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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Democratic Del. John Wood Endorses Larry Hogan For Governor

Democratic Del. John Wood has broken party ranks to announce his endorsement of Republican Larry Hogan for governor. Wood was honored by St. Mary’s County Democrats in May to recognize his retirement after 28 years in office. Hogan’s opponent is Democratic Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown.

Wood is no stranger to supporting Republicans. He was a supporter of former Gov. Robert Ehrlich. Hogan was a member of Ehrlich’s cabinet. Wood also endorsed Tommie McKay in the Republican primary in the race for his replacement for the District 29A delegate’s seat.

Wood told the Bay Net that he has known Hogan for 20 years and he thinks he is a good choice. Hogan attended Wood’s Golf Tournament and Bull Roast at Breton Bay Golf and Country Club on Tuesday along with his wife Yumi.



  1. Scary when a Dem has to run to the other side in a Mia Culpa from his past sins.

    Speaks volumes!

  2. This is awesome news.


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