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Tuesday, August 11, 2020

Black male leaders warn Biden ‘will lose’ election if he doesn't name Black female running mate

Black female VP contenders are being 'unfairly criticized and scrutinized,' the statement says

A group of over 100 Black male leaders is declaring that presumptive Democratic presidential nominee Joe Biden “has” to name a Black woman as his running mate.

In a letter made public on Monday, the signatories warned the former vice presidentthat “failing to select a Black woman in 2020 means you will lose the election.”

And pointing to the intense scrutiny some of the running mate contenders have endured in recent weeks, the group wrote that it “disgusts us that Black women are not just being vetted in this VP process but unfairly criticized and scrutinized.”



  1. Dear black male "leaders", he is going to lose anyway.
    Trump 2020

  2. Threats,black mail and affirmative action makes kamala the vp pick.

  3. Well, she's kinda black.

  4. black, black, black, black. Are these people nuckin’ fut’s or what. I’m a WHITE boy and it never enters my mind until I have to check what race I be on a form. Damn glad I don’t wake up thinking what will this WHITE guy do today. Because I would go to bed thinking this WHITE guy had another nice day. You are what you are so make the best of it or do like Michael Jackson and deblack yourself. Damn, come on man.

  5. So he picked THE ONE candidate who broke a state record in incarcerating black men during her time as DA! You can’t make this stuff up! My sides! Hahahahahahahahahahah

  6. 100 percent Indian mother
    50 black /50 white Jamaican father =
    Africa American democrat daughter

  7. This is going to get interesting. She inferred he was a racist during a debate. And she was dead serious.

  8. Is that like my girlfriend is kinda pregnant?

  9. He's going to loose anyway.

  10. This is America you are only allowed to be a piece of black to be considered for such positions. Even the first black president was kinda Black

  11. Actually she's high-yellow 6:41

  12. Racist Extortion !!!!

    Can't WIN on RACE or Gender > Hillary is Proof !!!! We Not Dumb !!!

  13. Her mother is from India and her father is from Jamaica,Kamala just claims she’s black but she’s not.

  14. 7:40
    Now that there Is funny i don’t who you are

  15. Guess this leaves out the Black male leaders vote

  16. He gonna lose no matter...

  17. She is mostly dot indian, Jamaicans are not considered black. She actually hates blacks, which is why she championed throwing so many black men in prison with harsh sentences, and thats why she married a white as can be man. And the real kicker...her grandparents owned nearly 200 black slaves in Jamaica just a few years ago. Dims are to ignorant to notice tho, they considered obumer black when he was anything but black and the bernie bots wont realize theyve been thrown under the bus again.


  18. She's slightly more black than Liz Warren is Cherokee.

    But picks up points since her father's family were slave owners in Jamaica.

    Her mom is Brahman, the highest Indian caste; that makes claims of glass ceiling and white privilege look like a first grade science project.

    But that bloodline may explain her snotty, condescending attitude.

    We can be thankful she hasn't spawned.

  19. Biden’s first test of the female candidates is to past his sniff test.

  20. They will lose then say they lost because Harris isn’t black.....she a Jamaican not an African....follow her ancestry! Her and Pocahontas will be asked to prove it!!! Father was the kingpin of Jamaican slave trade!

  21. For all you haters. She's always claimed to be black, attended an HBCU and is a member of the black sorority Alpha Kappa Alpha (AKA). You guys invented the one drop rule, stop crying about it when they claim their blackness.


  22. The out of fashion term for her due to her ancestry is mulatto.

    Her mother is from India, and they are considered white. Her father is from Jamaica from mixed parentage of black and white. So at best she might be 25% black; could be less depending on her father's bloodline. His family had a large number of slaves.

    She was primarily raised in Canada so don't be surprised if she tries to work a little Eskimo into her resume if she thinks it will help.

    But rest assured, like all Dems, she's first and foremost in it for herself. That's her common thread and strongest tie to Slow Joe. He should make sure she goes down stairs in front of him.

  23. Notice they still did not choose a black woman. Harris is part Indian and part Jamaican. So technically she is not really black.


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