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Monday, August 17, 2020

STUDY: 150 TIMES More Negative News on Trump than Bidena

As the pandemic grinds on, the Big Three broadcast evening newscasts are among thehighest rated programs on television today — and that means millions of viewersare witnessing the most biased presidential campaign coverage in modern media history.

I’ve been studying the news media and elections for more than 35 years. Trust me — there’s never been anything like it.

A new MRC analysis of all evening news coverage of President Donald Trump and former Vice President Joe Biden in June and July found these networks chose to aim most of their attention and nearly all of their negative coverage on Trump, so Biden escaped any scrutiny of his left-wing policy positions, past job performance or character.

From June 1 through July 31, the ABC, CBS and NBC evening newscasts focused 512 minutes of airtime on the President, or nine times more than the 58 minutes allotted to Biden. (This excludes coverage of the Trump administration in general when not associated with the President himself.) This is an even wider gap than the spring, when Trump received seven times more coverage than Biden (523 minutes vs. 75 minutes).



  1. More FBI agents have been indicted during Russia probe then trump family members.

  2. Good, shows the man is working for us. If no complains he isn’t doing anything. That’s the reason you don’t hear about wasted away little joe. He does nothing, hasn’t done anything in a career of sucking the government trough and won’t do anything in the future. Like the good president says about slow joe, he’s shot.

  3. Are we surprised? Nope

  4. Good, shows the man is working for us. If no complains he isn’t doing anything. That’s the reason you don’t hear about wasted away little joe. He does nothing, hasn’t done anything in a career of sucking the government trough and won’t do anything in the future. Like the good president says about slow joe, he’s shot.

  5. Ya no one but Rush is talking about Jill Biden was screwing old Joe before she was divorced!

  6. Hope leftmedia and their supporters go down the drain!

  7. 150 times worse equals 150 times worse publicity!

  8. Just think of poor Jills husband having to get sloppy seconds!


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