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Wednesday, October 07, 2020

Video shows Seattle-area teacher scold 10-year-old for admiring Trump

A Seattle-area middle school teacher scolded a 10-year-old student and briefly kicked him out of his virtual classroom last week after the child said he admires President Trump, his mother said.

Brendan Stanton, a sixth-grade teacher at Perry G. Keithley Middle School in Tacoma, asked his students on Friday to name a person they admire and to state why. Students were supposed to type their answers in a chat room.

"I admire Donald J. Trump because he is making America great again," the child wrote, according to the "The Jason Rantz Show." "And because he is the best president the United States of America could ever, ever have. And he built the wall so terrorists couldn’t come into in the U.S. Trump is the best person in the world. And that’s why I had admire him."

Stanton reportedly booted the child from the chat and proceeded to berate Trump without saying his name.

"The example that was shared in the chat, which I went ahead and erased for us, was not appropriate right?” Stanton told the class. “Especially as that individual has created so much division and hatred between people and specifically spoken hatred to many different individuals, OK?"

He referred to Trump as an "individual" who "has spoken hate to many individuals and I don’t think is an appropriate example for a role model that we should be admiring.”


  1. He made fun of a disabled reporter during his first campaign run. If that doesn't prove that his supporters don't care about decency, I don't know what does.

    1. Ok 10:01. Liberals have no morals or decency.

    2. I don’t know that he did that, I was not there. How about all the things he has done for the country that damorats had screwed up. Go Trump!

    3. Awww poor baby, was it you snowflake?

    4. You are so correct about me 10:01, I don't care. He is making America Great Again !!!!
      TRUMP 2020

    5. I'm, no he didn't do any such thing with intent. Of course, if you believe Rachel Maddie, you heard another story, and I do mean story.

    6. 10:01 That was debunked 4 years ago. Welcome back.

  2. That teacher needs to be assaulted by the parents

  3. Testing the lines of separation of personal beliefs and teaching?

    Kinda along the lines of separation of church/state in this case.

    Back in the stone age, politics was discussed in High School classes, but never drawing the lines between the two parties. Learning about it ok, being preached which party or President is good or not - C'mon man.

  4. If your students can learn your political beliefs from you in the classroom - then you are a failure as a teacher!

  5. President Trump is the greatest President the U.S.A. HAS ever had and that sixth grader is correct. TRUMP 2020

  6. Are you paying attention..she is a marxist and needs to be fired

    There are no morals in politics; there is only expedience. A scoundrel may be of use to us just because he is a scoundrel.
    -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin
    Give me four years to teach the children and the seed I have sown will never be uprooted.
    -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

    Destroy the family, you destroy the country.
    -- Vladimir Ilyich Lenin

  7. Anonymous said...

    He made fun of a disabled reporter during his first campaign run. If that doesn't prove that his supporters don't care about decency, I don't know what does.

    October 7, 2020 at 10:01 AM

    I don't consider openly bias left leaning "reporters" to be human. So no I don't have a problem with it. If these "reporters" did their jobs and left their own personal politics out of it then yes I would have a problem with what Trump did. Just because someone is disabled does not give them a free pass to be an A**hole. Everyone wants equal rights except when they can use their gender, race, religion or disability as a get out of jail free card. Sorry you "dog face pony soldier" it doesn't work that way. And the teacher should be fired.

  8. This teacher should never be allowed to teach again, if this teacher wants to teach maybe the solution is teaching inmates in jail, it might teach her to pray before she opens her mouth in this way again. It is not the role of the teacher to tell a child how to feel about their president and slant the political decisions and mind of anyone.

  9. 10:01
    Aww someone got their feelings hurt and you are throwing a temper tantrum. You liberals kill babies, nominate a person that has said horrible things about blacks, sniffs little girls hair, fondles little girls and the list could go on yet you are worried about an ADULT that got their feelings hurt? You're a special kind of stupid.

  10. Do you remember when Obama was elected and students were forced to sing songs of praise ?

  11. I say erase that teacher.

  12. 1001 Biden believes in abortion at any age and after being born. He is the head of the democrat party. I find sickening

  13. It's nice to see the friendly well informed banter back up and running.

  14. I think the teachers and principal owe this young man an apology for supporting his president, then the teacher replaced! Personal political view of a teacher need to be brought up in a class room.

  15. Deflection another dirty commie trick 10:01.
    All because some participation trophy generation and whinny spolied ingrate snowflakes think karl marx is a hero...news flash he was a low life LOSERS. He never worked A-day in his life mooched off family & friends Everything he wrote from his poetry his plays and his babblings about communism are based from the dark nightmares of his sick mind. A puss boil boy, lazy, reclusive, ughly, Smelly, unsanitary some of his children died from his lack of sanitary conditions in his home. Hated his father despised his mother once she cut off his mooching.He hung out with other losers lazy worthless bums, Communist, atheists. He never knew what it meant to work a farm or any hard labor. His only real connection with a working person was his maid who he never paid,and he knocked up then denied he fathered a child by her. His sucker pal loser freind engles said it was his kid. (What a loser) His poems, plays, manifestos are all about his hatred for GOD anything good, pure, but yet embraced satanic ideals. Born in a jewish family who converted to lutheran, died a stupid, broke old athiest fool! THATS YOUR HERO!! Russia is the biggest graveyard to his legacy..that does not include the other nations implementing twisted failure of a system.

    Now go tell your SU professor he is a tool too!!

  16. Trump is going to kick your liberal assOctober 7, 2020 at 7:46 PM

    Why has not this teacher been relieved of teacher duties,
    and charges of child abuse filed?


  17. October 7, 2020 at 10:01 AM

    Do you hold Joe Biden accountable for inappropriate touching? Sexual molestation of girls and women? Extortion of Foreign governments?
    By the way, the disabled reporter was anything but, he was little more than a disparaging Partisan schill. Got what he asked for from a loud mouthed New Yorker!!
    You should probably consider the fact you completely missed the point of the story. Teachers teach math science and English. Not personal political vendettas.
    Support your President and support your country you moron. Your side lost for a reason.

  18. Northwest Woodsman: Anyone wonder if there would have been an issue if the kid had been an admirer of our first gay, Kenyan President and his transsexual spouse Michale? Obozo met all of the affirmative action requirements that a Marxist democrat would be required to demonstrate in order to be successful politically. He is the type of guy that in an unstructured and unrehearsed setting, you would turn your back to him and walk away to seek more pleasant company. The man was truly a product of the media and the teleprompter.

  19. Biden wants the 10 year olds !!!


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