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Sunday, June 29, 2014

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 6-25-14

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Imagine that; Joey Biden is among the Super-Poor":

It cracks me up how EVERY POLITICIAN is broke, or poor! They want to RELATE to real people so bad! Well guess what WASHINGTON - very few of us own a house let alone multiple houses! Going to college is a dream - because we can't afford it with out having to SINK ourselves for life with STUDENT Loans! Biden said he didn't have a savings account - then it was proven that he usually has somewhere between 1,000 - 15,000 in that account! Dude most of us would love to see that much money, but guess what that will never happen! Most American's know that Politicians are paid LIARS - well news flash JERKS - WE THE TAXPAYERS PAY YOUR SALARY! Do you stand for US? YOU SAY YOU DO - AND LIE DIRECTLY TO OUR FACES!!!!!! Guess what keep the LIES going - and see when you find yourself out of a job - because TAXPAYERS are getting tired of your B*LLSH*T LIES!! You want to RELATE to us - climb down off your PODIUM preaching - and ATTEMPT to live the way we do! You know going to work EVERYDAY - busting your but (actually doing what you are hired to do), and at the end of the week pick up your petty paycheck that barely covers all your bills if it does at all! Then come talk to AMERICA about being BROKE!!!!!


  1. Bravo! Not eloquent but well said.

  2. OK. I'm with you. Now for part 2. Start at the beginning and remove the word Politician and Insert Welfare Recipient.

  3. I couldn't have said this any better!

  4. and yet you keep voting them into office.

    1:58 PM

    what would that accomplish? do some research yourself and stop believing everything you hear.

  5. The financial means of a politician makes no difference to me whatsoever.

  6. Perfectly said! no need to make it sound pretty because it ain't. Politicians supposedly have no money even with their salaries, but are entrusted with our money. That is wrong. You should run for office. You have more common sense than most of the current guys in the local council.

  7. I wish they would have a reality show where Politicians would trade places with everyday hard working stiffs. You cannot lie your way into a better paycheck where most people work. Bullsh*t ca get you to the top but you won't stay there long unless you are a politician and get to vote yourself a raise.

  8. Ask your Senate and House Representatives where they stand on TERM LIMITS. Remind him (or her) that it is good enough for the Executive and the Judicial branches of government, why not them? Those two words would cure what is wrong IN BOTH PARTIES. Nothing will change and the corruption of Congress will never end without term limits. Its too simple, but your duly elected (and re-elected, and re-elected, and re-elected...) Representatives will never stop campaigning and "raising money" that they make promises for, until they die, or are caught doing something that the voters finally decide is enough to vote them out. Until the voting pubic demands terms limits and forces our congress to accept them (it might take the end of a gun to convince them to limit their power to 2-6 terms in congress) then the institution of Congress will always be corrupt and will never truly represent the people. They will forever represent only their corporate and wealthy sponsors until there are TERM LIMITS.

  9. Term limits are not enough,that would only encourage some politicians to steal all they can as quickly as they can.Term limits must be backed up by drastically changed house and senate rules that have allowed them to violate the normal rules of society that the rest of us must adhere to.New rules must be strictly enforced with expulsion and jail time if necessary and cases tried in civilian court not by there fellow conspritors.

  10. Voting can create term limits. Vote the scumbags out when they stop serving the people who voted them in!

  11. If this was a third world country, most politicians would be hanging from bridges and overpasses, by the neck!


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