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Tuesday, August 11, 2020


Police stand by as people destroy the city

In this video uploaded to Twitter Monday, a group of rioters can be seen looting a Chicago corner store as a SWAT vehicle rolls by and nearly a hundred police officers stand by watching.


  1. So all the military equipment, money that was given by the swamp creatures of the Bush era after 911 in order to militarize the police forces was for nothing?? OR ?? are they really just waiting for "US" the ones still in the machine Still working. You know tax payers, patriots, pro American GOD, GUNS,& american pie to start fighting back before they start putting the hammer down??

    So Why are we paying taxes again??

  2. Social distancing GET OFF THE BEACH go riot.

  3. They told them to stand down. I don't blame them. All these stores voted for this mayor and council. So did their employees. Now what our they going to do?? They have no store or Job. Keep drinking the RACE BAITING Cool aid.

  4. Wicomico County taxes being wastedAugust 12, 2020 at 2:25 AM

    I bet that was Tod Richardson and Little Lewis

    taking selfies for Facebook

    in front of the rioters

  5. Tearing down from within
    Stupid as usual


  6. 5:19 They are in Chicago where Mayor Beetlejuice gives the orders. In today's world, especially Dem run? led? cities there is no upside for proactive policing so very little is still occurring. Sad but true.

  7. 5:19 Because you are uneducated and a slave!!!! If you knew anything about taxes, you would know you don't have to legally submit a return for it, or even pay it, now at the state level it is illegal not to submit a tax return, but the fed level it is not illegal... There is no laws requiring you to pay taxes on wages earned via your services... There is laws on capital gains, and if you knew anything about laws and how they work, they treat you as a corporation and use corporate laws against you... But if you actually look at the code and research, there is no law and not one single agent from IRS can find it, know of it or point you to it, becasue it doesn't exists... It is like this fake virus crap, it doesn't matter what is legal or not when you have retards that don't know any better pushing orders by governors or whom ever... That goes for any laws, they are nothing without someone enforcing it with a gun!!! But even as unlawful at taxes are on the average citizen, no judge will rule in favor for you, and it will be rare a jury does to!!!! But even if you won with a jury, the govt will keep making crap up to go after you until they get anything on you just to make you go away and to show you slaves not to stand up and fight!!!! Just becasue you people choose to be stupid and uneducated, does not mean people are lying when they tell you this stuff, and it doesn't mean we are wrong!!!! But like I keep saying, this stuff goes deep, so deep you would commit suicide if you truly found out everything they have kept from you or have done to you!!!!


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