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Thursday, February 26, 2009

Truer Words Never Spoken

There are two kinds of people in the electorate:

1. People who remember how horrible the Jimmy Carter years were , and

2. People who are about to find out.


Reconciled1 said...

Can you spell double digit???? Inflation, unemployment, Gas lines . I was a kid but I remember them.

Anonymous said...

You're right, Joe. Thanks to George W. Bush, we're going to be suffering for a while. Thankfully, President Obama and the Democrats in Congress have a plan to get us out of this Republican created mess.

Anonymous said...


By digging the hole deeper?

Anonymous said...

What are you talking about? Your introduction is not very clear Joe.

Anonymous said...

Are those of you that voted for Obama sorry yet? Do you feel like fools? He has broken every one of his campaign promisses and it's only been a month. The economy was doing greaqt until the Democrats took over congress in 2006 and it has been tanking ever since. Every time Obama shoots his mouth off the stock market tanks.
The children are in charge! Hold on to your hats! Real change is coming! Get ready for the bread lines!
He's coming for you guns next, and he's going to censor the media!
Feels like 1939!

Anonymous said...

11:34a I am glad you think that way but you have misinformed yourself. Your President Osamma doesn't have a clue how to solve this mess. Go ahead and keep bowing to him so when he tells you to drink your kool aide you won't be any trouble to him. Seems to me he is nothing but a black Bill Clinton and I'm guessing you agreed with that idiot as well. Sorry but I have a huge problem with bailing out failed business and that is all this amounts to. Problem is somewhere along here we the taxpayer are gonna get screwed and I think we already have been.

Anonymous said...

11:34 AM You are seriously misinformed. Bush did not cause it, the democratic congress elected in 2006 caused it. Congressman Barney "the boner" Frank and Senator Chris Dodd thwarted attempts by the Bush Administration to correct the bank failures when brought to the attention of their respective committees in Congress by the Bush Administration.

Anonymous said...

12:38 Anon

Obviously you are not old enough to remember the President Jimmy Carter years of this country when we had to wait in line at gasoline stations to get gasoline and double digit unemployment and inflation as well as the hostages in Iran.