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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Why We Like ‘Right-to-Work’ Laws More Than Unions

As another Labor Day rolls around on Monday, a new Gallup survey of Americans’ attitudes about the labor movement shows that just 53 percent still approve of unions and their goals – while the vast majority favors so-called “right to work” laws that have greatly accelerated the decline of private-sector union organizations.

Labor unions once had enormous political and economic clout in this country, but their influence and support have waned in the private sector while growing more robustly in the government sector.

Indeed, public approval of the labor movement once was as high as 75 percent in the 1950s, when giants such as George Meany of the AFL-CIO and John L. Lewis of the United Mine Workers dominated the movement.



  1. Needs improvement. No employer should be able to fire an individual for no reason.

  2. No employer should be forced 2 keep an employee they dont need, like or want on the payroll. Its their money and they should be able 2 pay who they want.

  3. No employer should be able to fire an individual for no reason.

    August 30, 2014 at 8:26 PM

    Why not? Yours is the opposite effect that unions have. A union protects a worthless employee from being fired. Tell me how that is productive


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