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Sunday, June 15, 2014

200 U.S. Contractors Surrounded By Jihadists In Iraq

NEW YORK – About 200 Americans under contract with the Department of Defense at Balad Air Force Base in Iraq are trapped by the al-Qaida-inspired jihadists who have seized control of two cities and are now threatening Baghdad, according to WND sources.

The sources, private contractors who have recently returned to the U.S. from Iraq, said Friday their former colleagues effectively have been abandoned by the U.S. military and are fighting for their lives against an army of jihadists surrounding the base who belong to the Islamic State in Iraq and Syria, or ISIS.

The U.S. contractors are at Balad to help the Pentagon prepare the facilities for the delivery of the F-16 aircraft the Obama administration has agreed to provide the Iraqi government.

The surrounded Americans said they currently are under ISIS fire from small arms, AK47s, and rocket propelled grenades, or RPGs.


Anonymous said...

And this administration says:

"What difference at this point does it make?"

Anonymous said...

I saw that movie! It's called "The Alamo"

Anonymous said...

This is not funny... you all should be ashamed of yourselves for your comments. These people are in serious danger and our government is not reacting. We can trade 5 terrorist for one deserter but we will leave 200 civilians under fire. Unbelievable.

Anonymous said...

Go in, drone the attackers, fly them out, and forget about the F 16 deal. Bring those guys home and leave Iraq to whoever wins among them.

Anonymous said...

Doesn't matter if it's 4 (Benghazi), or 400. obammie doesn't care about them.

Unknown said...

Hey damnit! I know people stuck there. This is no political gotcha' game; this is real trouble for a lot of our people stuck there. Stop with the juvenile remarks and get on the phone to your Senator and Congressmen.

Anonymous said...

2:36-You need to suit up and shut up.Just go over there and fix it.

Anonymous said...

3:11 Before you get all pissy here, just remember, those people are there on their own free will! Nothing but dollar signs took them there. They all knew the risk!!

Warren said...

We have only a few hours to prove we are more patriot than we are political science middlemen.
If the next story is that they have been captured, we will have already lost. Imagine an aircraft engineer with a m16 huddled under his desk waiting for the next RPG to hit and then decide what to do.

Anonymous said...

Like none of us saw this coming?! Be real.

Anonymous said...

Sad it came to this. Those guys are in deep kimchi. And fearless leader in the mom jeans does nothing.

Anonymous said...

3:11 I appreciate your comment. Both of my state Senators are Democrats and they only go to the bathroom when Obama approves it. My House Representative is Andy Harris and apparently he doesn't have the clout or gonads to bring Obama up on an impeachment vote. As a Veteran, and if I could, I'd be on my way over there to fight for them. As with you, it's difficult for me to sit here on the computer and do nothing.

Anonymous said...

A soldier goes on his own free will! They make killer money overseas. I know from experience jerk! Six men died and several more mind as well be from injuries sustained chasing a deserter. and you want to let 200 Americans die for not sitting at home on welfare? Your mother should have taken a gulp Instead!

Anonymous said...

3:38 Thank you. The ONLY comment worthy of post. These people have chosen to go there chasing dollars. They haven't been getting five times pay for nothing. Unfortunate that the RISK may outway the reward.

Anonymous said...

Been there , done that. Yes the money is good.yes there is danger. We all have to work somewhere unlike others who sit on their asses getting our money for unemployment. We may be contractors, however,we are doing the work for our government!! It doesn't make us any less american, we still are. Some of these people have never been fired upon, not for their trade of work. Trust me, it's a feeling you can't even imagine. Get our people out of there. After all, our government asked them to go. It's the least they can do.

Jack K Richards said...

1:41 I totally agree with you. 9:36 You have a point that you were doing government work but would you be doing that work for what our military personnel are making?? Bet not.

Anonymous said...

And mr Mom Jeans plays golf while good men face potential capture, torture and death.....and when it's over he'll say "I didn't know about it until I read it in the newspaper, and Killary will say "What difference does it make?" F'en spineless yellow piece of human waste.

Anonymous said...

Obama has never been shy about killing terrorist. We shall see what happens. I say blow the entire county up. The only thing these people hate more than us is each other. Let's do them a favor and kill them all

Anonymous said...

Actually, the statement that they are just there for the money isn't always true. I worked at Lockheed Martin and they are constantly pressuring Field Engineers and CSFRs to go into war zones to retain their employment, or as the only way to further their career. Some of the newly hired college kids fresh out of a ABET accredited engineering program are forced to sign a contract stating they'll go in country for 6-18 months after receiving their flight line training as a condition of continued employment.

As many of you know, good paying jobs in high tech industries such as defense are hard to come by today.

These are regular guys doing dangerous work in a foreign mess that I agree our nation should not be involved with....but they deserve to be gotten out of there safely.

Anonymous said...

US rules of engagement have no place in an actual war.Due process has no place in an actual war.Iraquis who are trained by US forces are instructed to utilize both.Saddam killed terrorists on the spot,case closed.No one ever returned from the dead to pose a threat.