As with all such proposals, the devil is in the details. The Salisbury city council and mayor could easily pass legislation to institute a civilian oversight board and require officers to wear body cameras. The wisdom of such proposals can be debated. However, neither Maciarello nor the Wicomico County government have the authority to institute such proposals. The county government funds the Sheriff’s office with local tax dollars. It cannot dictate to Sheriff Mike Lewis how he chooses to operate his office. Unless the state plans on passing such a law OR Wicomico County plans on creating a county police department, such proposals are nothing more than suggestions.
In the Daily Times’ account, the subheadline reads:
Maciarello's push represents the most tangible action taken so far after a string of violent —sometimes fatal — interactions between police and citizens in WicomicoThis hardly represents “tangible” action as Maciarello lacks the authority to do anything but hold a press conference regarding this matter.
cross posted at DelMarVa Observer
No - he can't do it...but he's indicated that his office thinks it's prudent.
I'll give him credit for the thought as there have been so many instances recently where civilians have been recording anyway - this would corroborate or repudiate the context.
I think Al Sharpton should sit on the Board with Erica Holder too
I think the idea is a smart move. Just figure out who would actually be able to pass this. One of these days the police department is going to have to defend their actions and having a recording of all of their moves is a good idea.
Too physically restricting.
NO ONE who isn't trained law enforcement or military can possibly understand what it is like to be in a situation where deadly force is required to protect a life - another's or ones own. You can't TRAIN civilians to understand that. This is an over-reach by Maciarello - and seems like grandstanding to do it when the Ferguson decision is being announced.
Oh please! What is really needed is a Parent/Guardian Oversight Board!
Stop inforcing white mans laws on blacks.
There's a lot more to this than what the DT's provided.
First of all, Maciarello should be commended for truly representing the people by bringing this forward.
HOWEVER, what people don't completely understand is the FACT that this is simply a PROPOSAL to ENTERTAIN the IDEA/S.
Look, Maciarello isn't slamming this down any ones throat. The DT's article was about catching your attention, and ours.
I was invited to today's press conference but I'm out of town and could not attend. However, I did speak at length with Matt on this matter after the fact and we both understand and respect each others position.
My statement to Matt was that I was concerned that no matter what, 50% of the people will walk away happy and the other 50% will walk away remaining upset.
Take Fergison for example. IF the Officer is found not guilty, there will still be a group of people completely upset, like the 50%.
Here's what I stated. I trust Mike Lewis, (as an example). I trust Maciarello. Let's say there's a complaint about a Deputy. It's brought to Lewis and he does an internal investigation along with Maciarello. They decide that there's no ground for going any further. The elleged victim make a formal complaint and the IA investigates. They find there's no evidence, NOW WHAT? You see, we ELECTED Lewis and Maciarello and we TRUST them. NOW, all of a sudden ANOTHER group gets to review all of these investigations???
WELL, think again. Let's say that board also finds no guilt on the Officers behalf. Do we now have another Fergison on our hands?
Now I'm NOT saying there aren't some areas that absolutely NEED such boards, like Bobby Jones, as an example. However, this is the Eastern Shore and you have to wonder WHO would be placed on these boards.
I trust that the new County Executive Bob Culver would make sure that the proper people are on board but let's go to the next level. WHO would want to be on this Board. There are Blogs and local Media that would tear them apart any time they don't like the outcome. Then there's the NAACP who will NEVER be satisfied of happy.
The BOTTOM LINE TO ME is, we've elected some pretty damn good people. As I said, I trust Matt Maciarello, Mike Lewis and Barbara Duncan. Considering this Board would have NOTHING to do with Ireton, I'd be cool with it. I wouldn't like it but if the people choose to go this route I think Wicomico County would be safe with it.
Do I think it's necessary, absolutely not. However, it will be up to YOU to fight the words of the President of the Wicomico County NAACP Chapter Mary Ashanti and her slavery and concentration camp type of harsh words so that a board like this doesn't create yet another level of bs.
"You can't TRAIN civilians to understand that."
You sir are an idiot to even suggest that citizens who haven't been trained by you or you minions are qualified to JUDGE anyone. This is an argument, now a conclusion.
Sheriff's department doesn't like answering to anyone, they feel they're above the law. I say get rid of an elected sheriff and go to a county police department. Deputies can hide behind FOP. Why is it only sheriff's office only union in county. Seems unfair, they get representation when all other employees get the shaft. Maybe culver can change things. 5:44 the cameras are very small and not cumbersome but deputies don't want us knowing what their doing
I'll repeat, you should respect the fact that Maciarello is doing exactly what you ELECTED him to do, represent ALL of the people. This is a PROPOSAL for the County Council and Executive to consider. Matt does NOT make legislation.
He is covering his rear end, he is deflecting any criticism on his office. This will not play well with the heads of each department. He would not deal well with a police shooting, he has no experience and his office is run by strong personalities in his office, not him. Get ready for the next election, there is someone in his office that will run and wait until she, oops, tells all what is going on in that office.
Matt will be re elected, as will Mike. LE can not go around beating and killing the population without any consequences in todays viral world. Matt is being proactive on this and I commend him for it.
6:48, GOOD! First of all we're talking about FOUR years from now. A LOT can change between now and then.
What this move tells me is that Matt has LISTENED and done his job.
When the people elected him they knew he had no experience in that Office. He does now and he is well respected.
matt is a good guy and the fact that someone in his position realizes this would help immensely with investigations it should be looked at. To many times it is always he said she said the kop wins because society puts more weight on his/her testimony. We all know from reading the papers that there are a lot of police behaving badly. Wouldn't you like to have something with which to refute one of those officers stories? This is long past overdue, and it should include the msp also. And for the kop talking about training well if all your fellow officers complied with their training protocols then there would be no need for this!
Why you kissing up to him? Trying to be his buddy will not work. That ship has long since sailed.
7:32, As ANYONE can tell you, I NEVER kiss anyone's ass, ever.
Matt and I have MANY conversations on a regular basis in which we do NOT agree.
So stop trying to sound like you know anything at all.
When I see someone doing something that TRULY represent the people, I support them. Same goes with Mike Lewis and even Jim Ireton.
This is why I created this Website. If you don't like it, go away.
Cpl Stevens wears his own go pro on his massive body. He also reviews his own actions and PTs himself when he has done wrong...WWLSD
Macareillo lost his mind. Duncan put her foot down and he is doing what she says
Matt and barbara probably talk about it on their morning strolls
They need a police chief oversight board to get rid of the corruption that has taken over at SPD.
whoever controls the money, controls everything. they can 'make' sheriff mike do what they want by not funding his office.
6:07 PM "NO ONE who isn't trained law enforcement or military can possibly understand what it is like to be in a situation where deadly force is required to protect a life - another's or ones own. You can't TRAIN civilians to understand that."
You are arrogant and have a superiority complex and I bet you are a cop. I can train anyone (and have) to understand when and under what circumstance to use deadly force and I am a civilian. Get over yourself and learn some humility.
When the Salisbury task force is behind the suspect in a car, one suspect arrested, the house being watched for days knowing who is in the house, 3 small kids looking to be black. They storm the house, kicking in the door and with guns on two of the kids watching TV making them lay on the floor. Then at gun point go into the bedroom to a sleeping 9 year old boy guns pointed at him! Why? Cameras would be a good idea!
I would be all for a county police department. I think the SPD is run on only a political basis. Not run by the chief.
I do not understand the initial issue of police here responding with too much force. If anything they are lax and not aggressive enough in most cases. If you keep smacking the hands of the criminals and don't hold them responsible. They just keep up the same behavior. Pretty evident in light of today's Salisbury
What I'd like to see is the SPD absorbed into the WCSO. SPD is a joke and a colossal waste of money in an already corrupt city. Fact: crime in salisbury is abhorrent. How is a govt entity allowed to continue its course of failure when any private sector business would be shut down? The results aren't in sync with the efforts put forth, deeming the SPD a failure.
There's no reason we shouldn't be demanding the resignation of all the figureheads in our area. The shore is a mess and these fools aren't doing what WE pay them to do with OUR taxes. Demand excellence or accept more failures--those are the options.
Sorry Matt you missed this one by a mile. I think it is ironic that you would go this route. It is the police officer's job to make arrest. It is your offices job to prosecute or drop the charges.
I guess in a sense you are the oversite or have you forgotten this.
Who watches the State's Attornies Office. You better look at your cases prosecuted and who get to walk. I think there may be a just a bit of racism there. The disparity in sentencing and prosecution does unchecked. Yet you want the police watched lol. You Sir are a hypocrite. Clean up your own shop or was this simple deflection all along ??? Hiding something Matthew.
If a police department has a bad cop. That cop needs to go NO MATTER WHAT COLOR they are. It is the deparments call. Your Job is to prosecute cases period. King Ruark fell hard. You will to if you keep pandering to the left. Stick to prosecuting cases. Leave the policing to the police. You really are a RHINO.
2:05 Your an armchair idiot with a computer.
Matt is trying to hard to be on both sides. The citizens in this area dislike the police but if the police stopped doing what they do this area would be a war zone. The citizen review board is a bad idea.
Sorry 2:05 sounds crazy as hell but there seems to be some truth to what is said. Why is Matt pandering to the left. Two police shootings in a year. No issues here in Salisbury. It was as if Duncan and Matt wanted the show of burning Milton R. They wanted him to go down. It took months to here a final decision on that case WTF Matt get real man.
If there is a clear cut crime committed by a police officer then prosecute it. We do not need Monday morning Arm Chair Quarterbacks saying what the police did or did not do.
Way to get the police officers respect Matt.
Anonymous Anonymous said...
Cpl Stevens wears his own go pro on his massive body. He also reviews his own actions and PTs himself when he has done wrong...WWLSD
November 24, 2014 at 8:36 PM
Will you go away DIRT BAG!! We are tired of reading your childish rants.
Anonymous said...
They need a police chief oversight board to get rid of the corruption that has taken over at SPD.
November 24, 2014 at 9:45 PM
They need a fire chief oversight board to get rid of corruption that has taken over at SFD.
Anonymous said...
When the Salisbury task force is behind the suspect in a car, one suspect arrested, the house being watched for days knowing who is in the house, 3 small kids looking to be black. They storm the house, kicking in the door and with guns on two of the kids watching TV making them lay on the floor. Then at gun point go into the bedroom to a sleeping 9 year old boy guns pointed at him! Why? Cameras would be a good idea!
November 25, 2014 at 9:22 AM
Hey Dumba$$! Nine year olds can shoot and kill cops as well. If you don't want this happening to you then you need to quit breaking the law.
You people that keep saying that you want the SPD absorbed by the County Sheriff's Office need to petition to both the City Council and the County Council. They are the legislative branches and they can make it happen.
You people that keep saying that you want a County Police force over the Sheriff's office then all you have to do is petition the County Council. They are the ones that control the budget.
All they have to do is cut the budget to the Sheriff's Office where he has no choice but to make layoffs. Then the County can create a County wide police agency or a County Department of Homeland Security. At that point they can start hiring the laid off deputies and put them to work as County police officers. The Sheriff's Office can go back to serving papers. This happened to a County on the upper shore just within the last few years.
Problem solved.
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