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Monday, July 18, 2011

My Take On The Daily Times Bay Bridge Editorial

I had hoped GA Harrison would have used my title on his earlier Post referencing the Daily Times' Editorial piece on the Bay Bridge but it was already written.

I wanted, Is The Governor Following The Daily Times Lead. You see, the paper used to be $ .25 cents per day, now its $ .75 per day and a whole lot more on weekends.

The Daily Times doesn't mind an increase on tolls BECAUSE IT DOESN'T EFFECT THEM.

However, IF they had to rely on their staff coming across the Bay Bridge every day, well, that's a whole different story.

IF the Daily Times had the same kind of readership they used to have before Salisbury News came along, well, they'd still be $ .25 cents per day. However, because their subscription numbers have plummeted, the only way they can stay afloat is by raising their price.

The big question is, is that the same case for the Bay Bridge? NO! The Bridge is paid for. O'Malley is well known for stealing from the General Transportation Fund that you and I pay taxes at the pumps for to maintain our roads locally and he took 100% of it to use for roads in Baltimore.

Because the Daily Times doesn't have the balls to stand up to O'Malley and tell it like it is and recognize how much this proposal truly affects the Eastern Shore, many will walk away believing there must be some validity to the increase. There is NONE!

Now why would the Daily Times be so afraid of Governor O'Malley and why would they support such a stupid proposal of an increase. Well, on O'Malley's desk is several proposals to take legal ads and municipal ads from print newspapers to on line sources. IF the DT's were to lose ALL of that business it would certainly be the end for print media on the Shore.

So one hand tends to wash the other and the paper becomes political and not a service for the people. While I personally like Martin O'Malley, we certainly do not see eye to eye on political matters. Therein lies the difference between the DT's and Salisbury News.

Every one has the right to their opinion, just like we do. However, I have yet to see a comon sense reason as to why it is necessary to raise the rates. However, I believe there is one thing the DT's conveniently forgot to mention as well in their article, (not mentioned in GA's earlier post either) COMPROMISE!

You see, to ME, I read into this whole thing a whole lot deeper than most and I feel it is my responsibility to express those thoughts for all of you to debate. Here's what I see. The wet pants liberals come out with this CRAZY price, knowing they can always come down and not up. So they propose this $12.00 fee in the HOPES every one will settle at $8.00, then perhaps $6.00, then perhaps $5.00. In the end they, (the Norm Conway's) will come back AFTER the final rate is decided and negotiated and say, well, I helped REDUCE the cost going from $12.00 down to $5.00, I'm a GOOD GUY! BS!

In my honest opinion, OUR government should HONOR their original proposal and make the Bay Bridge FREE. I am sick and tired of being SOLD one thing and getting boned in the end by the same people who said it would be FREE.

Now the liberals want to raise the rates and rape our general transportation funds because they want bigger government and higher budgets for the Board of Education.

Because this Post is getting so long, I'll stop here and watch the comments fly in. I think you see where I'm headed. Just let me say this. Over all the years I've been doing this, many people have said, you better watch that Joe Albero because one day he'll turn on you. That is VERY true. IF you do right in our eyes for the people, we'll pat you on the back. If and when you screw up and take advantage of we the people we will certainly expose it for what it is. Now, IF the DT's finds fault in that, well, they're bought and sold. Salisbury News is not.


Anonymous said...

Agree 100% with Joe on this one. There is no other position to take. Truth is truth

Anonymous said...

If this really bothered people, they would have needed a much bigger building than Decator to hold a forum. Sure, a handful of people have their panties in a wad, but most reasonable people understand the increase. If you can't afford a couple of extra bucks to head to the Shore, you shouldn't be going anywhere. As far as companies who are crying about the increases: it's the cost of doing business. Grow up. Would you rather drive around the Bay? Is this making national news? Is this going to affect our daily life? No.

Joseph Albero said...

anonymous 2:27, the big meeting was in Kent Island. You liberals want to rate everything by the number of people turning out for a meeting. When prices start to rise here because of an unnecessary increase, then you'll understand.

Just remember, if they raise it to $8.00 per vehicle and 500,000 people come to OC each weekend, reduce it to 300,000 vehicles to be fair. That's $1,650,000.00 LESS that people will spend every weekend on the shore.

But logic and math don't work for people like you, does it. While a loaf of bread coming from the western shore may only rise five cents, multiply that times a few hundred thousand loaves each week and you'll start to see what it means.

In all it will become much more expensive, especially in the toughest economy the Unites States has ever experienced.

Like I've stated for years on this Blog. They will take until you have no more. Then they'll force you into borrowing and ultimately bankruptcy. When you're out of a job for a year, no place to live, living off of food banks when they have food, then you'll understand.

However, you're probably a teacher and not too worried for others. In fact, here's an idea. Why doesn't OweMalley raise school lunched to $7.00 per day instead???? Oh, how dare we think such thoughts, right!

Anonymous said...

Your example of 200K less people is way, way off. A handful of people at the most will be deterred by this increase. A few dollars is not going to get in the way of someone's vacation or a truckload of groceries. Like it or not, freedom isn't free. If you want decent roads and bridges to drive on, someone has to pay for it. I don't mind paying my fair share. If someone doesn't want to pay, fine, they can stay home.

It's ironic that you bash teachers, when you didn't even graduate high school. Funny how you always like to pick on someone when you can't make a good point. If the words "wet pants", "idiots", "folks" and "teachers" were taken out of your vocabulary, you'd be speechless.

Anonymous said...

I agree with Joe. If the bridge is paid for then we have been turning profit for years already so why raise the fee now? The answer is that our government has absolutely no clue how to make money in this recession. The only way they know how to make it is steal from the everyday hard working person. THE BRIDGE ALREADY TURNS PROFIT BY CHARGING 2.50 TO CROSS....HOW MUCH WILL THEY EARN WHILE CHARGING 12.00 TO CROSS? If people have to pay these outrageous tolls on their way to the shore, they will have less money to spend while on the shore. Simple and plain. The government does not care about your wallet or well being why should we care what they want? When your house is foreclosed upon and you have no where to turn and our government fails you then you will change your tune.

Anonymous said...

If this really bothered people, they would have needed a much bigger building than Decator to hold a forum. Sure, a handful of people have their panties in a wad, but most reasonable people understand the increase. If you can't afford a couple of extra bucks to head to the Shore, you shouldn't be going anywhere. As far as companies who are crying about the increases: it's the cost of doing business. Grow up. Would you rather drive around the Bay? Is this making national news? Is this going to affect our daily life? No.

Ok lets look at it from a numbers standpoint. If you do cross the bay bridge each day for work, thats 2.50 each day. multiply that by lets say 230 as an estimate on days work per year. That is a total of $575 per year. If you now charge 8.00 as a conservative guess for the toll raise 230 times a year thats $1840, over $1400 more per year. I do not know about you but I would rather spend $1400 somewhere else during my year then paying to work....anyway you get where I am coming from this will effect thousands of people, maybe just not you...

Anonymous said...

3:07 - Sure, raising the costs on commuters would be unpleasant for those people, but we all make choices, and sometimes those choices have unpleasant consequences. I choose to live on the Shore rather than in Washington or Philadelphia. I could make a lot more money in Washington or Philadelphia doing the job I am doing now, but I choose to live here, and I don't figure that the fact I am giving up some income is anyone's problem except mine.

Plus, it's unlikely most commuters are paying $2.50 a day to cross the bridge now, and unlikely they'll pay $8 a day later: there's a discount plan for commuters where you pay a $1 toll instead of a $2.50 toll.

Anonymous said...

The sad thing is that people have to cross the bridge for work. Are there no good jobs on the eastern shore?

Beezer said...

Excellent article Joe.

You couldn't have spoken it any plainer. 'It is what it is' - and you called it like you see it.

I absolutely agree with you.

Anonymous said...

I don't understand why the State Government wants to DISCOURAGE visitors to the Eastern Shore?

They increase alcohol tax to discourage people from drinking. Ditto for cigarette tax.

Why the bridge?

Anonymous said...

I can't believe people are so dense. They don't care about paying a few dollars more per truckload of groceries. The price of food is already high what's a little more eh?

I sure hope that is one of the officals trying to raise the toll and not an ordinary citizen. If it is, it's sad that people are so dumb, but it takes all kinds.

If anyone wanted an increase in their wages, the employer would expect more work out of them, correct? Well, what extras would we get with a toll increase?

The only reason I see for a toll increase is that they want more PROFIT. It's not like they are operating at a loss and taking money from somewhere else to fund the bridge. Quite the opposite it would appear.

If they want to save some money, reduce the number of cops that operate speed traps on each end of the bridge. They act like they own the bridge when in fact it is we who own it.

Anonymous said...

Would you rather drive around the Bay? Is this making national news? Is this going to affect our daily life? No.

Who cares if it makes national news? And what difference would that make? It will affect our daily lives. You are just too dense to realize it. But if this robbery occurs, you will find out the hard way. Then you will be on here crying. And you have the nerve to tell anyone to grow up?

After reading some of the posts on here, if evolution is true, I think some are reversing the process.

Anonymous said...

A lot of stupid opinions here, first of all the commuter rate for people that make the drive every day will be significantly lower. Secondly, the vacationers are not down to the last few dollars in their bank account. They will not spend a dollar less once they get to OC because of a few more dollars at the bridge. A lemonade on the boardwalk costs more than the toll, let's be serious.

Anonymous said...

6:44 the state is not in a profit. Everything in the state can't exactly break even and then afford growth or paying off the debt

Anonymous said...

6:44 the state is not in a profit. Everything in the state can't exactly break even and then afford growth or paying off the debt

July 19, 2011 2:53 AM

Wasn't saying the state was 'in a profit'. I was saying the bridge makes a profit. Good lord.

Anonymous said...

A lot of stupid opinions here 2:50 AM

You are absolutely correct. Your post and the one below it, ( prob you as well) are a prime example.

Anonymous said...

When I work and get paid, I want to decide where the fruits of my labor go.. The government already is getting a big dip.It will end when I work and still owe.