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Saturday, August 30, 2014

City Council Names New Council Member

The City of Salisbury City Council is pleased to announce the appointment of John “Jack” Heath to the Council seat left vacant following the resignation of former Councilwoman Terry E. Cohen on August 8, 2014. Wednesday, during a Special Meeting of the City Council, Mr. Heath was appointed by a unanimous vote. "Jack Heath believes in this City and has devoted decades of service to our community. We are eager to welcome him aboard as a member of our team," says Council President Jake Day.

John “Jack” Heath has been an active member of the Salisbury community for many years and currently serves as a Volunteer Fire Officer, Rotary Club of Salisbury member, Horizons program mentor, Salisbury University Varsity Club Board of Directors member, City of Salisbury's Foreclosure Task Force and Chairman of the
Mayor’s Council in Support of Individuals with Disabilities. He also is a former secondary School Teacher and Coach.

Mr. Heath, former CEO of Lower Shore Enterprises, retired from the company in 2012. Because of his business experience, community involvement and love of the City of Salisbury, the Salisbury City Council considers Mr. Heath an asset to the City, and welcomes him to the team!


  1. I don't know Mr. Heath, however, with all the challenges and troubles with this area, we are lucky anyone wants take on these problems and headaches. I'll have to wait on council decisions before I form an opinion.

  2. Surely everyone awaits your opinion 1:22.

  3. excellent choice. Glad the council had the good sense 2 stay away from Boda.

  4. Poor Muir Boda. That's what he gets for pretending to be a Republican for the County Council race. He duped the Wicomico County Central Committee Members and some of the Club members when he switched parties to run as a Republican.

    His love for Jim Ireton, Chuck Cook, Laura Mitchell, Jake Day, Josh Hastings and his hatred for Teri Cohen, Debbie Campbell and Tim Spies didn't fool many of us. This guy wanted to be anything "elected" just so he could get his 15 minutes of fame, because obviously he's not getting it at Walmart.

    Next time buddy pick better friends than those loser Democrats mentioned above and you might find some success in life. They stiffed you big time. What's it feel like getting stabbed by Jim Ireton! Many people already know. Your friendship with them cost you many elections. Just hang it up and be the best Walmart employee you can be.

    If you are a true Republican then let's see you walk door to door with them again. Let's see you contribute your contributions to them.

    Good luck to you Muir.

  5. The voters didn't want Boda and they didn't want Jack Heath. Stupid move Jake Day. You are a punk.


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