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Friday, September 30, 2011

Ron Paul, ACLU condemn Anwar al-Awlaki killing

White House hopeful Ron Paul and the American Civil Liberties Union each condemned the United States' killing of Anwar al-Awlaki, an American citizen who has never been charged with any crime.

Al Qaeda's Anwar al-Awlaki killed in Yemen

Paul, a staunch Libertarian, said in New Hampshire Friday that it's "sad" if "the American people accept this blindly and casually," adding that "nobody knows if he ever killed anybody," According to the Wall Street Journal. the Texas Republican lawmaker said United States officials "have never been specific about the crime."

The ACLU said the killing was a violation of both U.S. and international law.



Anonymous said...

just because someone calls the us bad and wants to over throw the government shouldn't give the government the right to kill them. There ought to be a little more evidence regarding their crimes. The way our government is shouldn't be to hard to
manufacture that!
Who's next? now they can kill any american anywhere in the world without due process?

Anonymous said...

He is right.

Anonymous said...

Shows why Ron Paul will never be elected. He is showing to be as asinine as the ACLU.

Anonymous said...

Not that I needed any more, but this is yet another reason why I can't (and won't) vote for this confused and delusional individual.

Anonymous said...

Obama cares about as much for international law as he does about our constitution.

Obama and supporters will just claim that Ron Paul is soft on terrorism.

We can't seem to execute people on death row for horrible crimes but we can drop bombs anywhere, any time without remorse.

Anonymous said...

Ron has a very different view than vets on what to do with terrorists.

Anonymous said...

What ever happened to that American John Lynd? Had his picture everywhere when picked up with Taliban forces during the beginning of Afgan war. Wasn't he at Gitmo and is he still there?

We've been dropping bombs on Yeman, Iraq, Afganistan, Pakistan, Libia. We are at war with five nations.

That's Ron Paul's message, how long can we sustain war with five nations and the body bags just keep coming.

Even the commonist Nazi was given due process even if death was the inevitable outcome.

Anonymous said...

I am fine with it. He joined Al Qaeda and knew what they represented. I am a veteran though and have different views than alot of people I am sure because I have seen it first hand over there.

Anonymous said...

Just because this guy had a 'label' saying he was an American does not mean he was one. He most certainly is not.

He tried, unsuccessfully, numerous times to kill Americans, and others.

Have you forgotten 9/11? The army base? The be-headings?

This happens in war. People get killed. OUR troops get killed.

This isn't the first time we tried to kill this guy. I know of at least two other times, which failed, obviously.

And now that we have succeeded people want to protest? If you want to protest, go to Wall Street. They need your help. The enemy does not.

He was an active participant in terrorism. He planned attacks. Those attacks were carried out. He sent 20 emails to the man who opened up on troops at the army base.

You want a cop to go arrest him so he can have due process?!


He was our enemy. He got his just deserts. It was legal. Good job.

Now go get the others.

Anonymous said...

Even the commonist Nazi


How can anyone take you seriously with such inane comparisons and simple misspellings?

Anonymous said...

I believe Bill Aryes was as big a terrorist than this guy. Is obammie going after him next?

Anonymous said...

5:41: Maybe Obama won't go after Bill Ayres but what's to stop the next president now that the precedent has been set?

The deed has been done, but let me ask this: We were able to insert a SEAL team into Pakistan to kill Osama bin Laden; why wasn't it possible to do the same in Yemen?

Anonymous said...

Greedy bankers and lending companies have done as much damage to this country as any terrorist attack.

Let's bomb them next. Osama bin Ladin's goal was to ruin our economy. The banking industry did that for him. That makes them terrorists too, you're either with us or against us.

Do you remember is the question?

Anonymous said...

The Yemen government were also involved so there was no need for a seal team. Nice little drone did the trick.

Anonymous said...

5:41 PM 7:35 PM

I believe Bill Aryes was

Key word being WAS.

Anonymous said...

I think many of these people writing comments probably do not remember WWII. (not even born yet). Those were tough times. Not only for the military but for those of us on the home front. I'm glad we did not have some of these almost anti-America people then. OK we had a few. But now, these highly educated nuts want to destory our beloved country. Shame on them. 9/11 should have some sense of "they want to kill us" but ACLU want us to believe our Government is trying to kill us.
Personally, I admire men like Dakota (Medal of Honor receipent)more so than Ron Paul or any of these"turncoats". God Bless America.

Anonymous said...

8:36 PM


Anonymous said...

8:17 even more reason to argue he could have been brought back for a trial.

Anonymous said...

8:17 even more reason to argue he could have been brought back for a trial.

September 30, 2011 9:13 PM


Anonymous said...

8:17 even more reason to argue he could have been brought back for a trial.

September 30, 2011 9:13 PM

Why don't you and the rest that think that way just hop on a plane and track down all these terrorists and serve them with subpoena's?

You guys are turning my stomach.

Anonymous said...

What in the hell are you guys talking about? When did we get to just kill Americans without them being convicted in a court of law? Whats next? Do we just do the same thing if they are here on our own soil? Do we just send goon squads to kill people without a shred of evidence being reviewed by a jury or judge? That is due process. That is what is written in the constitution. You all jump up and down about the constitution being ignored and then you support it being ignored. This was not an incident where he was killed during an attempt to apprehend him and bring him to justice. This was the result of a seek and destroy mission that was carried our like some Dictatorship. Yes I remember WWII. I also remember that traitors were entitled to a trial. Deserters were entitled to a court martial. When did that change? When did our country become a rogue nation? This guy was a U.S. Citizen - even though he was a piece of SH**, the law is the law. We don't get to ignore it because of the nature of crimes he's been accused of. He hadn't been tried or convicted of anything.

Anonymous said...

9:52, very true! what these other folks seem to be missing is what happens when the government comes for them? think it can't or won't happen? think again! no lawyer, no due process, just a bullet in the back of the head! just because the government says you are a bad guy. Whatever happened to having a jury figure it out? total bs! no accountability! you folks really trust our current/former government officials that much to blindly follow them?

steve said...

This guy was obviously waging war against us-I could care less what his nationality is. If we could have we should have taken out Timothy McVeigh before he could strike. I would target a drone to take out the ACLU next!

Anonymous said...

Alright Steve! Congratulations! You've just openly suggested that our republic convert to a dictatorship. From a nayion that operates under the rule of law to one that deprives it's citizens of due process. 236 years ago there was this document...what was it?....oh yeah...the Constitution...that laid out what our government had the right to do. It also specifically listed some of the protections afforded to the people. One of those rights was due process. It said nothing of those rights not being granted if a person was accused of certain crimes. Due process has been established and now it has been ignored by a rogue government running our country.

Anonymous said...

9:52 PM

I totally agree with you!

Anonymous said...

This pig was a ranking member of an organization at war with the U.S. and our predominant culture. Where he happened to be born is irrelevant. Good riddance.

Anonymous said...

You rednecks really crack me up. You will fight to the end to protect your 2nd amend. right to bear arms but you don't give a crap about giving up your 5th amend right to not be deprived of live, ...with out due process. Try reading it sometime or get the picture book. I don't like that traitor terrorists but every american is protected by the 5th amend. and should not be killed without due process....our government has done it twice now!

Anonymous said...

*scratching my head* I heard Joe Biden call some members of the TEA party terrorists. Guess there should be drones made ready for them, too.

I understand the visceral sentiment of "good riddance al-Awlaki", but I'm amazed that some of you just refuse to see how these actions can be expanded.

Anonymous said...

Spend less time worrying about what if and more about what is.

Anonymous said...

There's really nothing to see here. Awlaki has had the option to surrender for some time now. Had he done so, he would have been treated with due process. It was his choice not to exercise this option. Agreed - good riddance.

steve said...

Hey Anon 8:41-I think it became a whole new ballgame on 9/11/01. Sorry-just saying.

Anonymous said...

4:16 PM

Finally, someone with half a brain.