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Monday, June 23, 2014

Ellen Sauerbrey Endorses Craig Campaign

Dear Fellow Republican,

Over the last eight years, we have seen how a tax and spend agenda accompanied by over- regulation and unnecessary intrusions into our daily lives has forced families and businesses to look elsewhere to locate or grow.Harford County Executive David Craig’s comprehensive plan to phase out the personal income tax will reverse that flight quickly.

I’ve known David for twenty five years as a public servant, educator, family man and friend. I know that David is a proven conservative who possesses the experience, vision, and proven leadership to turn this state around.

That is why I heartily endorse David Craig and his great running mate Delegate Jeannie Haddaway of Talbot County, to be Maryland’s next Governor and Lt. Governor.

As a City Councilman, Mayor, Delegate, State Senator and two-term County Executive, David Craig is the ONLY candidate for Governor, on either side, who has actually had to run a government.

Serving as Mayor of Havre de Grace and County Executive, he balanced 18 responsible budgets and led the county through the worst economic downturn since the Great Depression, all without raising taxes. In fact, despite the added costs dumped on counties by the O’Malley-Brown Administration, David lowered taxes by $50 million. As a result of his fiscal conservatism and steady vision, during his tenure Harford County was upgraded to AAA bond rating status, reducing costs to the taxpayer.

He implemented new technology and used common sense solutions and proven business practices to reduce the size of government. And he developed an aggressive economic growth strategy that supports small business and entrepreneurship. During an unfavorable state economic climate, David’s policies helped bring over 10,000 private sector jobs to the county along with 93 new businesses.

A 10th-generation Marylander, David worked thirty-four years in the Harford County Public School System as a teacher and assistant principal. He is a graduate of Towson University and holds a Master’s Degree from Morgan State University.

David Craig’s leadership at the city, county and state level in education, economic growth, job creation, the environment, public safety, and managing a budget proves that he is the only candidate with a real record of success and the proven experience to lead all of Maryland.

We have a tremendous opportunity to give Maryland the choice of an experienced leader for Governor, a competent and proven leader with successful on-the-job experience who will need no on-the-job training. So, if you really want to take back your state and move Maryland in a better direction, I urge you to join me in supporting and nominating David Craig for Governor. Whatever the outcome tomorrow, it is critical that Republicans unite immediately after the Primary behind our nominee.


Ellen Sauerbrey

P.S. David has had a true grassroots campaign traveling tirelessly to meet with Republicans from Ocean City to Oakland. And he is one of two Republican candidates who could qualify for $2.58 million in public funding, as the GOP nominee.


Anonymous said...

David and Jeannie are good people. If you want less government, lower taxes and common sense people in charge, vote Craig/Haddaway. If you want more of what we've had for the last 8 years vote for our Lt. Gov Anthony Bozo.

Anonymous said...

Ok Well do you wanna have a chance to Win in November ???? You will NEVER WIN the inner county vote with the same old same old candidates... Anthony Brown is foaming at the mouth to face either one of the Hogan or Craig campaigns ......I bet he wouldn't even have to show up to any debate and beat those two tired same old same old white men.....