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Monday, April 09, 2012

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 4-9-12

Death and the fear of death is a Persuader and Hitler knew this also... He controlled the media and their lives by treating them, and our govt knows this and knows what works when it comes to taking freedoms... Hitler said if you want to take freedoms give the people a sense of security and they will give up all freedoms willingly... and he is right, and the said posters are right... they are attacking us NOW not later, NOW... Every bill they pas has a new measure to take from us... which is why they never past bills for long periods of time, they only do it in steps...

1 comment:

lmclain said...

That might explain the acquiesence of so many Americans. THEIR security and comfort hasn't been threatened. No police have beat them up. They fall for the unrelenting and vocal criticism of anyone who opposes these lies and controls as "tin-foil hat conspiracy freaks" or the "we are only looking out for your own good" or "if you aren't doing anything wrong, then don't worry about your rights" or the latest boogeyman call to arms (which, coincidently, wil require the surrender of MORE of your rights, ok?). They don't know (or don't care) about the sacrifices of those before them, or of our proud history. Being mindless sheep, they are happily led down the path to totalitarian control. And smugly and self-righteously (and quite erroneously) critize those who DO see it. Much like the Jews (now dead, by the way) who told their neighbors they were unduly alarmed --- no way that Hitler would or could want to do what everyone else told them he was doing. Ummmm, how did THAT work out again?