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Friday, May 24, 2013

Lawyer, School Officials to Meet Following Student’s Pledge of Allegience Complaint

A Maryland student who says she was harassed by teachers and her assistant principal for refusing to say the Pledge of Allegiance just might get her wish for reform in the Montgomery County school district.

The 10th grade Damascus High student went to the American Civil Liberties Union after she felt the apology she received from the principal wasn’t good enough. ACLU attorney David Rocah heard back from the District Wednesday, and they agreed to talk. He hopes they can reach “a meaningful resolution.”

According to Rocah, the student just wants to ensure no other county student faces harassment for practicing a legal right.



Anonymous said...

What a brat. She should be told that here in America we are taught to respect our country and the soldiers who have fought to keep this world free. That includes saying, WITH PRIDE, the Pledge of Allegiance AND the Star Spangled Banner.

Perhaps it's time to start telling these idiots to go find another country to live in. We don't NEED them here.

Anonymous said...

Why is it only 1 person can change a whole county school system? I went to school on the 50's & 60's & if someone had an objection to saying the Pledge, they were able to stand silent. (For example: religious reasons). The others still could recite the Pledge; of course that was before politically correctness!

Anonymous said...

If you're in America and you're reaping the benefits of being in America (such as free school) then you may want to stand out of respect and pledge allegiance to the flag. It's only right and if you don't like it then maybe you should remove yourself from this wonderfully awesome country!!!

Anonymous said...

A Puerto Rican native with a complaint about issues with our government there? Well, have you entered a formal complaint? Can you be specific at all? Exactly what is your solution?

It certainly should not include stopping others from pledging allegiance to their country.

Now, leave, and take your homeland complaint to the proper agency of our government. See you later.

Anonymous said...

Children of the corn all over again.

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 11:42, since when is school FREE?

Anonymous said...

The point is Joe, if she does not want to say the pledge of allegiance, then so be it, just shut up and stand there, but quit trying to change the American way. I hate it when all these foreigners come here, then want to change our way of doing things. Do you go to another country and try to change the way things are done, I think not. Well they need to stop it too. America is beautiful and they just need to accept it or leave and stay away. We all know nothing is free (for Americans anyway).

Anonymous said...

I completely agree in respecting those who have fought for our country, however I'm not sure how pledging allegiance to a flag is doing that...there is not justice and liberty for all and the only time I can say the word GOD is by saying it in accordance with the pledge! Well I want to pray in school and give allegiance to my Lord and Savior.

JoeAlbero said...

anonymous 8:40, Amen Brother/Sister.

Anonymous said...

Joe, I don't think that student is paying a dime. We as taxpayers are but she is on a free ride. Therefore she needs to appreciate that benefit as well as others I'm sure she gets from being in this country.

Anonymous said...

To 9:35, you say our soldiers fought to keep the world free, and then say she should be forced to say the pledge of allegiance. Notice any contradiction there? Freedom means you aren't forced to recite some pledge that was written by a socialist (look it up).

Her complaint is that she was forced to say it, not that anyone else says it. She has the right to express her belief. That's what she's fighting for. She's the one who is truly representing what this country stand for -- freedom of expression -- not those making comments disparaging her.

To 5:21 & 8:29, you do realize that Puerto Rico is part of the U.S., don't you? She's a citizen of this country, not a foreigner. You may have said the Pledge in school, but clearly you didn't learn much else.

Anonymous said...

If she was my child she would get a good spanking when she got home!