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Sunday, June 29, 2014

BREAKING NEWS: House Speaker John Boehner to file lawsuit against Obama

House Speaker John Boehner, R-Ohio, confirms plans to file a lawsuit against President Obama over alleged abuse of executive power.



  1. I WILL BELIEVE IT WHEN I SEE IT! There has been talk about this before - and NO ONE HAS THE BALLS TO ACTUALLY DO IT!

  2. The country has already been damaged so much - we need some relief!

  3. He needs to do something or step down as Speaker. We need to stop this lawless administration. I still wonder if he has the balls...

  4. Election season politics as usual-Do something to make it LOOK like you are trying to do something to get the base energized. Although I do remain hopeful that someone will take our commie leader down, I really don't have much faith that anyone will, least of all a member of the establishment. Even if they did, it's already too late. We are toast, we just haven't quite crumbled yet.

  5. Yet he has a golf outing scheduled with Obama.

  6. I agree with 12:10. I'll believe it when I see it. I think it is all smoke and mirrors. Both parties are two sides to one coin. That talk a good game with the voters, but their actions or lack of action speaks volumes!

  7. He is trying to give Hillary an easy win.

  8. He should be filing Impeachment documents!

  9. 1:00 PM, a golf outing? If thats true then we all need to back a good tea party candidate to oust bonehead.

  10. I'm going to sue him for every time that he has called to a vote to repeal obamacare after the first affirmative vote. He has wasted enough of OUR time and MONEY. They ALL have on both sides of the aisle. This November CLEAN HOUSE!!!!!

  11. Blahhh...lol....unreal! Nothing ever gets done. Voting is a sham. Investigation committees are a sham. Only one way out of this hole!

  12. Is it 2016 yet? Will it ever get here?

  13. How many cocktails had he drank when he came up with this?

  14. This lawsuit will probably end up in one of Barry's judges court. So, knowing that, it's a joke perpetrated on the American public and that is all it is.


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