“Based on everything we know, we think he’s innocent,” said Andrew Jezic, who has been retained by Sanchez Milian’s family. “This appears to have been a consensual encounter.”
Jezic said his 18-year-old client is confident he will be exonerated.
An arrest warrant filed against Sanchez Milian and signed by a police detective — as well as a similar warrant against a co-defendant, Jose Montano, 17, who has been charged as an adult — describe a brutal series of sexual assaults inside a bathroom stall at Rockville High School on Thursday morning by the suspects, both 9th graders at the school.
There is no 'consensual encounter' with a 14-year-old girl.
And that is exactly what a defense mouth piece is paid to say.
So now this perp's attorney has laid out his defense. He is going to put the victim on trial and accuse her of giving the perp permission to have sex with her. If she was UNDER 14, he would have no defense in Maryland (statutory rape, pure and simple, based on age difference), but at 14, his only defense is that it was consensual. As usual, smart attorney, but a scumbag.
By the attorney alleging the victim "consented," he is attempting to have his client acquitted of the charge of statutory rape. If he can convince a jury that she consented, then even a forcible rape charge could be thrown out. The victim will be put on trial, or her family will agree to a plea bargain in order to spare their child the pain of the courtroom trial. Sadly, this is often what these attorneys do to win their cases for their clients. Because our worthless and immoral state representatives have voted to make Maryland a sanctuary state, when this illegal immigrant and rapist walks out of the courtroom, our law enforcement will be prohibited from turning him over to ICE. How does that make you feel? Like the gun control laws that they impose on us, they don't give a rat's ass about Marylander's safety. Our politicians protect thugs, illegals, and rapists, but not the rest of us.
Have you ever heard an attorney for the defense say that his or her client is guilty?
The superintendent and principal should be fired immediately...isn't that the way it works now? where is the FEMINIST OUTCRY
MD law is 15 for consent. Lawyer pushing the law to extreme limits. I do not believe that someone would consent to being forced into the opposite sex restroom in a school for consensual sex at any age.
Where is a pic of the other rapist since he is charged as an adult?
Do you all remember what happened in the John Grisham book, "A Time to Kill?"
There is nothing about this story on CNN or MSNBC website. No aspect of the story - it's like it never existed. I even used the search on both sites for keywords as basic as rape, Rockville or even Montgomery county. Nothing. They do have news from a couple of weeks ago about an attack against a Jewish center but nothing about this. Even I'm surprised about this. It is really really sick that a story that several Senators and Congressmen have caused commented on and even POTUS, yet on these two websites it never happened.
I'm not at all hyperpartisan but this makes me sick. The news has to be reported regardless of whether it fits the "narrative"
This is why making troubled youth who dont want be in school 16 and older is a bad idea. He looks like he would have dropped out at 16
Who is paying this defense Atty. Tucker Carlson asked the atty this question and he refused to answer,
He enrolled this year for the first time.
16 not 15
Maybe the lawyer should read the police report. There is no possible way this was NOT rape.
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