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Monday, August 10, 2020

This Week In Campus Insanity Vol. 5

Welcome back to Campus Insanity, a weekly roundup of the craziest developments at our nation's 4,000-plus institutions of higher education.

6. University of North Texas Mob Comes Calling for a Music Theorist | National Review

A University of North Texas music theory professor was attacked by woke students for defending a 19th-century music theorist against accusations of racism.

5. Pro-Life Groups Threaten Lawsuit After Students Arrested | Washington Free Beacon

Students for Life plans to sue the mayor of Washington, D.C., after police arrested a Towson University student and a D.C. resident for chalking a pro-life message outside a Planned Parenthood abortion clinic.

4. Economics Professor Barred from Teaching Class Critical of Karl Marx | The College Fix

A Wright State University professor faced criticism from bosses, peers, and students after requesting to teach a class critical of Marxism.

3. Tulane University Canceled Talk by Author of Anti-Racism Book After Students Said Text Was ‘Violent' | Reason

Tulane University was forced to cancel a talk with the author of an anti-racism book after students said the talk was "violent towards the experience of black people in the Tulane community and our country."

2. Arizona State University Publishes ‘Black Male Privilege' Checklist | Campus Reform

Arizona State University published an online "checklist" to address "black male privilege," which allegedly prevents black women from holding power in the Civil Rights movement and Black Power movement.

1. Arizona Ph.D. Student Targets ‘Problematic' Insect Names: Slavemaker Ant, Gypsy Moth, Rape Bug, and Dozens More  | The College Fix

Scholars created a list of 60-plus "problematic" animal and insect names including, "slavemaker ant," "gypsy moth," and "rape bug" to address "racism in science."
Want more Campus Insanity? Read Vol. 4 here.


  1. Marxist economics works just great. The problem is people, who get in the way or want a bigger piece of everything.

  2. "Many of the tangible examples of socialism (and Marxism) that one might experience today pass by in such a way that we do not readily identify them as being socialist. If your country has any of the following, you've experienced socialism to some degree:

    Government-provided support for the young, elderly, and disabled, such as Social Security in the United States
    Universal healthcare
    Free education
    Subsidies on housing or utilities
    Public libraries
    Public roads and highways
    Emergency services like police and the fire department
    Government-provided support for the impoverished, like the food stamps program in the United States"

  3. Dangerous sidewalk chalkers must pay for their crimes!

  4. This is the latest edition of the newspeak dictionary.


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