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Monday, August 17, 2020

Police Chiefs Most Open to Reform Are the Ones Leaving

The cities that have been the most aggressive about demanding reform and altering policing practices are making it difficult for chiefs to carry out the desired policy changes — or even stay on the job.

Police chiefs are always carrying out a balancing act, caught between the demands for accountability from elected officials and the public on the one hand and resistance in the ranks on the other.

“You’ve got two main constituencies — you’ve got the community and you’ve got the cops,” says Chuck Wexler, executive director of the Police Executive Research Forum, a research and consulting group. “You’re not allowed to lose either of them and keep your job.”

Given the intense pressure policing is now under, a number of chiefs have lost their jobs. Last Monday, Seattle Chief Carmen Best stepped down hours after the city council voted to cut her department’s budget by $100 million (including a slight salary cut for Best herself).



  1. Crisfield is a lost cause for all the crooked cops there

  2. This explains, among other things, the why behind the drive to defund and vilify police. https://www.bitchute.com/video/DS7CN67XL1lb/

  3. Why defund the police? The billionaires want to sell robotic police officers already developed.

    1. What planet are you on 3:41? LOL

  4. There will be a reaping by whirlwind in so many of these cities.

  5. They realize these ANTI-AMERICAN FOOL'S will NEVER be satisfied. Plus who wants to work for idiots in cities that doesn't respect you?

  6. 3:56 Yeah a lot of piece of shit people will get shot and make this world a better place... We don't need cops to abuse us and plant evidence on us and do bad things, we get enough of that already!!!!

    1. You should curse more when blogging its awesome.

  7. When will barb finally leave. For the love if God. Guess that SPD mess is being pushed under the carpet.

    1. Keep whining. How many professional woman will you crybabies chased out if here?? Why do you think SALISBURY is such a SHITHOLE now?? You chased professionals who were good at their job helping SALISBURY. Now we have the good ole boy club hiring Billy Bob and Leroy to come of the farm to run a CITY. Yet you wonder why things never get better. Look at all the leader's we had in 2010?? The city was thriving. Then you crybabies started whining. Now 10 year's later. Look at this SHITHOLE.

  8. What we really need is reform in the black community. They are by far the main cause of unrest in America. With their perceived racism. Think about it. Have you made any racist comments to a black? Do you know of anyone who has done it? Have you seen any? I have seen NO racism acts what so ever. And I know of NO ONE who has either. It's all a lie. And guess who keeps it going? The media and the blacks lying about it. Need to put a stop to this garbage.


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