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Sunday, July 31, 2016

A Viewer Writes: Why? (outside the UMES higher learning institution near Princess Anne)

Makes you wonder why the people so easily swallow the messages coming from the Democratic Party.


  1. Does this surprise anyone? They want that free education and UMES gets more tax dollars. This also shows you the ignorance of Colleges and what degree they will go to "social engineering" of the young minds.

  2. It's very troubling that blacks and minorities support Democrats when Democrats fought against the right for them to vote.
    Democratic programs have lead to the destruction of minority families for the sake of garnering their vote in elections.

  3. This sign is on the former Freddy White's store, corner of Somerset Avenue and Stewart Neck Road. It's in the Greenwood section, not exactly the gateway to UMES.

  4. Only people who graduated from umes are stupid enough to vote for Democrats..

    1. Perhaps some of the frequent complainers in our neighborhoods would benefit from passing a few classes at UMES. There are many awesome programs at the university worthy of serious study. Get a skill, get a job, get a life!

  5. its umes, a major percentage of students get free rides via tax dollars

    of course they want democrats, and more tax money to them

  6. When will the blacks realize that their poor economic existence is a result of Democratic politicians? Thank God there are a few who are starting to see the light! If blacks want more opportunity, they need to vote Republican.

  7. Some are handed keys to sucess, but remain ignorant and ignore the truth and the real history of democrats. Democrats have nt had a worthy president since kenedy.

  8. Is this sign on UMES property? If not, move along!

    A Staunch Republican

  9. I have no issue with it. A degree from UMES is less valuable than a roll of Charmin. I would wipe my bottom with both.

    1. And your degree is from where?

  10. Another State subsidized school with unqualified faculty and students. You ALL elect Cummings and milkluski?? Then you wonder WHAT HAPPENED? ?? I DON'T UNDERSTAND WHY!! LMAO!!

    1. I would suggest that many, many faculty members at UMES are indeed highly qualified professionals. You obviously have no clue about what you're spouting!

    2. you mean most are black and are racist

    3. 6:56 Most of the faculty couldn't get a job ANYWHERE but UMES. So your statement would be false. Your one of the inept and unqualified 5:05 referred too.

  11. You are assuming UMES students can read!

  12. Is this on University property??

  13. In the business world (and I've done TWO job fairs there) those seriously studying students, working under highly highly qualified instructors, graduate and can't balance a checkbook, use proper grammar, spell anything longer than 5 letters, have tons of awards and certificates for accomplishing pretty much nothing, and have a hard time with logic and reasoning.
    But they do it in such good style.
    If their education isn't free, it should be.
    Dig it?

  14. 3:12 and 7:06 - no, the sign is not on UMES property, and it's not on a road (Stewart Neck Road/Somerset Avenue intersection) that takes you into UMES. It's been up since the 2014 election along with some other signs from candidate who didn't win that election year.


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