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Monday, August 17, 2020

Biden calls for mandate requiring all Americans to wear masks

He was joined at the briefing by his newly named running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris of California

Former Vice President Joe Biden on Thursday called for a nationwide mask mandate to help fight the spread of the coronavirus pandemic.

“Every American should be wearing a mask when they’re outside for the next three months at a minimum,” Biden told reporters in Wilmington, Del.

The presumptive Democratic presidential nominee spoke after sitting down for a briefing on the coronavirus with public health experts. He was joined at the briefing by his newly named running mate, Sen. Kamala Harris of California.



  1. Is that all he has for the American people - wear masks. This is just the beginning of their power if elected. It won't stop there. Your social security checks will be going to illegal immigrants as well as your Medicare. Businesses will go back to China and Biden's bank account (off shore) will swell. Immigrants will be taking your jobs and AOC will be the voice of America because Biden will be hiding in his basement.

  2. Will this also pertain to the looters and rioters? I mean, "peaceful protesters"?

  3. He can kiss my ass!
    Lets see them try to enforce this!

  4. This is not based on science and He took no questions and walked away. Remember this is the guy who actually colluded with Russia. Pos

  5. I learned in High School that viruses are MICROSCOPIC. Hence the mask does no good at all.

    Maybe Mr Biden (DuPont) didn’t take High School biology class?

  6. A sack bag over his head should be the biggest help, and Oh, one for Harris too.

  7. Think hard about this question before you make any comments.

    Do you have any real proof that Joe Biden is actually alive?

  8. Unregistered Sex OffenderAugust 17, 2020 at 4:12 PM

    The Gropping mandate is what I'm waiting for!!

  9. So, Biden says everyone should be required to wear a mask anytime they're outside and at the same time Kemela Harris says she wants to change diet guidelines so people eat less red meat.

    Just a little peek at what happens when these dictators get in power.

    They dictate what kind of light bulb you can use. They dictate how your dishwasher is allowed to (not) work. They tell you what kind of car you can buy.

    These things are not choices by consumers, they are being forced on us.

    Dumbocrats and their top down control agenda should never be allowed in power anywhere!

    Dumbocrats are evil.

  10. Send him & Kamala to Russia & they can wear a mask !!!!

  11. Joe, go back to bed in your basement where you belong.

  12. Didn't anybody catch it? Joe just gave it away. 3 months at a minimum. Basically what he's saying is after mail in election that he hopes to win we won't need masks anymore. If Trump wins then the mask nonsense will continue.

  13. This virus of stupidity is just as great as COVID. Americans. SMH


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