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Friday, April 18, 2014

ABC News: Chelsea Clinton Having 'America's Version Of The Royal Baby'


You already know that the MSM long ago gave up on covering the substance of governing, preferring instead to obsess over the horse race aspect of politics, and more importantly, the personalities. Did you always sort of suspect they'd like nothing better than to have American royalty to slobber over like their British counterparts?

Done deal! Check this from ABC News:

Bill and Hillary Clinton are reveling in the news that they will be grandparents.

Chelsea Clinton is set to give birth to America's equivalent of the royal baby sometime this fall -- and her parents couldn't be happier.

Clinton, who announced the news on Thursday, did not say if she and her husband, Marc Mezvinsky, are having a boy or a girl.

Whether they realized it or not, the Clinton's have clearly been preparing for the grandpa and grandma roles for some time. Here's a sneak peak at what life may be like with Grandpa Bill and Grandma Hill -- and how their political experience will help them be amazing grandparents.

In playing the race card, Obama pulls a joker

It was disappointing the other day to see President Barack Obama embracing the vulgar race hustler Al Sharpton.

President Obama once eloquently confronted race in a memorable speech in Philadelphia in 2008. That speech was remarkable and honest and, to borrow a favorite word of the political left that still fawns over him, it was nuanced.

But there was nothing particularly remarkable about Obama standing next to the preening Sharpton, speaking in New York to his National Action Network. Except that Obama expertly used a message of victimization to begin energizing black voters, who provide the electoral foundation for the Democratic Party.

This wasn’t about nuance. This was about the class-war elections of November 2014.

“The right to vote is threatened today in a way that it has not been since nearly five decades ago,” Obama said, reaching back across time.

He didn’t quite touch Jim Crow and the poll tax and the civil rights struggles, but he didn’t have to. There were the broad presidential hints and they did the job.

“Across the country, Republicans have led efforts to pass laws making it harder, not easier, for people to vote,” Obama said, adding, “We won’t let voter suppression go unchallenged.”



A federal judge in Denver has granted an injunction to a ministry founded by longtime Christian author and broadcaster James Dobson, Family Talk radio, preventing the enforcement of Obamacare’s abortifacient mandate against the ministry.

His was among probably more than 100 lawsuits brought by ministries, individuals and organizations against Obama’s healthcare takeover on the grounds it violates the religious rights of Christians by forcing them to pay for abortion-causing procedures.

In fact, when the lawsuit was filed on his behalf in 2013, Dobson, who founded Family Talk in 2010, explained. “We are suing [then-HHS Secretary] Kathleen Sebelius for forcing or trying to force all of us to give abortifacient medications to our employees, and I just absolutely refuse to do it. We’ll close down before I’ll do it.”

Read More

Outrage Erupts Over Tax Subsidies For 'Affluenza' Convict

A quiet but steady rumble of outrage is developing after it was reported the parents of a Texas teen who pleaded “affluenza” when he killed four people and injured nearly a dozen while driving drunk will pay only a fraction of what his rehabilitation will cost.

Much of it will be paid by taxpayers.

“As a taxpayer, I probably feel exactly like you do,” said Greg Koontz, an attorney for relatives of Brian Jennings, a 43-year-old youth pastor killed in the accident sparked by Ethan Couch’s driving.

His comment to the Star-Telegram came after Tarrant County Juvenile Services Placement Supervisor Debbie Spoontz announced Ethan’s parents would pay only $1,170 per month (five percent) of their son’s treatment, which costs $715 per day.

Wrongful Death Lawsuit Filed In Navy Yard Shooting

The family of a computer scientist killed in the Navy Yard shootings has filed a wrongful death lawsuit. The Florida relatives of Mary DeLorenzo Knight are suing the contractor that hired the shooter, Aaron Alexis. The family contends that The Experts, an IT firm, should have told the Navy about its employee's documented mental health problems. The lawsuit says the Navy should not have given Alexis a security clearance. The family originally filed the lawsuit in federal court in Tampa. Because of jurisdictional issues, they are trying again in state court. Knight was a cybersecurity expert for Naval Sea Systems Command.

We Give Foreigners Taxpayer Money to Import Stuff from America. What?

Is there anything the U.S. government doesn’t take taxpayer dollars to do?

Here’s a lesser-known function of your hard-earned money: providing backing for people in other countries to buy things from America.

Come again? Yes, that’s right. Let’s say Air China wants to purchase some Boeing jets. To encourage that purchase, America’s Export-Import Bank could loan Air China the money. If Air China were to default on the loan, U.S. taxpayers would be left on the hook.

Put simply, taxpayers should not be financing this kind of “bank”—which is “little more than a fund for corporate welfare,” as candidate Barack Obama described it in 2008.

Local family legacy carpet store closing its doors

A more than century-old family-owned business near New Castle is closing permanently next month.

WDEL's Amy Cherry reports.

Miller Carpet One opened its doors on West Basin Road in 1972. More than 40 years later, the well-known carpet and flooring business will shut its doors in May or June.

"We really took a hit in 2008," said Sharon Miller, Vice President of Miller Carpet One.

The fourth generation family owner of the business tells WDEL they struggled to recover. Some of the struggle comes from competition, the rest is just consumer choices.

"We compete with other big-ticket items, electronics purchases, vacations," she said. "Are you going to do your flooring this year? Are you going to do your roof? Are you going to go on vacation? So it's not just other flooring stores," she said.


Al Gore: Critics Are 'Immoral, Unethical And Despicable'

Al Gore, known for wild rants about global warming, including one where his foul language earned him the description “mentally unstable,” is at it again.

Only this time he’s complaining about those who put up “barriers” to his agenda that critics say includes cracking down on carbon emissions, buying and selling credits for that activity and putting the American coal industry out of business.

“The ‘barriers’ to doing something about climate change are business and political interests that profit off of fossil fuels – ‘dirty energy that causes dirty weather,’” he said, according to an online report about a recent speech he made.

It’s Official: America is an Oligarchy and NOT a Democracy

We noted last year:

American democracy – once a glorious thing – has devolved into an oligarchy, according to two leading IMF officials, the former Vice President of the Dallas Federal Reserve, thehead of the Federal Reserve Bank of Kansas City, Moody’s chief economist and many others.

But don’t take their word for it …

A new quantitative study by Princeton’s Martin Gilens and Northwestern’s Benjamin Page finds that America is not a democracy … but is an oligarchy.

Here’s a quick visual overview from the study:


Sherlock Franchot Tells Marylanders, “It’s Elementary” to Search for Unclaimed Property

- Annual Supplement Includes Accounts Worth More Than 
$49 million -

Annapolis, Md. - Hot off the trail from his latest search for abandoned bank accounts, security deposits and safe deposit boxes, Sherlock Franchot today revealed the latest list of 63,466 unclaimed property accounts worth more than $49 million. Sherlock Franchot, otherwise known as Comptroller Peter Franchot, encourages Marylanders to let the search begin by picking up a copy of his agency’s 2014 unclaimed property insert now running in local papers across the state.

“The game is afoot. Not a word! Into your local papers and explore! With such a lucrative proposition at hand, there isn’t any time to waste, then, is there,” said Sherlock Franchot.

Now through April 25, the 150-page list of the latest discovered lost property accounts will appear in nearly 30 newspapers throughout Maryland. The Comptroller’s Office is required by law to publish an annual list of the newest names available in newspapers throughout the state. In total, the agency has nearly 1 million accounts worth more than $980 million in its unclaimed property accounts.


Baghdad: Paradigm of Globalist Creative Destruction

Baghdad’s fate will be suffered by all who oppose bankster drive for global domination

The Mercer consulting group has released a survey showing Baghdad is now the world’s worst city. Once considered the most advanced city in the Arab world, it is now a dangerous ruin stricken by sectarian and religious violence, corruption, crime, unemployment, pollution and numerous other problems. It is categorized along with Bangui in the Central African Republic and the Haitian capital Port-au-Prince.

Prior to Bush Senior’s invasion, Iraq had the highest living standard in the Middle East. Iraqi medical care and education were the envy of the region. Literacy stood at 80 percent. By February of 1991, however, the country was pitched into the Dark Ages.

The objective of Bush’s invasion was to reduce Iraq to a preindustrial wasteland. Electrical power generation, water treatment and distribution systems, telephone and radio exchanges, food processing and storage, roads, highways, bus depots, public transportation, railroads, oil wells, sewage treatment facilities, factories, mosques, churches, residential areas and even historical sites were all targeted for destruction.

All three Democratic candidates in the governor's race agree Maryland's economic policies need work, but they disagree sharply about how much.

Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown praised the developments of the past seven years during a candidate forum Thursday evening at Towson University. His opponents took turns after him and did not hear one another's remarks.

Brown has served with Gov. Martin O'Malley since O'Malley took office in 2007. He noted Thursday that since the recession, Maryland's job growth has exceeded that in every other mid-Atlantic state. He defended recent decisions to borrow money for basic government needs.

Del. Heather Mizeur, who has represented Montgomery County since 2007, said these debts wouldn't be necessary if not for certain tax breaks and loopholes.

Attorney General Doug Gansler, the last candidate to speak, argued for a comprehensive review of Maryland's tax policy and renewed efforts to recruit more businesses.

Let's Defend 'Obamacare,' Some Democrats Say

With enrollments higher than expected, and costs lower, some Democrats say it's time to stop hiding from the president's health care overhaul, even in this year's toughest Senate elections.

Republicans practically dare Democrats to embrace "Obamacare," the GOP's favorite target in most congressional campaigns. Yet pro-Democratic activists in Alaska are doing just that, and a number of strategists elsewhere hope it will spread.

President Barack Obama recently announced that first-year sign-ups for subsidized private health insurance topped 7 million, exceeding expectations. And the Congressional Budget Office — the government's fiscal scorekeeper — said it expects only a minimal increase in customers' costs for 2015. Over the next decade, the CBO said the new law will cost taxpayers $100 billion less than previously estimated.


Ocean City Not Likely To Reduce Skate Park Hours

OCEAN CITY – Following a year of studying the usage of the Ocean Bowl Skate Park, the Recreation and Parks Commission plans to recommend to the full Mayor and Council its funding stay as is.

This week the Skate Park Committee reconvened to look over additional data collected at the Ocean Bowl Skate Park of usage and, expenses and revenue.

This time last year, the Mayor and City Council voted to have Ocean Bowl Skate Park operate through the summer during its normal hours, which is open seven days a week during daylight. However, cost-cutting changes were proposed to shut it down during the months of January and February during the week. The reduction in hours would have saved the town approximately $21,000.

4th Annual 10K/5K Run/1 Mile Walk Slated to Promote Camp Barnes Summer Program

WHEN: Sunday, May 4, 2014, 10K, 5K, and 1 mile walk at 1:00 p.m.

WHERE: Assawoman Wildlife Refuge at Camp Barnes
Address: 37171 Camp Barnes Rd. Frankford, De 19945

DESCRIPTION: A beautiful 10K/5K/1 mile walk through the Assawoman Wildlife Refuge on
country roads and scenic trails.

REGISTRATION: 5K/1 Mile Walk-$20, 10K - $25.00 Pre-registration thru April 27, 2014. $25 – 5K/1
Mile Walk and $30 – 10K registration April 28th through Race Day. Register online
at www.seashorestriders.com or register by mail by downloading the application from
the website. Race Day Registration from 11:00 a.m. – 12:45 p.m.

AWARDS: Presented to Overall and Master Champions, as well as, the Top 3 male and female in
nine age groups.

AMENITIES: Short sleeve T-shirts guaranteed to all Pre-registered participants in the 10K, 5K and 1
Mile Walk. Water Stops and post event lunch for all registered participants.

Highway gunman who 'fired at 12 random motorists during month-long crime spree' arrested

Investigators have looked into as many as 20 reported highway shootings as part of their investigation.

Three people have been hit with bullets, and their injuries were not life-threatening. No new shooting incidents have taken place since April 6. More details are expected at a press conference on Friday.


Operation Medicine Drop Set For Saturday

BERLIN – Worcester County residents are encouraged to clean out their medicine cabinets and participate in Operation Medicine Drop: Safe Communities-Healthy Waterways, a one-day drug take back effort on April 26, from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. at numerous locations throughout Worcester County.

Assateague Coastal Trust/COASTKEEPER, Worcester County Sheriff’s Office, Berlin, Ocean City and Ocean Pines Police Departments, Maryland State Police, and Worcester County Health Department have joined forces to launch the countywide event.

The program prevents potentially harmful medications from entering the waterways and impacting aquatic life. In 2004, the USGS identified 100 different pharmaceuticals in surface water, including acetaminophen, caffeine, codeine, antibiotics and warfarin (a common blood thinner). They also found that an antibiotic, a drug used to treat bipolar disorder and nicotine had contaminated aquifers.

Obama’s School ‘Punishment Equality’ Folly

George Leef, director of research for the North Carolina-based John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, authored a Forbes op-ed article titled “Obama Administration Takes Groupthink To Absurd Lengths.” The subtitle is “School Discipline Rates Must Be ‘Proportionate.’” (http://tinyurl.com/mxnlg9h). Let’s examine some of the absurdity of the Obama administration’s take on student discipline.

Last January, the departments of Justice and Education published a “guidance” letter describing how schools can meet their obligations under federal law to administer student discipline without discriminating on the basis of race, color or national origin. Its underlying threat is that if federal bureaucrats learn of racial disproportionality in the punishments meted out for misbehavior, they will descend upon a school’s administrators. If schools cannot justify differentials in rates of punishment by race or ethnic group, they will face the loss of federal funds and be forced to undertake costly diversity training.


Easter Lilies Toxic For Cats, FDA Warns

Easter lilies are popular in homes at this time of year, but they can be deadly for cats, a veterinarian warns.

The same is true for Tiger, Asiatic, Day and Japanese Show lilies, said Dr. Melanie McLean, a veterinarian at the U.S. Food and Drug Administration.

The entire lily plant -- leaf, pollen and flower -- is poisonous for cats. Eating just a couple of leaves or licking a few pollen grains off their fur can quickly cause kidney failure.

Homeless Tier II Sex Offender Notification-Georgetown

Donald C. Fitzgerald, 57, of Georgetown, DE
5'08" tall, 167 lbs.
White male, brown hair, hazel eyes

Georgetown, DE – Donald C. Fitzgerald is not wanted. This is a homeless sex offender public notification. Fitzgerald is a Tier II sex offender who has registered as homeless in Georgetown, DE. If you have information that he is occupying a residence please contact 302-672-5306 or by utilizing the Delaware State Police Mobile Crime Tip Application available to download at:http://www.delaware.gov/apps/. Information may also be provided by calling Delaware Crime Stoppers at 1-800-TIP-3333, via the internet at www.tipsubmit.com, or by sending an anonymous tip by text to 274637 (CRIMES) using the keyword "DSP."

Released: 041714 1115

SFD Calls For Service 4-17-14

  • Thursday April, 17 2014 @ 23:25:44Nature: Sick SubjectCity: Salisbury
  • Thursday April, 17 2014 @ 22:50:02Nature: Vehicle FireAddress: 2425 N Salisbury Blvd Salisbury, MD 21801
  • Thursday April, 17 2014 @ 21:51:32Nature: Difficulty BreathingCity: Salisbury
  • Thursday April, 17 2014 @ 19:02:24Nature: Pi AccidentAddress: W Zion Rd and n Salisbury Blvd Salisbury, MD 21802
  • Thursday April, 17 2014 @ 18:17:54Nature: Diabetic DifficultyCity: Salisbury
  • Thursday April, 17 2014 @ 16:44:10Nature: Medical AssistAddress: 239 E Ruark Dr Salisbury, MD 21801

Lawmakers stunned by new revelations of IRS corruption

Sen. Cruz demands, 'We need an independent special prosecutor!'

— Tea-party leaders and lawmakers are flabbergasted over the latest bombshell revelation in the IRS scandal – that ex-IRS official Lois Lerner was discussing with the Department of Justice a strategy to criminally prosecute conservative groups.

“The DOJ’s credibility to investigate the IRS scandal is gone,” declared Sen. Ted Cruz, R-Texas. “We need an independent special prosecutor!”

Rep. Michele Bachmann, R-Minn., told WND, “With each new revelation about the extent the IRS went, and wanted to go, to target conservative and tea-party groups, the level of corruption keeps getting worse.”

As WND reported Wednesday, emails obtained by Judicial Watch show that Lerner, the former head of the IRS’ tax-exempt division, was exploring a plan with Eric Holder’s Justice Department to conduct a criminal investigation into tea-party groups over their political activity.


Somerset County Sheriff's Office Press Release 4-18-14

Anthony Arzynell Butler Jr. of Baltimore, arrested 3-27-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Butler was held on a $500.00 bond.

Tuesday Linton Thornes of Crisfield, arrested 3-28-14 on a warrant for violation of probation. Thornes was held on a $10,000 bond.

Ronnie Lee Gale of Crisfield, arrested 4-1-14 on a warrant for failing to obey a court order. Gail was held without bond.

Jay Ferrell Jr. of Prince George County, arrested 4-2-14 for driving under the influence of alcohol, driving while impaired by alcohol, driving on a suspended driver’s license, and a repair order. The arrest was the result of a traffic stop conducted by deputies on Ocean Highway for an equipment violation. Ferrell was later released on citations pending court actions.

Aaron Daniels of Wenona, arrested 4-3-14 for obstructing and hindering police. The arrest was the result of a traffic stop conducted by deputies in the area of Somerset Ave, Princess Anne for a stop sign violation. Deputies allege that Daniels was concealing suspected drugs in his mouth, and when deputies attempted to retrieve the suspected drug, Daniels attempted to flee on foot and was apprehended. Daniels was later released on criminal citations pending court actions.

Tia Inez Shaw of Baltimore, arrested 4-3-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Shaw was held on a $500.00 bond.

Dagvon Tymar Mills of Snow Hill, arrested 4-4-14 on a warrant for violation of probation. Mills was held without bond.

William Gerald Peacock 4th of Portsmouth Virginia, arrested 4-8-14 on a fugitive warrant. Peacock was held without bond.

Keshawn Terrell Kellan of Parksley Virginia, arrested 4-11-14 on a warrant for failing to appear in court. Kellam was later released after posting a $5,000 bond.

Five juveniles arrested at the Deal Island Harbor for underage drinking. While on patrol, deputies investigated a truck parked at the harbor. During the investigation, deputies recovered wine, and beer. The juveniles were charged with underage possession of alcohol, and released to family members pending court actions.

Deshawn Maurice Taylor of Princess Anne, arrested 4-12-14 for reckless endangerment, malicious destruction of property, fleeing and eluding police in a vehicle, disorderly conduct, driving on a suspended and revoked driver’s license, and multiple traffic citations. Deputies attempted to stop Taylor who was driving a Lincoln Town car in the area of Bratten Ave, Princess Anne, when Taylor instead of stopping took deputies a small chase that ended up in the Somers Place Apartment Complex where Taylor bailed from his vehicle leaving to collide into two clusters of US mail boxes, and almost striking a small child who was riding a bicycle. Taylor was later held on a $50,000 bond.

Christmas Tax

The federal government is now taxing Christmas

Christmas trees, to be more precise. Every single Christmas tree grown or imported into the U.S. is subject to a new tax starting this month.

Watch this segment of Behind the Headlines (here).

Please like, tweet, post, forward, email or otherwise share this video.

Source: http://behindtheheadlines.net/sections/bthl/videos/vid_274.shtml

Gender Neutral Housing Expands In Maryland Colleges

More and more local colleges are allowing girls and boys to share on-campus dorm rooms.

This has been a nation-wide trend for the last couple of years, especially with a rise of LGBT on-campus movements.

"A lot of this is geared to, but not exclusively, to the LGBT population," Carrie Wells, Higher Education reporter for the Baltimore Sun. "Colleges are becoming a lot more aware for those kind of needs for students. They're becoming more sensitive to those kind of issues in general."

There’s Hope for the Dead

What is the connection between freedom and rising from the dead?

When America was in its infancy and struggling to find a culture and frustrated at governance from Great Britain, the word most frequently uttered in speeches and pamphlets and editorials was not safety or taxes or peace; it was freedom.

Two acts of Parliament broke the bonds with the mother country irreparably. The first was the Stamp Act, which was enforced by British soldiers, who used general search warrants issued by a secret court in London to rummage through the personal possessions of any colonists they chose, ostensibly looking to see whether those colonists had purchased the government’s stamps. The second intolerable act was the imposition of a tax to pay for the Church of England, which all adult male property-owning colonists were forced to pay, no matter their religious beliefs.


This one will drive you crazy


Do you think that you are pretty quick with your mouse, give it a try.

Try this if you need something to occupy your mind instead of all your cares.

If you can get 50% of the 100 apples in the pail, that's considered - GOOD!


Have Fun!

Clinton/Obama cronies behind Bundy showdown

High-level Democrats positioned to profit from 'green' projects

After a weeklong confrontation between protesters and armed agents of the Bureau of Land Management, events at the Bundy ranch in Bunkerville, Nev., came to an abrupt end Saturday when the BLM suddenly threw in the towel and left.

Speaking to a local TV news program Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada declared: “This isn’t over.” And he is certainly correct. The showdown between BLM and Cliven Bundy – the last rancher in Clark County, Nev. – was but the latest battle in a long-running conflict.

Supposedly at issue was the desert tortoise, a reptile on the endangered species list that purportedly could not coexist on the land with Bundy’s cattle. But why, many asked, would the turtle suddenly be threatened by animals it had cohabited with for the 100-plus years the Bundy ranch has been in operation?


Federal Judge: BLM Engaged In A Criminal Conspiracy Against Ranchers

Court opinion exposes BLM’s true intent against Cliven Bundy

For over 20 years, the Bureau of Land Management engaged in a “literal, intentional conspiracy” against Nevada ranchers to force them out of business, according to a federal judge whose court opinion exposes the BLM’s true intent against rancher Cliven Bundy.

In his opinion of United States v. Estate of Hage, U.S. District Court Judge Robert C. Jones reveals that after late Nevada rancher E. Wayne Hage indicated on his 1993 grazing permit renewal that by signing the permit, he was not surrendering his family’s long-standing water and forage rights on the land, the BLM not only rejected the permit but also conspired for decades to both deny his family’s property rights and to destroy their cattle business.


State Providing Pot Hole Funding

SNOW HILL — After a long, harsh winter, the roads and highways throughout Worcester are showing the signs of excessive salt use and plowing, but help is now on the way in the form of a $10 million special one-time appropriation to the counties and Baltimore City exclusively for pot holes and weather-related damage.

The Worcester County Commissioners learned this week Governor Martin O’Malley has signed off on the State Highway Administration’s special one-time appropriation of $10 million grant to be distributed among jurisdictions in Maryland for pot-hole repair and other road repairs. Public Works Director John Tustin on Tuesday alerted the commissioners to the pot-hole and other emergency funding heading Worcester’s way.

“During these winter months, our roads have continued to deteriorate as a result of snow and cold temperatures,” Tustin told the commissioners through a memo. “This has led to numerous pot holes along with the need to make extensive road repairs throughout the county. While exact areas of need have not been specifically identified as this time, the need for assistance remains.”

This Alabama School That's 99% Black Shows School Integration May Be A Failure

Though James Dent could watch Central High School's homecoming parade from the porch of his faded-white bungalow, it had been years since he'd bothered. But last fall, Dent's oldest granddaughter, D'Leisha, was vying for home-coming queen, and he knew she'd be poking up through the sunroof of her mother's car, hand cupped in a beauty-pageant wave, looking for him.

So, at about 4:30 in the afternoon on October 18, Dent, age 64, made his way off the porch and to the curb along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in the West End of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Soon he could hear the first rumblings of the band.

There was a time, little more than a decade ago, when the Central High School homecoming parade brought out the city. The parade started in the former state capital's lively downtown and seemed to go on for miles. The horns of one of the state's largest marching bands, some 150 members strong, would bounce off the antebellum mansions along the streets. Revelers—young and old, black and white, old money and no money—crowded the sidewalks to watch the elaborate floats and cheer a football team feared across the region.



(TIMONIUM, MD) – Maryland State Police Superintendent Colonel Marcus L. Brown today announced the statewide Trooper of the Year, Non-Commissioned Officer and Police Communications Officer of the Year, who were chosen for their outstanding service to the Department and the citizens of Maryland during 2013.

The 2013 Trooper of the Year is Senior Trooper Marlin Myers of the Berlin Barrack. The 2013 Non-Commissioned Officer of the Year is Corporal Jonathan Novack of the JFK Highway Barrack. There was a tie for the 2013 Police Communications Officer of the Year. The winners were Police Communications Operator II Terri Coleman, of the Glen Burnie Barrack and Police Communications Supervisor Sydney Sarrichio, of the Rockville Barrack. The winners were chosen from troopers, NCOs and PCOs who won the award locally at each of their barracks, divisions, or units throughout the Maryland State Police.

Easter Specials

H A P P Y  E A S T E R

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Open at 11:30am
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Easter Lamb Rack 
Spring Vegetable Cassaulet
Black Sea Bass
Veg Fricassee, Confit, Fingerling Potatoes
Call 443-260-2337 for reservations..
or online... www.opentable.com


Maryland gains 2,300 jobs, unemployment rate driven down to 5.6 percent in March; February numbers revised up by 1,000 jobs

Annapolis, Md. (April 18, 2014)
– Governor O’Malley today announced that Maryland saw an increase in jobs numbers in March. According to the federal Department of Labor's Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS), Maryland added 2,300 total jobs last month and Maryland's private sector gained 1,800 jobs. When compared to last March, Maryland added 14,000 jobs and gained jobs in nine of the last 12 months.

According to the preliminary survey data, Maryland’s March 2014 unemployment rate dropped to 5.6 percent—the lowest level since November 2008. Maryland’s unemployment rate for February was revised downward to 5.6 percent, from the initial estimate of 5.7 percent.

Maryland’s preliminary February jobs estimate was revised upward by BLS, with the originally reported loss of 600 jobs revised to a gain of 1,000 jobs.

Fifty-Nine Pedestrians Stopped During Pedestrian Safety Campaign on Kirkwood Highway, Limestone Road

Location: Kirkwood Highway and Limestone Road, Wilmington, DE

Date of Occurrence: April 2 through April 11, 2014

Wilmington- In response to several crashes resulting in pedestrian injuries and deaths, Troopers conducted a two-week pedestrian safety enforcement and education campaign on Kirkwood Highway and Limestone Road.

From April 2 through 11, Troopers stopped 59 pedestrians who were observed violating traffic laws. Most were warned, advised about Delaware's pedestrian laws, and released without charges.

Troopers also issued 39 citations to motorists whose unsafe driving endangered pedestrians.

Troopers will continue to aggressively patrol this area, citing drivers and pedestrians who violate the law.

Hop to The Red Roost This Easter Weekend!

H A P P Y  E A S T E R
Coming Up...  
The Red Roost 40th Anniversary Weekend!
Thursday, April 24 - Sunday, April 27
~Throwback pricing, prizes, memorable specials and more~

Like us on Facebook and join the
40th Anniversary Weekend event for all the details!

What's The Difference Between Fascism, Communism And Crony-Capitalism? Nothing

The essence of crony-capitalism is the merger of state and corporate power--the definition of fascism.

When it comes to the real world, the difference between fascism, communism and crony-capitalism is semantic. Let's start with everyone's favorite hot-word, fascism, which Italian dictator Benito Mussolini defined as "the merger of state and corporate power." In other words, the state and corporate cartels are one system.

Real-world communism, for example as practiced in the People's Republic of China, boils down to protecting a thoroughly corrupt elite and state-owned enterprises (SOEs). The state prohibits anything that threatens the profits (and bribes) of SOEs--for example, taxi-apps that enable consumers to bypass the SOE cab companies.

What A Ban On Taxi Apps In Shanghai Says About China's Economy

The Chinese mega-city of Shanghai has been cracking down on popular taxi-booking apps, banning their use during rush hour. Until the apps came along, the taxi companies, which are government owned, set the real price for fares and collected about 33 cents each time someone called for a cab. That can add up in a city the size of Shanghai. Wang says the apps bypassed the old system and cut into company revenues.

Much has been made of China's embrace of capitalism, but — along with transportation — the government still dominates key sectors, including energy, telecommunications and banking. Wang says vested government interests won't give them up easily.


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We recently made several changes to Salisbury News, including a "Like" button.

Look, we have tens of thousands of visitors to Salisbury News each and every day. That being said, it's obviously clear most of you do not comment and we're cool with that. 

I'm sure many still believe somehow your IP Address can be traced, but it can't. Nevertheless, in the very least you can help us in a very big way by simply clicking the "Like" button to let us know which articles interest you the most. 

We provide this service for FREE seven days a week. The least you can do is start using the "Like" button at the bottom of each article so we can better serve all of you. Thanks!

Obama's Policies Burden the Working Poor

Facing mid-term elections and burdened with persistently high unemployment, President Obama is playing the race, gender and class cards. Fabricating fear and injustice, such tactics keep the economy in slow gear and make worse the very people the president professes to help.

The financial crisis hit black Americans much harder than it did white Americans — more jobs and wealth were lost in the black community and in neither category have they since recouped as much as white individuals have. The fundamental problems are slow growth, especially in blue-collar manufacturing and construction, and deep-seated problems in the black community — lagging educational attainment, high rates of teen pregnancies and the like.

Instead of effectively addressing those, the president and Democratic members of Congress offer palliative solutions — more Medicaid, food stamps and other entitlements. They also raise alarm among black Americans that Republican-dominated state governments are conspiring to steal their right to vote and charge the GOP is contaminated by racists. The inconvenient truth is that in 2012, 66.2 percent of eligible black Americans voted versus 64.2 percent of eligible non-Hispanic whites, even though some 34 states have voter ID laws.



The 15th Annual EASTER KIDS FUN FAIR and ART & CRAFT FAIR, sponsored by Taylor Bank and The Beachcomber, will be held at the Roland E. Powell Convention Center for two full show days: April 18-19, 2014.

Friday, April 18: 10am to 5pm
Saturday, April 19: 10am to 5pm

Admission At The Door Includes Both Shows:
$4.00 Adults
$3.00 Seniors (60+)
$3.00 Students (4-18)
FREE for 3 and Under
FREE for Military, Police and Fire (with ID)
For More information and to see the entertainment schedule click HERE

The IRS Scandal Blows Wide Open

A bombshell revelation has brought the IRS scandal to a new level. Judicial Watch has released internal IRS communications revealing that former Tax Exempt Organizations director Lois Lerner was in contact with the Department of Justice (DOJ) regarding whether it was possible to criminally prosecute tax-exempt groups she believed had “lied” about their political activity. Judicial Watch obtained the documents by successfully filing a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit against the IRS in October 2013, following the agency’s stonewall of four FOIA requests dating back to the previous May.

Contained in those documents is an email exchange between Lerner and Nikole C. Flax, then-Chief of Staff to then-Acting IRS Commissioner Steven T. Miller. On May 8, 2013, Lerner sent the following email to Flax:


How much will ObamaCare cost you in taxes?

On this April 15, filers and accountants alike are finding a new array of taxes resulting from the president’s health care legislation. These include at least 20 ObamaCare-related tax increases totaling $409 billion over the next ten years, according to the Joint Committee on Taxation.

The new taxes are especially irksome to ObamaCare opponents, because they are imposed by a law that passed on a straight party-line vote and are being enforced by an agency that some accuse of party favoritism.

"I think it's rather unfortunate that the IRS has this huge role in the Affordable Care Act because it's always controversial," said Mark Everson, a former IRS Commissioner. "Then, to tie it up with this very controversial domestic law, it just makes the job tougher," he said.

"I think you can take issue with the way ACA was paid for. But, the fact of the matter is, it’s sustainable over the long run," said Yvette Fontenot , a former Senior Policy Director at the White House Office of Health Reform.


Rand Paul Backs Bundy in Nevada Standoff With Feds

Kentucky Sen. Rand Paul became the first 2016 GOP presidential contender to take a stand on the land battle between Nevada rancher Cliven Bundy and the federal government, The Hill reported.

The libertarian-leaning Paul is siding with Bundy, though he said the matter should be settled in court.

On April 14, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid, a Nevada Democrat, weighed in on the issue. "It's not over," he told News4 in Reno. "We can't have an American people that violate the law and then just walk away from it. So it's not over."

The next day, in a radio interview with WHAS in Louisville, Paul said, "I think there's an opposite thing to what Harry Reid said, and that's the federal government shouldn't violate the law, nor should we have 48 federal agencies carrying weapons and having SWAT teams," according to The Hill.


Congressman: Let’s scrap income tax

'The current system we have doesn't work'

The federal tax code is a complex, unintelligible mess, and America needs to embrace the simplicity of a national consumption tax known as the Fair Tax, according to Rep. Tom Price, R-Ga., who is just one of many conservatives touting the idea as Americans rush to meet the federal income tax deadline.

“PROBLEM: folks sacrificing precious time, money and peace of mind on a broken complex tax code. SOLUTION: the #FairTax,” tweeted Price on Tuesday. Fellow Rep. Jack Kingston, R-Ga., also tweeted support for the Fair Tax and the abolishing of the IRS.

Price said the first thing Americans need to recognize is that the current tax system is a disaster.

“Our current system actually punishes the things that we say that we want as a society,” he said. “We say we want hard work. We say we want success. We say we want entrepreneurs, risk taking, investment and all those kinds of things. Yet our tax system punishes every single one of them. So many of us believe that we need think more fundamentally and more creatively about it and come up with a tax system that doesn’t just massage what we currently have but puts in place a system that actually rewards those things.”


Salisbury Council To Help Fund Fireworks

SALISBURY – The City Council agreed this week to help fund fireworks for the Red, White and Boom 4th of July celebration this year while encouraging local benefiting businesses to start making contributions.

An ordinance in its final reading approached the City Council on Monday evening to amend Fiscal Year 2014 General Fund to appropriate $10,000 for a contribution to support the 2014 Red, White and Boom fireworks display on 4th of July.

The ordinance states, “a committee of citizens has organized to stage a fireworks display to celebrate the Nation’s Independence Day this year for the third year in a row, and a number of businesses, institutions and individuals are supporting this event through both cash and in-kind contributions. It is important that the City join with the other supporters in the community and to express their appreciation for the efforts of these citizens to stage this celebration.”


Troopers Investigating a Serious Motor Vehicle Crash North of Laurel

Location: East Trap Pond Road south of Shiloh Church Road, Laurel, DE

Date of Occurrence: Thursday April 17, 2014 at approximately 10:15 p.m.

Operator and Vehicle Information:

Operator #1: Rodney Lee Grant, 24, Laurel, DE
Vehicle #1: 2006 Dodge Ram pick-up

Laurel, DE- The Delaware State Police are currently investigating a serious motor vehicle crash that occurred late last night north of Laurel.

The incident occurred around 10:15 p.m. as Rodney Lee Grant was operating a 2006 Dodge Ram pick-up truck southbound on East Trap Pond Road just south of Shiloh Church Road. As the truck entered into a moderate right curve, the truck traveled off the east side of the road and struck a driveway culvert where it was vaulted into the air. Upon landing, the truck overturned and struck a tree on the driver's side before coming to a rest on the roof.

Rodney Grant, who was not properly restrained, was removed from the scene by State Police Aviation and flown to Christiana Medical Center where he is listed in stable condition.

Troopers are continuing their investigation into this incident. Alcohol and speed may be contributing factors in this collision. East Trap Pond Road was closed for approximately three and a half hours as the crash was investigated and cleared.

Thank God Its Friday 4-18-14

What will you be doing this weekend?

Now is the time for an independent prosecutor

A bombshell has dropped in the IRS scandal that spreads the infamy far beyond the boundaries of the IRS. It shows the depth of the Obama Regime war against its enemies.

It shows why there must be an independent prosecutor appointed to investigate this case.

Judicial Watch filed a Freedom of Information Act request and received a number of emails from the Obama Regime about the IRS scandal. In those emails, Judicial Watch found the proverbial smoking gun that blows this scandal wide open.

The smoking gun email is dated May 8, 2013. It is from Lois Lerner to Nikole Flax, who was then the acting chief of staff to the acting IRS Director Stephen Miller.


The Case for a Little Sedition

The Bundy standoff reminds us that government is our servant, not our master.

A great deal of the discussion about the ClivenBundy standoff in Nevada has focused on the legal questions — the litigation between Mr. Bundy and theBLM, his eccentric (i.e., batzoid) legal rationales, etc. But as Rich Lowry and others have argued, this is best understood not as a legal proceeding but as an act of civil disobedience. John Hinderaker and Rich both are correct that as a legal question Mr. Bundy is legless. But that is largely beside the point.

Of course the law is against Cliven Bundy. How could it be otherwise? The law was against Mohandas Gandhi, too, when he was tried for sedition; Mr. Gandhi himself habitually was among the first to acknowledge that fact, refusing to offer a defense in his sedition case and arguing that the judge had no choice but to resign, in protest of the perfectly legal injustice unfolding in his courtroom, or to sentence him to the harshest sentence possible, there being no extenuating circumstances for Mr. Gandhi’s intentional violation of the law. Henry David Thoreau was happy to spend his time in jail, knowing that the law was against him, whatever side justice was on.


We are In T R O U B L E

After sitting down and doing the math I have come to the conclusion that we are in deep dodo in this country.

The population of this country is 310 million, of which 160 million are retired.

That leaves 140 million to do the work.

There are 85 million in school, which leaves 55 million to do the work.

Of this 55 million, there are 35 million employed by the federal government.

Leaving 20 million to do the work.

2.8 million are in the armed forces preoccupied with killing TERRORISTS.

Which leaves 17.2 Million to do the work.

Take from that total the 15.8 million people who work for state and city governments.

And that leaves 1.4 million to do the work.

At any given time there are 188,000 people in hospitals.

Leaving 1,212,000 to do the work.

Now, there are 1,211,998 people in prisons.

That leaves just two people to do the work.

You and me.

And there you are,

Sitting on your ass, at your computer, reading jokes

Nice. Real nice.

Free Healthy Business Forum Offered

The Lower Shore business community can learn how worksite wellness saves money and increases productivity at a free healthy business forum to be held on Wednesday, May 21, 2014, from 8:30 to 11:30 a.m. at the Holiday Inn on South Salisbury Boulevard, Salisbury, Maryland.

The Wicomico and Worcester County Health Departments, together with Healthiest Maryland Businesses, invite business owners, human resource professionals, finance staff, benefit coordinators, and health champions from businesses located in Somerset, Wicomico, and Worcester counties to attend the forum. Participants must register online by May 15, 2014 at tinyurl.com/nqaosnm.

The forum will include presentations about worksite wellness programs implemented at local businesses, creating wellness policies, and developing environments that support healthy lifestyle behaviors for employees. There will also be networking opportunities with other professionals as well as with area agencies that will share what they have to offer to businesses. A light breakfast and giveaways will also be provided.

Seating is limited. For more information call 410-334-3480.

Registration Open for Run to Remember Memorial Day 5K

Salisbury, Md. – The Run to Remember Memorial Day 5K will be held on Monday, May 26 at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center to honor those who have lost their lives in the line of duty. The 5K will begin at 7:30 a.m. and will be followed by the annual Memorial Day Ceremony at 10 a.m.

Register for the 5K by Thursday, May 8 to receive a commemorative race t-shirt. Entry fees for early registration are $25 per person and $20 for Military (must register in person and present Military ID). On-site registration will also be held the day of the race for $30 per person. Check-in begins at 6:30 a.m. and the race begins promptly at 7:30 a.m., followed by the awards presentation at 8:30 a.m. Participants are encouraged to stay for the Memorial Day Ceremony after the race.

Registration for the 5K is available at the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center Box Office (Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-6 p.m.) and online at www.WicomicoRecandParks.org.

Proceeds from the 5K will benefit the Wicomico War Veterans Memorial located in front of the Wicomico Youth & Civic Center. The Memorial was erected in 2003 to honor Wicomico County citizens who paid the ultimate price while serving in the United States Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard, Marines and Merchant Marines beginning with World War I to present day.

For more information contact Tammy Taylor at 410-548-4900 ext. 115 or ttaylor@wicomicocounty.org.

Education Issues

Maryland continues to have an excellent education system in most jurisdictions. Funding for schools has risen dramatically over the last ten years. The list below illustrates the current spending per pupil. These amounts do not include the funds spent on capital projects (buildings, fields, etc.).

Rank County $

#1. Worcester Co $17,086 per pupil

#2. Baltimore City $16,904 per pupil

#4. Montgomery $15,619 per pupil

#11. Baltimore Co $13,960 per pupil

#20. Harford Co $12,934 per pupil

#24. St. Mary's Co $12,407 per pupil