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Saturday, December 06, 2014



Anonymous said...

Blame Bush for the Patriot Act and NDAA. Cops now use this broad brush to justify their actions. "It's all for public safety". BS

Anonymous said...

It really doesn't matter what you do , there will be a civil war.
The race of color wants their own rules , laws and doesn't want any laws that pertain to them.
They want to be able to steal , kill and destroy any time they want.
Having said that , leave them alone , they will destroy themselves.
They are so like radical muslims that I think sometimes they have joined their cause.
Anyway , stock up on what ever you think you may need , it's a commin folks.

Anonymous said...

Barry, holder, and the liberal media would lead you to believe that their numbers are high and they are ready for an overtake. Those clowns are going to do nothing but get people hurt. CHARLES BARKLEY FOR PRESIDENT!!!

Anonymous said...

race of color? whatever. I think it would be more accurate to say the race of BLUE wants their own rules, laws and none that pertain to them.

Actions speak louder than words and one only has to look at one of their many actions each day.