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Monday, July 15, 2013

Behold The Part-Time Worker Society: "We Won't Start Hiring Full-Time People"

Once again, as always happens with a very substantial delay, two themes that have been covered extensively on these pages in the past much to the ridicule of the mainstream media, namely that while the US may have "No Manufacturing Jobs But More Waiters And Bartenders Than Ever" and that Obamacare has finally struck as "Part-Time Jobs Surge To All Time High; Full-Time Jobs Plunge By 240,000" are now begrudgingly covered and in fact, endorsed, by the very same MSM.

Enter the Wall Street Journal which blends the two themes well known to our readers, and writes that "More Restaurants Replace Full-Timers, Concerned About Insurance."

To wit: "Ken Adams has been turning to more part-time workers at his 10 Subway sandwich shops in Michigan to avoid possibly incurring higher health-care costs under the new federal insurance law. He added approximately 25 part-time workers in May and June as he reduced some employees' hours and replaced other workers who left. The move showed how efforts by some restaurant owners and other businesses to remake their workforces because of the Affordable Care Act may be turning the country's labor market into a more part-time workforce." In other words, the already worst paying jobs in the US are getting even more of the shaft, downgraded from full time to part time status. Precisely the New "part-time worker society" that we predicted would happen back in 2010...



Anonymous said...

The trend towards part-time hiring is NOT an "obamacare" thing. This has been going on years before the pres. even took office. With increased productivity you don't need all those man hours.

Anonymous said...

10:03 keep convincing yourself, i understand facts are hard to comprehend especially when it comes to your beloved leader obama

Anonymous said...

welcome to my 2 pt job no ins world.

Anonymous said...

Respectfully, you are clueless!

Anonymous said...

There are more working poor than any time in our history. People are working minion jobs, getting paid squat and still eligible for EBT cards and energy assistance. This country will never progress with this kind of economy.

If the affordable care act was so great, why has Obummer backed it up another year to 2015? Because he knows how much it is going to hurt democrats in the 2014 election.

Anonymous said...

You folks are laughable and predictable.

1107,1149, and 1218, perhaps you missed the article highlighting this trend from the Wall Street journal dating back to.......March 2008! There are stacks of reports out there predating the Obama admin. that provide projections and/or document the trend towards part time labor. 2 seconds on google and I found one dating back to 93!

See, the way it is supposed to work is that you first consult the facts, then form an opinion. Somewhere folks like you got it all mixed up, which is why you believe whatever headline that strokes your partisan ego.

Anonymous said...

I feel so sorry for young people just starting out. It once was that you could get a good job with a good company and retire from the same place. On average I've heard that the younger workers are forced to bounce from job to job and work 2 & 3 jobs at a time. Some give up and joint the military and pay with their lives. I'm so thankful that I was born when I was and had a chance to see how great this country could be. So sad.

Anonymous said...

You are the one being laughed at. Ask a business owner why they don't hire full time? It used to be 37 1/2 hours per week but because of the mandate in Obamacare it is now 30 hours per week.
Have you completely missed article after article about restaurant chains cutting worker hours to not fall into the trap of Obamacare?
You my friend, are a liberal hack!

Anonymous said...

Its really sad that employer's don't feel that they should take care of their employee's. God forbid that they have to pony-up more than $7.50 an hour for a full time worker.