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Friday, April 18, 2014

Clinton/Obama cronies behind Bundy showdown

High-level Democrats positioned to profit from 'green' projects

After a weeklong confrontation between protesters and armed agents of the Bureau of Land Management, events at the Bundy ranch in Bunkerville, Nev., came to an abrupt end Saturday when the BLM suddenly threw in the towel and left.

Speaking to a local TV news program Monday, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid of Nevada declared: “This isn’t over.” And he is certainly correct. The showdown between BLM and Cliven Bundy – the last rancher in Clark County, Nev. – was but the latest battle in a long-running conflict.

Supposedly at issue was the desert tortoise, a reptile on the endangered species list that purportedly could not coexist on the land with Bundy’s cattle. But why, many asked, would the turtle suddenly be threatened by animals it had cohabited with for the 100-plus years the Bundy ranch has been in operation?



  1. This could become very serious.. the Boston Tea Party of 2014. I know Barry thinks he is King, but I don't know anybody who is backing the Government on this one..

  2. Not a Democrat Voter anymoreApril 18, 2014 at 2:24 PM

    Hmmmm, not long ago....folks would HANG for Treason....

  3. Not long ago Bill Clinton sat on the Jay Leno Show and said there is no problem putting people back to work. He said, "the sun still shines and the wind still blows." He was referring to alternative energy.

  4. Thank god for Alex Jones for exposing the truth.


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