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Friday, April 18, 2014

Obama’s School ‘Punishment Equality’ Folly

George Leef, director of research for the North Carolina-based John William Pope Center for Higher Education Policy, authored a Forbes op-ed article titled “Obama Administration Takes Groupthink To Absurd Lengths.” The subtitle is “School Discipline Rates Must Be ‘Proportionate.’” (http://tinyurl.com/mxnlg9h). Let’s examine some of the absurdity of the Obama administration’s take on student discipline.

Last January, the departments of Justice and Education published a “guidance” letter describing how schools can meet their obligations under federal law to administer student discipline without discriminating on the basis of race, color or national origin. Its underlying threat is that if federal bureaucrats learn of racial disproportionality in the punishments meted out for misbehavior, they will descend upon a school’s administrators. If schools cannot justify differentials in rates of punishment by race or ethnic group, they will face the loss of federal funds and be forced to undertake costly diversity training.



  1. Just another Govt CONTROL of our lives. These tactics were used by Hitler and worked very well because the SS troopers enforced them.


  2. Them redneck, Hispanic and Asian slackers are not doing their fair share of mischief in school. It's a dastardly plot to make the other students look bad.

    /sarc off

  3. The refusal to believe that minority students violate school rules more frequently than other students is a refusal to accept reality. Next they'll be telling us that 86% of Asians are born out of wedlock.

  4. In other words, let blacks get away with breaking rules and being criminals.

  5. Anonymous said...
    In other words, let blacks get away with breaking rules and being criminals.

    April 18, 2014 at 8:38 PM

    Bingo! And they appointed Mark Thompson a black who happened to be a former BOE president. And guess what he is working based on a Federal grant to educate and enforce or coerce this program. I wonder if some of the same tactics he used at FedEx and the Salvation Army will be used.

  6. It just might be that minority students are committing MORE offenses than they're being held accountable for, NOT FEWER. For years, principals have been strongly encouraged to reduce suspensions of certain groups of students. Someone needs to stop removing consequences for students who ruin school for everybody else. Parents need to file lawsuits against counties that allow "persistently disruptive" students to victimize other kids.


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