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Saturday, August 30, 2014

Ocean City Uses Federal Grant To Install New Radio System

OCEAN CITY — Thanks to a hazard mitigation grant from the Maryland Emergency Management Agency (MEMA), the Town of Ocean City’s Emergency Services Department now has a new FM emergency advisory radio system.

The FEMA-sponsored Hazard Mitigation Grant Program (HMGP) provides grants to states and local governments to implement long-term hazard mitigation measures.

Ocean City’s HMGP grant award to install the new FM Emergency Advisory radio system is $55,000, with a Federal Share of $41,250, and a non-federal share of $13,750.

“We received a very generous grant that will help us better communicate to our residents and visitors during times of emergency,” said Emergency Services Director Joe Theobald. “We were also very fortunate to receive two licenses from the Federal Communications Commission (FCC) and had our extraordinarily talented Electronics Services Manager, Robert Dimaio, and staff to build the station from scratch.”


1 comment:

  1. Congratulations on spending tax payer money for an emergency broadcast station that now competes with commercial stations that had to use their own money. Isn't the reason why I have to put up with the emergency broadcast alert at least once a week because my taxes go to support it. Now I also have to support a radio station with my taxes besides already supporting the public radio stations. When will it end. Sheeple get a life and start voting for some people that give a s..t about us.


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