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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Comments Worthy Of A Post 7-29-16

Anonymous said...

Salisbury is staffed with firefighters using City funds. They are meant to protect the citizes of Salisbury. They should only need to come out into the county areas as a last resort.

JoeAlbero said...

11:17, BROTHERHOOD MY ASS! Thanks for PROVING it's all about the money. Thank you for proving the NYC Police/EMS/Firefighters on 9-11 were TRUE heroes. Your neighbors business was in trouble, serious trouble. You a-holes just sat there waiting for the VOLUNTEERS to fail. You people in Salisbury SUCK, starting with the Mayor's Office.

Thanks for vindicating me over all these years.


  1. Maybe the county firefights should think twice about assisting the city when there is a major fire!!! I used to be a 911 dispatcher for Dorchester County. When there was a major fire or ambulance call, if the city was busy, the county would always pitch in to help!! The City of Cambridge would be there also!

  2. Seems like the politicians LOVE the divide and conquer mentality. When are they going to realize it isn't working. Citizens are FED UP with the games - and that is what they are. Where is the leadership????????

  3. Joe so true Day and the city of salisbury are out for only one thing, THEMSELVES

  4. EXCELLENT JOE!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Its a community business.....that includes people in "The CITY" and our County......Joe that had to be a dumba$$ that made that reply.....

  5. The majority of the commenters have no idea what they are talking about. I started as a hillbilly volunteer fireman in Wicomico at age 14. Attended MIFRI training and was certified. Left the service to attend college. Joined a volunteer department in a wealthy suburb of Philadelphia. All my training certs were accepted by PAS and I received additional certifications in PA which included high angle rescue, Hazmat and arson investigation. I did this while earning a Master's degree in Safety Management. The area protected by volunteers in Lower Merion, PA has homes ranging from 200k to 15 million dollars and high rise residential and commercial building. All covered by volunteers. Salisbury does not need a paid fire department, PERIOD! It can be safely covered by volunteers a a fraction of what the city now pays for people to sleep, pick up food and chase ambulances.

    It all comes down to small town politics and money. Argue until you are blue in the face with these idiots and you have wasted your time and breath. Call me name or whatever, I speak the truth and have nothing to gain as I got the F out of the area years ago when the writing was on the wall that Salisbury and the lower shore were on a downward spiral.

  6. That comment sums up what is wrong with Wicomico County. Everyone out for themselves.

  7. As I said before, if we had any progressive leadership, we would have a county fire department. These locals who don't know how the rest of the world works need to go.

  8. Joe you are exactly right we need to clear their butts out they should never have been elected in the first place. We know Jake Day lied when he was running for office about his service record and what his role actually was. I never voted for them any of them. I wanted you to have run again, we need to really clean up Salisbury and the county just like the country needs new blood. Can we impeach them any of them for the lousy jobs they are doing?

  9. Joe. Why not inquire about the county funded (30,000.00) tri-data study that found the county if agreed upon by all parties would only owe the cut 600,000 - not the 2.2 million they ar still asking for.

  10. Locals reap what they sow. How do you like your city/county now?

  11. Culver is too dumb to figure this out. By the way, where is all his economic development? Oh, maybe Ms. Bassett will take care of that too while she is polishing his image for re-election. Good luck with that Cathy! ROFLMAO

  12. 11:51 AM I have been saying the same thing for years, but they know it all. Even though most of them have never left the peninsula.

  13. Hey at least we get nice new ball fields and awesome tower at the public schools

  14. Everyone involved should be ashamed. What an embarrassing and ignorant fiasco. Not to mention on the other post about this all the redneck/hillbilly?(which is hilarious btw) bashing. Times are getting hard people and seems to me they are only gonna get harder. We all bounce off each other and help each other here on the shore. Thats what we are made of. I think everyone needs to get some priorities in check and remember where you come from.

  15. It's all money. The States, Counties, and cities are all going broke. It boils down to a pissing match on who is going to pay for what service.
    I was born and raised here. 5th generation on the shore. I can tell you most people here are clannish. Most really don't give a damn about each other. If you cross county lines, you might as well be from another state. It's always been this way, and will be in the future!!!

  16. Dumb ass Ireton or Duncan never reimbursed the Sheriff's Office for all time spent in the city backing up her depleted agency. Jake wake up dumb ass !!!!!!!!!!! Why are you still bleeding police in that city. Maybe the Union does need to step in for SPD there is something wrong. Ray Charles can see it !! To all of you out there working hang on. There has never been a more volatile time to be police. You are the heroes out there every day and night working short not sitting at a desk trying to decide where you will eat lunch. Lets clean up some more ponds maybe paint a bike path in the same area. Chief go in that area after 7p.m. please. They need to learn to clean their own mess.

    We serve and protect their butts not kiss them.

    Stand Tall SPD there are those that have your six. Wake up Jake or are you just another politician. Stop demeaning the women and men that serve you.


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