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Monday, September 14, 2009


Maintaining Congressional civility is vital to politicians of all sides. They can lie to the American people from the well of the house without fear of being called out. That is why the unforgiveable offense by Joe Wilson in his calling the President a liar is being condemned by both sides of the aisle. The larger issue is.whether the President was lying or not. There is evidence that he did mislead the American people.

The Texas woman he referred to as having been denied coverage, while, on June 16th, testified before congress that she did omit on her application that she had been diagnosed with a precancerous skin condition, that she had an irregular heart beat and incidentally about her weight. In the case of the Illinois man, at the same hearing, his sister testified that he had received the prescribed stem cell transplant within the three to four week window of opportunity.

Then Obama used Blue Cross of Alabama to buttress his claim for the need for reform. Perhaps, Al Gore will present the "Inconvenient truth." Blue Cross of Alabama has 75% not 95% of the business. largely due to the fact that they are ranked second in the nation for customer satisfaction. In Alabama there are no barriers to competition from other insurers. Could it possibly be that Blue Cross in Alabama is simply cheaper?

We then come to the core reason Joe Wilson called Obama a liar. That being, are illegal's entitled to health care benefits? While the debate centers on what is spelled out in the legislation, court rulings are being ignored. To wit, In the state of California the voters passed an initiative (proposition 187) that denied benefits to illegal's. That was overturned by the lower federal courts as unconstitutional. The basis was the equal protection clause of the fourteenth amendment. The Supreme Court, subsequently, denied hearing an appeal thus upholding the lower court ruling.

Would a constitutional law professor be expected to be aware of this? If he were the President, with large staff of advisors be expected to understand the courts ruling? If he knew this and still mislead the people, would that be called lying?


Anonymous said...

your statement:
"To wit, In the state of California the voters passed an initiative (proposition 187) that denied benefits to illegal's. That was overturned by the lower federal courts as unconstitutional."

This is a state law. Not a FEDERAL. How can Obama be responsible for what California does?

Anonymous said...

No one is entitled to health insurance. Our biggest problem now is that we do not follow our rule of law. Our Congress and judiciary are out of control and are stomping on the Constitution.

Anonymous said...

Dear 1:09Pm, You evidently do not understand the 14th ammendment to the constitution. Likewise, you must be having trouble with the words, Federal Court and Supreme court. As far as Obama being responsible for what happens in California, the last I knew that state was still part of the nation and to the extent both the state and Obama must obey the constitution, he is responsible.
1:13 PM, You will find in the equal rights clause the words, "NOR DENY TO ANY PERSON WITHIN ITS JURISDICTION THE EQUAL PROTECTION OF THE LAWS." and that my friends grants health care benefits to illegals. Like it or not.

Anonymous said...

you are assuming that we should ignore the fact that they are in this country illegally. they should be afforded the border not health care which i spayed for with our tax dollars which 50% of this population does not pay. my guess is that you are one of them. illegals need to be deported and enter this country within the system set up, like so many of our parents and grandparents did.

Anonymous said...

Hey 2:39 what part of calling Obama a liar do you not understand? The fact that the courts have interpreted the 14th ammendment to cover illegals is a fact. I don't like it anymore than you do. So if the liar-in-chief gets Obamacare passed they will be covered. Our job is to prevent it from passing, in any form. Don't get sucked in by the RINO's who love the illegals and will compromise with Obama.