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Sunday, June 29, 2014

Wicomico Democrats Reject Michael Pretl!

In the primary there were eight candidates, including Mr. Pretl, for the Democrat party’s Central Committee for Wicomico County, but only 7 positions to be filled. He was the only candidate who received less than 2,000 votes. We are not surprised at the outcome, but we are disappointed. He would have been a source of bitter division and animosity within the Committee, just as he has been in the local party since he came here about 10 years ago from the Western Shore.

Pretl served as Ron Pagano’s campaign guru – birds of a feather!


  1. And the picture is his I lost speech!

  2. This guy really needs to find his rock and get back under it ASAP

  3. Nice that you were rooting for bitter division and animosity. Don't you think we've got enough of that?

  4. 1:54 - it's the same rock as Pelosi's!

  5. He is loved by Laura Mitchell and Josh Hastings so stand by!

  6. He can shove that finger up hs old ass.

  7. He's only a legend in his own mind. I've heard hard core dems making fun of him before. He's like their useful idiot.
    Incidentally these hard core dems
    told me this morning that they voted for Mizur for gov and will NOT be voting for Brown.

  8. Pollitt needs to take notice...Pretl and his wife are not among the favored. Dems are in trouble this year....not sure they even realize it. This Dem is looking hard at some Reps. Current Dems are out of control with taxing and spending. Time for new blood.

  9. Now that Pretl's political partnership with Pagano is past tense he will be a major cheerleader and fund raiser for Pollitt and Sarbanes. All of the above are part of the liberal loonies that dominate the Maryland Democrat apparatus along with Uncle Paul and Wannabe Marty.

  10. Wannabe Marty must be OweMalley, so who is "Uncle Paul"?

  11. a class act! no doubt. well, maybe if you leave out the cl. it seems all democraps disliked have this "signal", dunn for & the mare in our town, presbo, hitlery, etc.

  12. Double digit comments for a single digit post.


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