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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Violent Antifa Leader Jason Charter Whines at Press Conference After His Federal Arrest for Attempted Toppling of Andrew Jackson Statue

In early July federal law enforcement officers arrested Jason Charter, the alleged ‘ringleader’ of the attempted toppling of the Andrew Jackson equestrian statue in Lafayette Park across the street from the White Housea a week earlier. President Trump has made it a priority to catch and prosecute those involved in the attack on the statue.

Jason Charter was also part of the Antifa goon squad attack on One America News Network Jack Posobiec last Friday at the Emancipation Statue in D.C. but is not yet reported to have been charged on that incident.



  1. Just cut off his balls in public with a butter knife----slowly. Problem solved.

  2. "...there to support our black comrades."


  3. Let's see if our liberal justice system will enforce the Law.

  4. As the old saying goes "IF YOU CAN'T DO THE TIME - DON'T DO THE CRIME!!"


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