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Thursday, December 18, 2008

IGA In Hebron Robbed Tonight

The Hebron IGA was robbed tonight and so was a patron who was leaving the store. There is a manhunt in progress as we speak! It's my understanding they closed off parts of Hebron and a Helicopter was brought in. More to come.....


Anonymous said...

I know most people know it as the Hebron IGA but just to correct you it is now called the Hebron Food Rite.

Hope to hear more on this story. I know they were racing around town and searching for the people involved.

Thank goodness that no one was hurt. Thanks for keeping us up to date!

Anonymous said...

Thank God I have not been faced with a person wanting to rob me. Untill faced with this its hard to speculate what I would do. I have taken alot of self defense classes , including several tournaments . But until the robbers luck runs out,and they do come across myself or others I am aware of, I can only think that the thieves would be in for a surprize. And What happens to them for what they attempt is on them.Our society is not safe any more. "we the people" should be allowed to protect our selves , if this type of crime has increased so that our law officers are not able to stop it , maybe we need to allow people to carry fire arms.This would cause a person to think twice before they try robbing people.And if they get killed committing this type of crime be it.

I hope they catch the theif and throw the "book" at him. Good luck and be careful while you do your job. Thank you officers.

Anonymous said...

I live in Hebron, around 9pm we heard trooper 4 right above our house on Lillian St which prompted us to look out the windows. There were State Troopers with dogs on foot walking past our house & down our block. When we looked toward Rt 50, there were cars backed up as far as you could see waiting to get into town. A family member that works at 911 said there was an assult at a home on Main St, nothing about Hebron Food Rite. At 10pm the police finally let the folks waiting in their cars go home. Guess we'll hear the full story today.

Anonymous said...

Haven't heard anything about this on the local news. Please share details.

Anonymous said...

Rest easy Sheriff Lewis is on the job 24/7

Anonymous said...

Until the economy improves, we're going to be hearing more and more of these things....people get desperate and do desperate things. When a parent knows they've got mouths to feed, they might do things they wouldn't otherwise consider.
When it's someone who already doesn't know right from wrong, the chances are much much greater that they'd rob a store or mug someone for their purse or wallet.
Be aware of your surroundings, and of who is surrounding you all the time. You just never know these days who might do what.

Anonymous said...

Where do you get your information? Hebron Food Rite was not robbed. A woman returning to her home on main street was assaulted and I believe robbed. They were searching for the 2 who assaulted her.

Anonymous said...

I liked it better when it was a family owned American store.

Anonymous said...

I have looked on and and can find nothing about this. Seeing the helicopter last nite, then not being able to find any info is just wrong.

Anonymous said...

9:57 am:
Just curious, why? I think the store is better now. You can get a decent pizza for a good price (better than Domino's, the only place I'm aware of that delivers to FireTower/Quantico Creek area.)

The beer and wine selection is much better than what it was before, and the prices on these items aren't bad, particularly for the convenience. I bet their beer selection is 4-5 times better than Chicken Man or Shore Stop on 50.

The hours are better now too.

So, why was it better before?