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Sunday, June 08, 2014

Despite Protests, Baltimore City Council Passes Curfew Bill

The Baltimore City Council votes to toughen up curfews for Baltimore’s youth. City leaders say it will take kids out of harm’s way. But others argue it’s too strict for young people and their parents.

Christie Ileto has more on the controversial policy that’s become reality.

One of the toughest youth curfew bills in the country is days from being signed into law.

And for Ramone Garcia, Monday means his summer just got sour.

“It’s like (hurtful) because I like to play outside and be free, so I guess I have to be home. That sucks,” he said.

Despite protests, Baltimore City Council passed a bill 11-2 Monday evening that will require kids under 14 to be home by 9 p.m., those between 14 and 16 inside by 10 p.m. on weeknights and 11 p.m. on weekends.


Anonymous said...

Sounds very reasonable to me. Anyone out after 11pm on the weekends is usually up to trouble anyway.

Anonymous said...

Not sure why this is such a problem. It seems very reasonable. There is no reason for children to be out and about unsupervised past those times.

Anonymous said...

Good for Baltimore,about time they did something to get them off the streets.

Anonymous said...

Do we have this law in Salisbury? If not, why not? Good for Baltimore.

Anonymous said...

wow you people make me sick...

You clearly are too stupid to see the underlining of the problem...
This is about control and nothing else...

What if they passed a law that stopped you from doing certain things you want? I bet you would have a problem then right?

I mean hell while we're at it, why not make parents have to show up to school with their kids and sit in class all day with them and if you as a parent or kid miss 5 days of class you go to jail? how about that? or how about if your kid steals candy from a store you as a parent owe the stor 1 million dollars even if it was 5 cents of candy?

What if the city told you, that you had to get a permission slip from them to use your own bathroom in your own home? HOw about we pass a law that says NO ONE can open a window or door from 5 PM until 8 AM?

Oh and for those who will say, there not the same thing, The fuck if they're not... They are about control and that is what my suggested laws do just like the curfew law... OH and remember this is all for the sake of the children...

Do you see how dumb that is? of course you don't because as I said before you're to stupid!!!

Anonymous said...

Wicomico county needs to do this .

Anonymous said...

11:06 is correct.
I do not understand how this is legal.
As a parent it is my decision when my kids have to be home not the governments.

Anonymous said...

11:06 is wrong. They are not stopping you from doing what you want, they are stopping underage kids from roaming the streets causing trouble. Maybe parents should have to sit with their trouble maker kids for a day or two to see their bad behavior. Your million dollar, permission to use the bathroom and opening windows and doors remarks are idiotic.

Anonymous said...

You must understand one point , after dark it's extremely hard to see most of the population of this city , unless they smile .

Anonymous said...

11:06 It's Baltimore, genius. If the parents gave 2 s**ts about what their kids were up to, this wouldn't be needed. But, alas, here we are... surrounded by 10-14 year olds shooting heroin, jumping innocents, destruction of property, and much more. I'd take it a step further, and say if you're out past your curfew, police can use tasers and beat the snot out of you.

I bet you're a gun hater, though. Now they finally touched a nerve with you. Good, let that butt hurt flow through you.

And this should come to Wicomico. Hebron is a MAJOR PROBLEM and no one is addressing it.

Where are the parents? Noses glued to their smart phone, waiting for their crop to sprout?

Anonymous said...

I mean hell while we're at it, why not make parents have to show up to school with their kids and sit in class all day with them and if you as a parent or kid miss 5 days of class you go to jail? how about that? or how about if your kid steals candy from a store you as a parent owe the stor 1 million dollars even if it was 5 cents of candy?"

Parents should be held accountable if their child misses school too often for no good reason as well as if their child steals. The reason this curfew was necessary is because of dead beat "parents" who are allowing the streets to raise their children. This curfew isn't unreasonable and it's not going to make a bit of difference to the responsible parents.

Anonymous said...

Yep, lets punish EVERYONE because of a few bad apples.... that makes sense.
Ya'll are just too darn stupid to get the big picture.

Anonymous said...

This could open another can of worms. While something needs to be done with kids roaming the streets I don't know how you can force a parent to actually parent and raise their children.