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Saturday, August 30, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: Michael Sam released by St. Louis Rams

Michael Sam, the first openly gay football player drafted by an NFL team, has been released by the St. Louis Rams.



  1. So what are they doing with the new pink uniforms ordered?

  2. Sad will be GLAD.

  3. ACLU & Gay groups will sue for millions and then have a rainbow parade!

  4. Well, I'm not going to kiss him goodby.

  5. He will be offered a job with the city of da-bury with an office right next to the mayor.

    1. That was corny, stick to your day job

  6. This photo turns my stomach.

  7. Thanks, I just can't see this photo often enough!(sarc)

  8. This is so revolting to see a picture like this. Guess they know this is NOT what the Bible teaches!

  9. disgusting to say the least!!!!!

  10. The photo has caused me to loose my lunch! May God strike down this despicable beast!

  11. Let me guess, Al Sharpton will head back to St. Louis to protest gay, racial discrimination....

  12. This is great news and I just threw up after looking at these pansy homos making out for the world to see.

    Kind of reminds me of that Homo Mayor of Salisbury, but he is so racist he wouldn't do that. LMBO.

  13. Anonymous said...
    He will be offered a job with the city of da-bury with an office right next to the mayor.

    August 30, 2014 at 6:20 PM

    Wrong! Jimmy is to racist for that.

  14. Anonymous said...
    Who cares?

    August 30, 2014 at 9:07 PM

    What? Who cares about what. You morons that make comments like this must thing people are mind readers? What are you talking about?

  15. Great News on the part of St. Louis. This twinkle toe Homo shouldn't have even been playing college football.

    I am still pissed off about these Lame Liberals forcing their fag lifestyles down our throats.

  16. Well there is your hypocritical cristian for the day. What a behind you are. Makes me sick too but I don't want him dead for it.

  17. I may "loose" my lunch after seeing the disgusting hate spewed in these comments. I didn't like the attention this dude got, and it's a shame this picture is literally the ONLY one ever used, but you people are despicable.

  18. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    Who cares?

    August 30, 2014 at 9:07 PM

    What? Who cares about what. You morons that make comments like this must thing people are mind readers? What are you talking about?

    August 31, 2014 at 5:38 AM

    Are you really that stupid to not know what he meant? What is the topic of this thread? What action has been done?

    The BOE across this country has really dumbed down a lot of people. Now you have to hold their hand and lead them through even the simplest of situations.


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