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Sunday, July 31, 2016

Today's Survey Question 7-28-16

Do you support the release of John Hinkley Jr. 
after his assassination attempt
on President Ronald Reagan?


  1. No he should have been executed. Thats the price you pay for trying to kill the president. It doesnt matter to me that he failed.

  2. I do not and have grave concerns. If he was ill enough to be institutionalized for that long he is still quite ill. He is being released to the care of his mother who has to be aged and will probably not have a very long life expectancy and then what happens. All he has to do is stop his meds and he becomes as dangerous as ever. Monitoring does not always work and we have seen the consequences of that. Very disturbing.

  3. he has been being release for days at a time for years now. hes an old man now. let his mother pay for his care now..

  4. You people are really ridiculous... I guess in the pictures or video of the assassination attempt, you didn't see the long ass barrel of a gun sticking out of the window on the second floor near the president, who was the real shooter...

    Just like in Kennedy's case, it wasn't lee harvey even though you people will believe what you are told, like good little uneducated slaves... It only takes research to find out, the govt has lied to you since the 20's...

  5. No , should have been hung .

  6. No and never did. Judge Paul Friedman (a Clinton appointee) is making a mistake. An in-depth article in the June issue of Washingtonian magazine cites psychosis, narcissism, refusal to obey previous conditions, deception, and other factors which lead me to believe that he is a ticking time bomb.

  7. His mother should not be taking care of him, it should be the other way around! Although I don't think he should be released.

  8. 9:09 Everyone can tell you are an f-ing moron. First only a a baffon tries to prove a point through ridicule. Second, Govt have been lying, killing, cheating, stealing since their inception. Go back to the library and get some perspective. The world didnt start in 1776.

  9. No never if he has needed psychiatric help all these years just because his mother is now 90 no reason to let him out, he will just shoot someone else and with the stuff on the news daily, his first purchase will be another gun. Hell no.

  10. He was not insane in the first place, and with that plea kept him out of jail.

  11. Absolutely NOT!
    With Jim Brady's death, due to being shot by this scum, he should be imprisoned on a murder conviction.

  12. Release him....but only if he agrees to go after obammy.

  13. They will drug him up and make him think he can take out Trump.

    Just you watch!

    Trump needs to have a tail on this guy 24-7.


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