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Sunday, August 23, 2020

A Viewer Writes: Salisbury's BLM Signs - A Hot Mess?

I've been thinking about the BLM signs and pavement paint recently put in Salisbury. The mayor went headlong into not just allowing them, but celebrating the event. 

In the end it will be an embarrassing story of how a city was hoodwinked by a small pocket of Liberals who, in turn, were hoodwinked by a slogan and a swath of politicians who saw a cheap way to make more promises not to keep and votes to collect.

This signage is objectionable on so many levels.

There needs to be dialogue.


  1. I tear them down when I see them they’re racist

  2. If the mayor allowed that then other speech can be put up as well.

    1. That’s not how Fascism works ... haven’t you realized your freedom of speech has already been taken from you ?

  3. Makes me want to swerve to run over the yard signs because of what that organization has become

    1. That’s what I do but I also write down the address and find out who lives there

  4. This is political posturing by Day & Company on public property, a
    blatant misuse of office, appealing to those ignoring what BLM really is.

    1. Move out of city limits and stop patronizing businesses downtown... Democrat run cities always fail

  5. I get people upset when I hear this slogan. I tell them I agree, that BLM, BLUE LIVES MATTER and they quit their BS and walk away.

  6. Day has destroyed Salisbury and now they are trying to ruin the County with Anderton. Note Day's father's comments about Anderton NOT getting the appointment to County Executive. Mark my words - there will be a reversal of that appointment. There is a deep state in little ole Salisbury - known as the chauvinist good ole boys. Power hungry and money hungry - but only for their own kind.

  7. "Anonymous said...
    This is political posturing by Day & Company on public property, a
    blatant misuse of office, appealing to those ignoring what BLM really is."

    Totally posturing and trying to show off. Day and Gluzt whatever the hell her name is are bad bad people. They talk the talk but don't walk the walk. The Day admin is whiter then a KKK rally They can't even be bothered to really name the street. That they can't be bothered shows to all black people are irrelevant to them. What is amazing is that the black community doesn't get this blatant insult and dismissive attitude for them.

  8. They should be removed, with an apology, or permission given to all who have or think they have a cause deserving promotion.

  9. There’s one on Old ocean city road just before the bypass and one on Schumaker just prior to Gunby rd

  10. BLM openly promotes violence, civil unrest, despicable racist rhetoric, looting and destruction. Those are clearly parts of their mission statement and demands; threats of violence against society in general, but particularly against non-black people, while not addressing the overwhelming numbers of black on black crimes and not calling out Democrats for 150 years of suppression.

    What's not to like, you ask?

  11. They are becoming very miserly with their wokeness

  12. Wake up white people start forming militia groups buying guns patrol your neighborhoods... organize now !

  13. In the years since BLM has surfaced it certainly has shown us who the evil is among us. To prioritize a murder based on who the killer is tells us all we need to know about that person. They have the ugliest and darkest hearts. Evil such as Hitler is very proud of them. They are no better then him. They walk with the devil-hand in hand. I believe BLM may have been sent by God to show us real Christians who beside us walks with the devil. God will NOT have any mercy

  14. August 21, 2020 at 11:52 AM

    The non-white community is too busy lapping up their rewards for promoting Day and too stupid to realize their rewards are truly meaningless. Yamakawa is too stupid to realize his lynching BS will change nothing. He will get is little statue and nothing else will change. Nothing. What did the mural change. Nothing.

    This is still an ignorant 40 % poverty, 70% rental community.

    People have evolved and moved on, while these race mongers and gays are still wallowing in the ditch of self pity. Oh poor us. Too blind to see how far the world has evolved.

    There is always someone whining.

    They do not have the drive or intelligence to make a true difference in their community by lifting others out of poverty with opportunity or guide them to home-ownership.

    All the bike paths and rainbow flags in the world aren't going to make a spit of difference in anyone's life.

    1. Trump 2020 LandslideAugust 21, 2020 at 2:22 PM


      awesome statement

      these people lack maturity and willingness to work

      signs, flags, dual bathrooms , crosswalks make them think people care about them

  15. BLM has shown us that many blacks do have the character flaw that they do not value life. They can lie about it all day long but BLM is not about a life. It is about a killer. This is why their youth are slaughtering each other. They are teaching their youth to go and kill other blacks including black children who are being caught up in the crossfire. They teach murder is okay it is acceptable because YOU are black. Again they can deny this too but by not being anywhere near as outspoken and mostly silent on black on black murder they are telling their youth go out and kill. It is okay to kill This is not the way civilized human beings act. People who have evolved into civilized human beings say ALL Lives matter

  16. leave them alone, this way when the shtf you know who to go looking for!

  17. BLM let's call it what it really is
    Burn - Loot - Murder

  18. It's a disgusting embarrassment to our city. Would've never happened under Paul Martin and Chief Dyke's watch

    1. Martin would be on his fat ass laughing. He didn’t care about you. Now Mayor Elmer Ruark was a great and last good mayor. Dykes was a fool lawman. Lived it and loved it. The street of Salisbury would be safe today if he were here. He would back his men and do his job.

  19. Yamakawa eats sleeps and breaths lynchings. He gets all jazzed up over them like some weird perverse pleasure. Probably sexually since I will not ever forget 2 black woman discussing him and somehow the topic got to his wife. One of the woman said she can't stand talking to her because her 'breath smells just like tail."
    They don't come across as being very concerned about personal hygiene or cleanliness in general. I remember before he made a lot of his pictures private on FB you could see in the back ground his home looked like a pig sty. Junk piled all over the kitchen counters and elsewhere. All around dirty people.
    Instead of trying so hard to insert himself where he is not welcome he should focus on getting himself and his family in order.

    1. Yamakawa is a misfit and a communist even though he’s supported by his wife in our Capitalist country . He lies and uses blacks as useful tools

  20. You people are not only backwards but need to get out of your Eastern Shore bubble of white brainwashing. Racism is hard to break but with these types of mentalities, it will live forever on the shore. If saying that BLM gets you riled up, then image what the world will be like when the shoe is on the other foot? Treat people with respect, compassion, dignity and empathy. The same you would like if white people were the minority....and eventually white people will be.

    1. The problem with BLM is they pick one race over another “ for political advantage “ and then attack and intimidate anyone that disagrees with them that’s what Marxists do and has no place in a free country . Your problem is you think your fighting racism by being a racist

  21. The street name and paint job need to go. These don't elevate people, they demean them and assign some made up identity to an entire racial population when it applies to a tiny fraction, if at all. The signs and paint are a disservice to everyone, regardless of color.

  22. Put up Black LIES Matter instead.

  23. 2:38, I was born and raised on the eastern shore. I have lived all over the world. I see how think that this issue is about the narrow minds, judging by your use of "eastern shore bubble of white brainwashing". Sadly you're wrong. Allowing this is racism against anyone not black is the issue. By provoking and praising these actions is helping it be pushed in peoples faces much like the LBQTHKRYODY clowns!

  24. "Anonymous said...
    This is political posturing by Day & Company on public property, a
    blatant misuse of office, appealing to those ignoring what BLM really is."

    It's also appealing to those who watch the ignorant fall for the trap, then play them for their being dumb and naive.

  25. 2:38 PM -BLM isn't what you think it is.

  26. AAHHHHWWWW come on people--be nice. Someone has taken the time to mark the spot where it is a perfect place to take a hot piss. Pee freely people!!!

  27. Black Rifles Matter! End of story period!


  29. Northwest Woodsman: NEWS FLASH! Racism is here to stay. It is an integral part of human nature that people want to associate with others like themselves.no amount of pressure by misguided politicians and racial activists is going to change what nature has instructed over thousands of years. In my opinion and that of others who have studied and researched racial issues, thousands of years of genetics has imprinted in a persons DNA the type of civilization they develop. Negros, on the other hand have not developed a truly civilized society as evidenced by any country in Africa that was not settled by Caucasians. As a result of their genetic development, and the fact that they have been associated with us for only a few hundred years, they are incapable of functioning in our type of culture. Sorry, truth isn’t always pleasant but refute my assertions with facts if you can. Realist but not actually racist which is a word that has no meaning.

  30. WHITE Lives MATTER on DelMarVA !!! Take That

  31. BLM is a joke and so are the ones who fall for it. If anyone would use their head for one second just one second of their lives they would see what is going on. BLM are the foot soldiers of the democrat party. They are sent out every 4 yrs to at the minimum play on black people's emotions and to destroy black communities because in the democrats minds the Republicans can have no successes in black communities. The democrats are even sacrificing the lives of black children to achieve their goal-Chaos in black communities. No one hears a word from BLM unless it's close to national election time. They come in destroy, loot, burn and increase the black on black murders in black neighborhoods. Then they leave and the residents are left to deal with the disaster in their already marginalize by the democrat party neighborhoods.

    Democrats do NOT care about blacks. That is a fact that unless you are a liar you will not deny. 2 examples would be 2 big issues in black communities have been for decades police misconduct and gun control During the first 2 years of obama/biden presidency the democrats also controlled Congress. They could have passed any police reform gun control bills they wanted to but did not. Why? Because the black communities issues are not important to democrats. They KNOW most blacks will stay in lock step and vote democrat. The 64,000 dollar question is why do so many blacks still vote for a party that has done nothing for them other then treat them like crap. Democrats treat shelter animals better. They would go ballistic if dogs were living in the same conditions as many inner city blacks are including the elderly and children.

  32. Black Liers Matter !!! Democrat Controlled Puppets !!! Lock them Up


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