MD

A definition worth remembering

There's an annual contest at Bond University, Australia, calling for the most appropriate definition of a contemporary term. 

This year's chosen term was "political correctness".

The winning student wrote:
"Political correctness is a doctrine, fostered by a delusional, illogical minority, and promoted by mainstream media, which holds forth the proposition that it is entirely possible to pick up a piece of sh!t by the clean end." 

Three Presidents



What did Presidents Hoover, Truman, and Eisenhower have in common?

Back during the great depression, Herbert Hoover ordered the deportation of ALL illegal aliens in order to make jobs available to American citizens that desperately needed work.

Harry Truman deported over two million illegal aliens after WWII to create jobs for returning veterans.

In 1954 Dwight Eisenhower deported 13 million illegal Mexicans. The program was called Operation Wetback. It was done so WWII and Korean War veterans would have a better chance at jobs. It took two years, but they deported them!

Now, if they could deport the illegal aliens back then, they could surely do it today. If you have doubts about the veracity of this information, enter Operation Wetback into your favorite search engine and confirm it for yourself.

Why, you might ask, can't they do this today? Actually the answer is quite simple. Hoover , Truman, and Eisenhower were men of honor, not untrustworthy politicians looking for votes!

And Reminder: Don't forget to pay your taxes - 12 to 20 million illegal aliens - are depending on it..


With Deepest Sympathy

Sylvia "Cookie" Harris

August 29, 2014
I'm sure you've already heard the sad news.  Yesterday, Cookie Harris, Congressman Andy Harris' wife, passed away suddenly.  

Cookie was a godly woman, devoted wife, loving mother and proud grandmother. Her joy was truly found in serving God and her family. All of us who knew her will immediately think of Cookie's gregarious laugh and beautiful smile, as well as her kind and compassionate heart.  
A passionate voice for the pro-life community, Cookie has long been a volunteer for pregnancy centers in the Baltimore area and served on the Board for the North Baltimore Pregnancy Center.  She was also very active with Maryland Right to Life.  Cookie had "a passion for defending the life of unborn babies and helping moms who are in a crisis or unplanned pregnancy!" (Cookie's FB quote) Cookie Harris touched the lives of so many women and children in our community.  She dedicated countless hours counseling women and getting resources for them.  She will be truly missed.
There was no greater joy for Cookie than her children, their spouses and her two grandchildren. Cookie was an exceptional mom and a loving and supportive wife. Andy and Cookie are blessed to have such a wonderful family.  Andy is the first to tell you that Cookie is the reason he has been able to serve as a public official. His successful rise to congress would not have been possible without a loving, supportive, and hard working partner at home.  Cookie Harris was a wonderful lady.  Cookie was 56 and died of natural causes.  
Please join me in praying for Cookie's family and friends as they grieve and get through this very difficult time.    I pray that God will grant them peace and grace during this sad and terrible time.  
Philippians 4:6 & 7 - The Lord is at hand; do not be anxious about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God.  And the peace of God, which surpasses all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
Viewing and Funeral Arrangements
A funeral mass will be celebrated for Cookie Harris, wife of Congressman Andy Harris, on Monday, September 1 beginning at 11am at the Cathedral of Mary Our Queen. Private interment to follow.  Visitation will occur Sunday, August 31 from 1pm until 8pm with a vigil beginning at 7pm at Ruck Funeral Home, 
1050 York Road, Towson, MD 21204.

The family prefers in lieu of flowers, that donations be made in the memory of Cookie Harris to the Pregnancy Center North, 6805 York Road, Baltimore, MD 21212 where she was a regular volunteer and board member. 
Sympathy cards and notes may be sent to:

Andy Harris and family
PO Box 604
Bel Air, MD 21014
With Deepest Sympathy,
Delegate Kathy Szeliga

12 Md. kids showing signs of whooping cough

WASHINGTON -- Several Montgomery County School kids have come down with pertussis, also known as whooping cough, and county officials are worried the illness could spread to other students.

Dr. Ulder J. Tillman, health officer for Montgomery County, says they are aware of three confirmed cases and nine suspected cases of the respiratory disease at four county schools and a couple private schools.

Tillman says the students affected range in age from 9 to 18 years old.

"The problem is this is highly contagious, so that the coughing and the sneezing can spread to others," she said.



random"In 1993 a high court judge in the UK decided that is was impossible to know the exact contents of vaccines and that science had no idea what the cocktail of chemicals, contaminants and heavy metals contained in vaccines could do to the human body, or why they would work to prevent disease."

British Medical Journal, 1993 
Robert S. Mendelsohn"No one knows the long term consequences of injecting foreign proteins into the body. Even more shocking is the fact that no one is making any structured effort to find out."

Robert S. Mendelsohn MD, Professor of Pediatrics, University of Illinios, 'The Medical Time Bomb of Immunization Against Disease' 
Robyn Cosford"When we eat protein it is broken down into its constituent amino acids...if a foreign animal protein makes it into our bloodstream without having being broken down this can set up an autoimmune type response...By injecting things never meant to be in the body we are not only bypassing body defenses but wrongly activating other defenses."

Robyn Cosford MD, Documentary 'Vaccination:The Hidden Truth' 

Vaccines...Sterile and Safe?

random"I think no person would permit anybody to get close to them with an inoculation if they would really know how they made and what they carry...When you go to the doctor you may see a very clear liquid in an injection or the pink brew that was given to us on sugar cubes. And we may think it is very sterile and very purified but it is not...”The testing cell cultures used in vaccines is commonly done 14 to 21 days after cells are planted, the usual period for most virologic studies. At that time, only 2-4 percent show viral infections, but if the same lots are examined 29 to 55 days after plating, a significantly higher percentage of cultures show viral infection."

Eva Snead MD, San Antonio, Texas 
random"In the Rimavexmeasles vaccine we found various chicken viruses. In polio vaccine, we found acanthomeba which is so called ”brain-eating” ameba. Simian cytomegatovias in the polio vaccine, simian foamy in the rotavirus vaccine, bird cancer viruses in the MMR vaccine.various organisms in the anthrax vaccine, dangerous enzyme inhibitors in several vaccines. Duck, dog and rabbit viruses in the rubella vaccine. Avian leucosis virus in the flu vaccine, postivirus in the MMR vaccine... Also, most don't know that some polio vaccines, adenovirus vaccines, rubella, Hepatitis A measles vaccines etc. have been made with aborted human fetal tissue."

Dr. Mark Randall (pseudonym) former NIH researcher and vaccine developer for major pharmaceuticals, interviewed by investigative journalist John Rappoport 
random"Federal inspectors documented unwanted fibers on the stoppers of vaccine vials at Merck & Co. Inc.'s vast vaccine plant in Montgomery County... Inspectors... cited 49 areas of concern including a failure to follow good manufacturing practices... The report comes as demand for Merck's vaccines is surging. The company began selling four new vaccines in 2005 and 2006, pushing up total vaccine sales from 1.1 billion in 2005 to $4.3 billion in 2007. The findings are detailed in an unpublished twenty-one page FDA report and accessed by The Philidelphia Inquirer under the Federal Freedom of Information Act."

Philadelphia Inquirer, 4/30/08 
random"BayGam is made from human plasma. Products made from human plasma may contain infectious agents such as viruses, that cause disease."

Immuno Globulin Insert, Bayer Corporation 

Vaccine Ingredients: A Toxic Stew?

Rebecca Carley"Some additional ingredients (as listed by the CDC in their website) include antibiotics which you could be allergic to; aluminum which when combined with silicon deficiency results in neurofibrillary tangles seen in Alzheimers; formaldehyde – a toxic carcinogenic substance used to preserve dead people; MSG – a potent excitotoxin which like aspartame can cause seizures and brain tumours; egg protein to which you could have life threatening anaphylactic reaction; and sulfites another toxin injected directly into blood stream. What the CDC does not admit is that 13 vaccines at present are cultured on aborted fetal tissue (human diploid cells). They also fail to mention the ethyl mercury containing preservative thimerosal which has been the ONLY dangerous substance in vaccines to received mainstream media attention..."

Obama’s Hazy Sense of History

For the president, belief in historical predetermination substitutes for action.

President Obama doesn’t know much about history.

In his therapeutic 2009 Cairo speech, Obama outlined all sorts of Islamic intellectual and technological pedigrees, several of which were undeserved. He exaggerated Muslim contributions to printing and medicine, for example, and was flat-out wrong about the catalysts for the European Renaissance and Enlightenment.

He also believes history follows some predetermined course, as if things always get better on their own. Obama often praises those he pronounces to be on the “right side of history.” He also chastises others for being on the “wrong side of history” — as if evil is vanished and the good thrives on autopilot.

When in 2009 millions of Iranians took to the streets to protest the thuggish theocracy, they wanted immediate U.S. support. Instead, Obama belatedly offered them banalities suggesting that in the end, they would end up “on the right side of history.” Iranian reformers may indeed end up there, but it will not be because of some righteous inanimate force of history, or the prognostications of Barack Obama.

Obama often parrots Martin Luther King Jr.’s phrase about the arc of the moral universe bending toward justice. But King used that metaphor as an incentive to act, not as reassurance that matters will follow an inevitably positive course.



The 1904 Tatler

(The first high school yearbook in Salisbury)

The Tatler is the name of the first attempt at a yearbook for Wicomico High School. This was in 1904. The name continued until a break in publication came about after the 1928 edition. When it resumed in 1941, it was called the Tom-Tom, the name used to this day. In 1904, however, it was still known as Salisbury High School. When a new school opened in September, 1905, they had decided to name it Wicomico High School to show that it included the entire county. The addition of the students throughout the county helped pay for the new high school on Upton Street.

The 1904 Tatler shows not only the styles of the time, but how much things have changed in 106 years. The graduating class had only 15 students. Of these, nine were girls and six were boys. To graduate in those days, a student had to go only ten years, a practice that had only been in effect since 1902 when nine years would qualify a student for graduation.

The pictures of the Physical Labratory (sic) and the Manual Training Exhibit look like something out of an old Frankenstein movie.

They included some of the previous graduates such as Ernest A. Toadvine, Captain Albert Laws, U.S.A., Samuel R. Douglas, James O. Adams, Grace W. Allen, George Handy Wailes, George William Todd, Vaughn S. Gordy, the Hon. Robert P. Graham, Lacy Thoroughgood, N. Price Turner, Harry Ruark, Marion Tabitha Veasey and Edna U. Adkins (daughter of E. S. Adkins). While not many of these names are familiar now, they were known to the students at the time and showed that a good education was essential to success.

Several other entries in the yearbook remind us of a time when the simple things of life were a source of merriment, such was “The Giggling Club”. It was comprised of 21 girls and had officers and by-laws. Their motto was “Giggle and Be Happy”. Apparently, they took giggling quite seriously.

The boys had baseball and football. There were no girls’ sports.

A listing in the latter pages of the yearbook shows the “Personal Characteristics of the Graduates”. One of the more humorous categories besides height and weight is “shoe size”. All together, there are 14 categories listed: nickname, age, height, weight, shoe size, favorite song, favorite expression, favorite author or book, favorite study, vocation, favorite pastime, color eyes, color hair and denomination. There is also a page in the Tatler dedicated to “a few facts”: longest tongue, laziest boy, doomed old bachelor, doomed old maid, fattest boy, fattest girl, posiest (?) girl and greatest street walker are just some of the categories. I think that some of these questions would be challenged by the ACLU today as not being politically correct.

Things have really changed in the last hundred years, haven’t they?

Firefighters Union Airs Summer Staffing Concerns

OCEAN CITY — Pointing to a day this summer when Ocean City did not have enough personnel available to cover emergency calls, the leader of the resort’s firefighters union requested a meeting this week with Ocean City Fire Department (OCFD) leadership to discuss the organization’s concerns over staffing.

In a letter to Ocean City Deputy Fire Chief Chuck Barton, obtained by The Dispatch, IAFF Local 4269, Ocean City Career Firefigher Paramedics Association President Ryan Whittington specifically refers to Aug. 5 when major shore break and rough ocean conditions resulted in a high demand for emergency services that exceeded the city’s manpower.

“I would like to meet and discuss with you as to whether or not the Fire Department Command Staff has any plans to address what should occur during a shortage of career Fire/EMS staff, units, and or both. Specifically if any thought has been given to a minimum number of units available before SOG 236.0, ‘Emergency Recall,’ is activated or the possibility of sounding the long dispatch tone to alert for personnel to staff Fire / EMS equipment,” the letter from Whittington reads. “With regards to the number of units available, last summer there was an additional unit in north Ocean City staffed at Fire Station 4, ‘Paramedic 4-1’, in addition to the ‘power unit’, staffed with two providers. This summer, there has not been a scheduled Paramedic 4-1 and when a provider calls out from the ‘power unit’, majority of the time the shift is not filled. This is concerning.”


Congressional Candidate Chris Chaffee Sends His Condolences To The Harris Family

To The Harris Family:

Your family, and loved ones have been in our thoughts and prayers during this difficult time. If there is anything we can do for you, and for your family, please don't hesitate to contact us. Your prayers will be with us.

Chris Chaffee and family

Md. Won't Detain Immigrants Unless Probable Cause

ANNAPOLIS, Md. (AP) -- Gov. Martin O'Malley has directed a state-run jail in Baltimore to only comply with federal requests to hold immigrants beyond their release date if there is probable cause that a crime has been committed.

The American Civil Liberties Union and Casa de Maryland praised the decision on Friday.

The policy adds an additional layer on to restrictions for detaining people that the Democratic governor outlined in April, when he narrowed reasons for honoring U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement detainers to people who were considered threats to public safety.


Pennsylvania Becomes 27th State to Expand Medicaid

A half-million more low-income Pennsylvanians are in line to get federally funded health insurance after the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services on Thursday approved the state's plan to accept Medicaid expansion money under the landmark 2010 federal health care law.

Republican Gov. Tom Corbett's administration and the federal agency agreed to a plan that lets private insurers administer Medicaid-funded coverage that adheres to Medicaid's existing rules. The plan vastly expands a Medicaid program that already covers 2.2 million adults and children in Pennsylvania.

Enrollment in the plan, named Healthy Pennsylvania, is expected to begin Dec. 1 with coverage to start the following Jan. 1. With the agreement, Pennsylvania joins 26 other states and Washington, D.C., in opting for the Medicaid-funded expanded coverage.

Corbett was under pressure from hospitals, labor unions, the AARP and advocates for the poor to accept the Medicaid expansion money, which became available Jan. 1 of this year. They argued it would cover hundreds of thousands of low-income working adults.



An Islamic State (IS) laptop captured by a "moderate Syrian rebel group" reportedly contains bubonic plague recipes and information on weapons of mass destruction (WMDs).

Foreign Policy reports that Abu Ali, commander of the rebel group, found the laptop in January after his men closed on a building from which Islamic State militants fled.

The laptop "contains a total of 35,347 files in 2,367 folders." These include "documents in French, English, and Arabic" and "videos of Osama bin Laden." There are instructions for jihad and stealing vehicles and for making bombs and disguises.


Jimmy Carter Refuses To Cancel Speech For Hamas Front

A spokeswoman for Jimmy Carter says that, despite national outcry, the former president is going ahead with plans Saturday to deliver the keynote speech at a fundraiser of a Muslim organization that federal prosecutors and a federal judge say is a front group for the terrorist group Hamas.

In what it’s calling a “major” get, the terror-tied Islamic Society of North America has booked Carter as the featured speaker at its national convention in Detroit tomorrow.

It marks the first time that ISNA, which claims to be a moderate umbrella organization for American Muslim groups, has hosted a U.S. president. Carter has also agreed to participate in a breakout discussion session at the event.

Ravens Roost check presentation

Ravens Roost 58 located in Ocean City hosted a crab feast and donated the proceeds to Women Supporting Women, a local grass roots breast cancer organization that provides free services and support to women diagnosed with cancer.

Ferguson: 50 Years after Civil Rights Act, Al Sharpton Still Has It Wrong

As summer comes to a close, so does the commemoration of the 50th anniversary of the 1964 Civil Rights Act.

Ironically, the racial tensions flaring in Ferguson, Missouri prove that as far as we’ve come with race relations as a nation, we have farther to go still.

Never satisfied to let a crisis go to waste, Al Sharpton gave a speech in Ferguson on August 17 that was televised LIVE on MSNBC in which he notified the community that “booths” were being set up around protest sites to register voters. While encouraging participation in our system is admirable, Sharpton has made no secret of his dislike for the Republican Party; therefore, one can presume that Sharpton’s invitation was a battle cry to join the Democrat Party.

Before registering to vote, followers might want to check Sharpton’s Democrat Party regarding their record on civil rights. It is uglier than those first few tense nights in Ferguson.

The fact is that Sharpton’s beloved party actually stood in the way of civil rights for more than 100 years.

According to publicly-available voting records dating back to the mid-1800s, it turns out it was overwhelmingly Republicans — not Democrats — who cast the votes to pass civil rights.

In fact, the Democrat Party was responsible for passing Jim Crow laws as well as so-called Black Civil Codes that forced Americans to utilize separate drinking fountains, swimming pools and other facilities. According to the Public Broadcasting Service, during that time “the Democratic Party identified itself as the ‘white man’s party’ and demonized the Republican Party as being “Negro dominated.’”

Democratic icons such as John F. Kennedy actually voted against the 1957 Civil Rights Act while serving in the U.S. Senate.

Then-Sen. Al Gore, Sr. (D-Tenn.) also opposed it.


VA House speaker: McAuliffe has Medicaid problem

RICHMOND, Va. — Plans to expand Medicaid in Virginia may not be dead on arrival at the General Assembly, but they’re struggling for life support.

“It’s such a big new entitlement at a time when we need to be looking hard at the cost of entitlements,” House Speaker William Howell told Watchdog.org in an interview.

Howell and his fellow Republicans, who hold a veto-proof lock on the House and regained a majority in the Senate, rebuffed efforts to expand Medicaid last session.

But with Democratic Gov. Terry McAuliffe continuing to push for expansion, Howell agreed to convene a special session Sept. 18 for further debate.

GOP Delegate Tom Rust, R-Herndon, has broken ranks with a Medicaid proposal of his own. Howell says it will get a hearing, but he remains staunchly opposed to expansion.


Holder’s Bank of America Heist Funds Left’s Community-Organizer Shock Troops

Government coercion of the financial sector to make irresponsible loans was the primary driver of the 2007-08 financial meltdown. Yet, as we’ve previously observed here, “Washington has searched every place but within for a scapegoat” – with the Obama Justice Department pursuing politically motivated investigations, prosecutions, and civil lawsuits against banks and credit rating agencies in order to concoct a history that blames predatory lending rather than statist policy.

Now we learn that Eric Holder, the Tom Hagen of this racketeering enterprise of an administration, is using the vig that DOJ muscle is extorting from the banks to pour tens of millions of dollars into the coffers of the radical Left’s top rabble-rousers – in addition to diverting what should be public funds to pay off delinquent debts in cities that Democrats have destroyed.

This from Investors Business Daily:

Radical Democrat activist groups stand to collect millions from Attorney General Eric Holder’s record $17 billion deal to settle alleged mortgage abuse charges against Bank of America.

Buried in the fine print of the deal, which includes $7 billion in soft-dollar consumer relief, are a raft of political payoffs to Obama constituency groups. In effect, the government has ordered the nation’s largest bank to create a massive slush fund for Democrat special interests.

Besides requiring billions in debt forgiveness payments to delinquent borrowers in Cleveland, Atlanta, Philadelphia, Oakland, Detroit, Chicago and other Democrat strongholds — and up to $500 million to cover personal taxes owed on those checks — the deal requires BofA to make billions in new loans, while also building affordable low-income rental housing in those areas.

If there are leftover funds in four years, the settlement stipulates the money will go to Interest on Lawyers’ Trust Account (IOLTA), which provides legal aid for the poor and supports left-wing causes, andNeighborWorks of America, which provides affordable housing and funds a national network of left-wing community organizers operating in the mold of Acorn.


'It would be an honor to join ISIS and become a citizen of the caliphate,'

'It would be an honor to join ISIS and become a citizen of the caliphate,' says former US Army psychiatrist who killed 13 in shooting spree at Fort Hood

The former Army psychiatrist who killed 13 people in the 2009 shooting spree at Fort Hood has said it would be 'an honor' to join the caliphate in a letter to ISIS, it has been reported.

Nidal Hasan has apparently requested to be made a 'citizen soldier' of the caliphate in the letter to Islamic State leader Abu Bakr al-Baghdadi.

Hasan opened fire on his fellow servicemen and women on November 5, killing 13 and injuring 30 others.
