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Friday, April 18, 2014

Salisbury City Council Work Session Agenda 4-21-14


  1. stash your trash?

  2. 7:44, I guess it's about stowing trash downtown in the new containers or anti-litter campaign or something like that.

    The bigger question is, what's the deal with the election districts? That got settled so why are they opening it back up again? In honor of Easter, is Ireton resurrecting his plan to finish giving Salisbury to the slumlords with little districts they control?

  3. Tom Stevenson is a joke and nothing more than arm candy for Jim Ireton.

  4. Tom Stevenson was never the best candidate for the job, but then again neither was Hoppes, Duncan, Gardner and Loyd. All second class employees in any department. Jim Ireton is a scumbag for making these appointments when there were much better candidates and many were right under his nose.


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