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Friday, April 18, 2014

This Alabama School That's 99% Black Shows School Integration May Be A Failure

Though James Dent could watch Central High School's homecoming parade from the porch of his faded-white bungalow, it had been years since he'd bothered. But last fall, Dent's oldest granddaughter, D'Leisha, was vying for home-coming queen, and he knew she'd be poking up through the sunroof of her mother's car, hand cupped in a beauty-pageant wave, looking for him.

So, at about 4:30 in the afternoon on October 18, Dent, age 64, made his way off the porch and to the curb along Martin Luther King Jr. Boulevard in the West End of Tuscaloosa, Alabama. Soon he could hear the first rumblings of the band.

There was a time, little more than a decade ago, when the Central High School homecoming parade brought out the city. The parade started in the former state capital's lively downtown and seemed to go on for miles. The horns of one of the state's largest marching bands, some 150 members strong, would bounce off the antebellum mansions along the streets. Revelers—young and old, black and white, old money and no money—crowded the sidewalks to watch the elaborate floats and cheer a football team feared across the region.



  1. It's not considered a failure to Blacks , it's considered a victory!

  2. Before integration, the best students in the non-integrated schools generally got further education benefits. Post integration, with all races competing against each other, generally, the non-whites lost almost all of those benefits.

    Their resegregation is voluntary from a couple of perspectives with my previous statement being one of them...ostracism for their ongoing behaviour is the root of the other.

  3. This is a good example of why they want common core. Come down to their level.

  4. "Shows School Integration May Be A Failure"

    Wow that is just a horrible headline. I wouldn't say that integration is a failure. There is a lot more at play here that can better explain why these kids are failing.

  5. "D'Leisha"

    LMAO... What intelligent person invented that name and why? Inventing names and not using traditional names proves that blacks are racist and want to be segregated. Let a white person push for segregated schools and see what happens to them.

  6. 1:13 you are correct there's a lot more behind it...starting with the family structure and their attitude!

  7. Boy oh boy...a perfect article for ignorant ones like yourself. There is absolutely no problem at all with segregated schools, none, as long as the resources are the same. If you want your children to go to school with folks only like themselves, have at it. Forced integration attempts to equalize the playing field which it does not. Going back to segregated schools is just fine but the resources have to equal out, plain and simple. Common Core is an attempt to make American students globally competitive. You do realize we are in a globally competitive world and the USA is not on par with the world?

  8. 1:58 comment: it is a Black Thing....you would not understandApril 18, 2014 at 4:47 PM

    TO 1:58 comment: When you do the Crack Pipe and your Baby Daddy is in jail...You say the first thing that come in your head for a name yo....

  9. "In Tuscaloosa today, nearly one in three black students attends a school that looks as if Brown v. Board of Education never happened."

    How many is nearly a third? So, the writer tries to paint a bleak picture but about 3/4 of black students attend integrated schools and get quality educations.


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