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Sunday, August 23, 2020

Maryland opens statewide hotline to report potential coronavirus distancing violations

Maryland has opened a statewide hotline to report potential violations of executive orders meant to stem the spread of COVID-19, contrasting Gov. Larry Hogan’s previous statements urging local jurisdictions to take more control over enforcing the orders.

In a release, the state said the toll-free “COVID Prevention Line” is a joint effort between Maryland’s Emergency Management Agency, Department of Health and State Police to respond to concerns residents may have about people not exercising proper social distancing or otherwise not taking necessary precautions in light of the pandemic.

The state wrote in its release the hotline is “to facilitate a statewide communication process for citizens to report concerns about potential situations where precautions are being ignored that will prompt follow-up by local health officials and, if necessary, law enforcement officials.”

The hotline — which can be reached by calling 1-833-979-2266 or by sending an email to prevent.covid@maryland.gov — is open 24 hours a day and callers can remain anonymous, the release reads.


Publishers Notes: Here's the problem. Anyone at any time can send in bogus complaints and that is EXACTLY what these nut cases are doing. As I had mentioned before, I had a couple come into by bar/restaurant complaining that "loud voices spread the virus". We immediately and very politely asked them to leave. I have had calls from the health department stating my one and only warning because someone called them and stated we weren't disinfecting tables. I actually told them, now you are pissing me off. You can complain about all kinds of things with this virus but one thing I know for sure is that my two anal retentive OCD Bartenders are in fact disinfecting every single time someone gets up, including outside tables. So the person that allegedly called the health department was full of crap, but they don't care.

Governor Hogan is the problem. He spent so much taxpayer money on test kits that aren't being used to the extent he wanted and he wants every single Marylander to get tested, that is his goal. Hogan wants you sick. Hogan wants to scare the crap out of people. Hogan does NOT want you to go to bars/restaurants, especially here on the Shore. Businesses are following the guidelines and no one is getting sick. Obviously that's not good enough. 


  1. Really bad idea. A lot of bogus complaints will be reported. This is only going to make matters worse. This should make all the back stabbing snitches excited.

  2. No one is getting sick. The numbers are not alarming. That's a fact. What is more alarming than the numbers is the fact they have established a hotline for people to snitch on other people.


    Get it? We are not a communist country and I will not snitch on anyone.

  3. Wow , sounds a little like the Red Flag gun control in Maryland , when will this BS stop Hogan , you are not Hitler even though you admire him.

  4. The whole system is corrupt. When someone, who is supposed to be acting as an agent for a legal process lies, not once, but twice, I'm fn done with it!

  5. Welcome to socialism and communism tied together in one tiny new bow, you Slaves!!!! You slaves begged and begged for it, and here it is, what you don't like it? Now all of a sudden??? Oh well, better get used to it quick, fast and in a hurry, because nothing is going back the way it was thanks to you slaves and those who choose to be retards and plain stupid, but its all good, When AI and the digital currency take full effect, then your bitchen and complaining will really start, but nothing can save humanity once AI and digital currency is 100% in place and your hard currency, your paper money is gone!!! But remember folks, during this coin crisis, even stamping machine catch "THE VIRUS" and have to be shut down to stop making coins... So you better start calling the police on people with coins!!! Remember, like this fake virus, There is a crisis going on and you are getting coins sick and having coins can help spread the coin virus!!! Better call the cops!!!

    1. 4:00- He's baaack! Missed ya, Karen.

    2. And I thought I was consider the crazy one for always talking about bourbon ad nauseum.

      Psst u still are crazy Mr. Bourbon

      (Snicker snicker)

  6. 3:56 You are not done with it, and neither is anyone who claims to be... If you or anyone else were TRULY done with it all, you would do something about it instead of jaw jacking but see your still jaw jacking so clearly you are not tired of it!!! And as the good salves you are, you will continue to take it... In fact, I would bet my whole lives savings, along with an entire generation of my families savings, that there is nothing on this earth that you slaves will ever get tired of, or have had enough of to actually do something to stop or fix it...

  7. Just like the brown shirts in 1930s Germany

  8. Make sure to watch council meetings on PAC-TV and call in violations. Easter parades, too!

  9. This is just like that Hot Line in New York where you can narc on someone who is sitting in their car letting it run, or who lets their car idle for more than 5 minutes, and then you will get a fine and the person who narc's gets a pay check... They know people won't do squat but you put money behind it and the slaves flow to it like a badger to honey!!!!

    Please explain to me slaves and retards, why you can't see or understand that if they are pushing this crap, and it is crap, this stuff was in the works for along time... You should know this is not going away if they spend millions to set up a hot line!!!! Plus if you even took time to look, you would see the cares act, the corona bill was submitted and passed 1 year and a half ago well before this virus, now how can you predict a virus would show up a year and a half dater from the time you submitted a bill for relief???

  10. I just reported the Salisbury North Walmart. It only took 10 minutes and there's 3 cop cars here!

    1. @4:24 You're obviously lying. Department of Health would be the ones investigating complaints, not cops.

  11. Waste money on a tattle tale hotline while small businesses going broke.

  12. What ever happened to if you have a problem with someone, go to that person directly? Cowards!

  13. So, if they call the cops on you. What are they going to do? Arrest me? Good luck with that one, see me court! Can they arrest someone for breaking a governor's directive as opposed to breaking a law? Don't get me wrong, I'm not ignoring the social distancing thing. But sometimes I just gotta pull the mask down.

  14. simply disgusting simply disgusting..THESE ARE NAZI TACTICS. So when they call you to come get your mark. Will you go? This is whats going on people. most ignorant sheep will comply?

    And that no man might buy or sell, save he that had the mark, or the name of the beast, or the number of his name.

  15. Catch him without a mask and run his ass through the system..... give him thirty years maybe. But, I see a post above where a crowd of trash kills a man at a Frederick Maryland fair and are given anger management. Does anyone else see this as unbelievable? Elections count and I will be at the polls if I have to sweep covid off the damn floor.

  16. Psst...call in on them....hmmmmm. Wont know what happens until. Turn a negative into a positive and rid the true troublemakers. Not our hospitality industry!

  17. Where is the line with this? Can we use this holiness to report our government officials that we know there is no way they are following the mandates of wearing masks/ social distancing? If so we should call everyday to report them. If the lame stream media actually did their jobs and reported the news without any bias then maybe our public officials would actually be held accountable for their actions. Everyone I talked to in public ALL hate the masks. Its going to be funny how after the elections this whole virus craziness just disappears.

    1. That's exactly what we should do, 553. Everyone call every day and report government officials. Overwhelm the system and collapse it.

  18. Hotline hotline, there is a gray haired man with a tight dark tee shirt, beer belly, on a ciggy butt made bench, OC boardwalk, smoking, "beer-in-hand, cussing AND no mask. He answers to the name Rickie. Bwahahahahahahahahah

    Sorry I just had too!

  19. People are calling police, and prosecutor office with stupid complaints... at least they aren't getting PAID to snitch, like they were doing in New York City

  20. We need to set up some place to put these infected people and the ones that won't distance. The infected ones need to have a Yellow star or a "C" for covid on their clothing.

    1. Sounds frighteningly similar to the Star of David Nazis used to identify Jews during the Holocaust...

    2. @6:54 No shit. He chose a "yellow star on their clothing" for a reason. He's obviously trolling and you were dumb enough to take the bait.

  21. Some of the commenters sound like they believe the government is out of line here?

    So who is going to tell them to relocate to Iran?

    Here is an idea: Overwhelm the system. Call every 2 minutes with a bogus complaint.

  22. I love this!

    I've called 15 times already.
    In the past 10 minutes.


    I am speed dialing.

    1. Who are you turning in and ruining their business over lies for nothing 6:53?

  23. Snitches get stitches, Bi#ches.

    1. @9:56 I'm not terribly worried about getting stitches from the guy that's afraid to type "bitches" on the internet uncensored.

  24. People just need to mind their business and worry about themselves. Take care of you boo and let others take care of themselves!


  25. This is an extremely bad idea, and it's a slippery slope. Cops and prosecutors have real crimes to solve and prosecute.

    Hogan must have been reading Stasi Style Snitching for Dummies.

    1. @1:01 Cops and prosecutors aren't the ones investigating violations, so they're still free to investigate real crimes.

  26. The new snitch line is so people stop calling the police about it. The snitch line probably rings to an answering machine in a closet that no one checks. Lol

  27. I want you guys to comment on this: Africa has 54 countries and I haven;t heard a peep from the media about covid 19 affecting them , the media in the U.S. has said that the blacks are getting the virus more often than the whites. Is this another bunch of BS that the blacks are starting to gain more effects for BLM and their BS. Apparently Africa is free of the virus so maybe the American blacks can move back home . They have 54 counties to chose from , hey team .

  28. Hogan must realize his snitching tattle tale hotline will turn neighbor against neighbor. A formula for disaster. Report a crime yes but not for not distancing or masking. Another step toward a socialistic state. They've burned prospers business, trashed historical monument that is supposed to be protected like Gen. Winder's memorial plaque on the courthouse lawn! Now a street named after BLM communist lawbreakers. A 20,000 strong should rally on Broad street and remove that sign, then reposition Gen. Winder plaque. Then hold the fort.

  29. I violate it everyday and if either one of you approach me on the streets with the BS I'm serving you.

  30. So who's going to rid the true trouble makers 5:43? Surely not the police, their hands are tied. You most certainly have not been keeping up with the times.


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