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Monday, August 10, 2020

For Biden Family, a History of Tax Problems

Hunter Biden hit with $450,000 tax lien last month, the latest in a series of tax problems for Biden family members

Hunter Biden was hit with a $450,000 lien in July over delinquent state income taxes, which he paid off in six days despite having no discernible income. Last year, he told the court judge in his paternity case that he was broke and unemployed.

The younger Biden owed $238,562.76 in state income taxes from 2017 and $215,328.16 in state income taxes from 2018, according to records from the District of Columbia’s Office of Tax and Revenue. The District of Columbia filed a $453,890 lien against him on July 9.

The lien is the latest in a series of substantial tax problems members of the Biden family have faced over the years, from Joe's brother James’s six-figure tax debt in 2015 to multiple liens filed against Joe's sister Valerie and her husband. It also raises new questions about Hunter Biden’s finances, which have been scrutinized during the election cycle. The lien follows controversy over Hunter's high-paying consulting work for companies in Ukraine and China, and a high-profile child support case in which the younger Biden claimed he was in "significant debt" and refused to turn over court-ordered financial records.

A spokesman for D.C.'s Office of the Chief Financial Officer confirmed that Hunter Biden’s lien was released on July 15 after the "tax issue was resolved." The office declined to say whether Biden had paid off the debt.



  1. Thieves and degenerates.

    1. Remember the song Cher sang about them?

  2. I don't see any fines or interest in that lein

  3. That’s why democrats will do anything and say anything to get back in control to cover up all the corruption.

  4. Well after 40 years in politics. I'm sure they have gotten away with much, much, more.

  5. I believe Biden didn't want to run for president. I think the only reason he is doing it to protect himself and family from all the corruption. Everything coming out about him and his son he needs to become president. To protect and squash any investigation about his family.

  6. At least we know about them ,...unlike Trump!

    How's that audit going anyway

    1. Obama records are sealed - we don't really know anything about Obama. So, 9:30 am - you smart ass comment is so typical of uneducated no nothing no body who requires constant attention. Grow up.

  7. Well you can just do what Trump did and not release them. \_(._.)_/

    1. Release what - birth certificate, college education, Iran deal, Benghazi, traitor, spie. All Obama info not released.

  8. Now do the Trumps...

    1. Trump has done more for this
      country than any other President. He cares about America.

  9. YES Let's see BIDEN taxes !!!! Not Trump's !!!


  10. While lining his pockets, and those of his family members, Biden has been a skinflint on actual contributions to charities. IIRC he gave just about $1,000 to charity in the year before he ran for President before accepting the VP slot. Senators were @ $160k then (didn't research) yearly IIRC.

    Trump by comparison has a long track record of donations, was perpetually audited because of his businesses (in spite of being a nominal Dem for decades), and has donated every cent of his Presidential salary to a variety of good causes.

    Light years apart. MAGA

  11. See Hillary's & Obama's & Pelosi's too !!!

  12. 10:09. Biden has been releasing his taxes for years. Trump???


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