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Sunday, October 05, 2008

Fruitland City Ballot

If you're curious as to what the Ballot will look like for this week's election, GO HERE.


Anonymous said...

My, my, my so Valerie Mann supports Gloria Ortiz. No big surprise as she openly campaigned for Marc Miciotto two years ago. I thought Ms. Mann was a better person than that but it is very clear to me what HER motives are as well given her close and personal relationship with a certain police officer who is now irrelevant. Ms. Mann are you really that desperate?

Anonymous said...

The Daily Rag was supposed to have the sample ballot in today's paper. It came as no surprise that they messed this up. Isn't it odd how they managed to print the letter from Valerie Mann along with the ad for Mark Miciotto though? The Daily Rag is treating certain people in Fruitland the same way it treats those in Salisbury. The bad gets all of the positive publicity while the good doesn't get mentioned at all.

Thank you Joe for posting the ballot. I know where I can count on to go for information..Salisbury News!

Anonymous said...

I wonder how many votes Valerie Mann's endorsement is going to cost Gloria Ortiz ?

Anonymous said...

12:21 Due to Mann's connection with the SGT and Miciotto she lost my vote.

Anonymous said...

Ortiz = Mann = Miciotto. I'm surprised she did not run in a weak attempt to save her best friends who are only using her. Valerie, you are so blind you give Covered Bridge a bad name. I hear Mark has been bad-mouthing Ed Cowell. Why wrong Mark, afraid of a little competition? You don't rate to shine Cowell's shoes so grow up, asshole.

Anonymous said...

The only reason Ortiz pushed so hard for Hayward Ave is because her buddies Margaret Penneweasle and Ralph Dumbass live there. I find it hard to believe she pushes for anything that she doesn't get something in return. Oops, you forgot Gloria. She and Mark lost last time and now you think Valerie Mann, the biggest so and so in Fruitland will help rescue you. Think again. Too little, too late.

Anonymous said...

fruitland should have remained farmland, or ranches, coz there enough donkeys runnig for office that we need a barn to store all of the manure.....praise to the new chief, at least the town made one good choice.

Anonymous said...

Woo Hoo! Mark couldn't find enough crooks to vote for him!