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Monday, August 10, 2020

Protesters March Through Upscale D.C. Residential Area, Banging Pots and Signs Shouting ‘Wake Up!’

Protesters in Washington, DC, marched late at night through an upscale residential area on Saturday, according to videos posted on Twitter.

The protesters walked through Georgetown, a neighborhood known for its expensive homes, banging pots and other items, sounding loud sirens, and shouting, “Wake up,” “Get up,” and “Black Lives Matter” on megaphones, according to video posted by Raws Media.



  1. Sounds like simple jealousy. If they would just get a job and WORK maybe they could afford to live in an upscale neighborhood. Sooner or later they're gonna screw with the wrong person and get an ass full of lead

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  3. They, in Georgetown, do need to wake up & see that blacks have the privilege card way above equality, yet their still not satisfied. The only thing on their mind is RACE! That is because “THEY” are the most racist people on the planet. Their free,-- go home to Africa & be happy & stay racist. The marchers are to ignorant to realize that they would not be marching the streets of Moscow or Beijing.

    1. 11:59 if it wasn't for slavery they wouldn't even be here complaining. They'd be in Africa swatting flies and barely surviving

    2. So true 1:51, or in ethiopia with flies in and out of their mouths and eyes with not even enough sense to shoo them away.

  4. Democrats running these riot filled cities need to be escorted out of office for not upholding the oath they took.

  5. Georgetown votes 90% democrat. This is what they voted for.

  6. Repatriation not reparations.
    Nigeria is accepting black US passport holders that want to come home.
    Let them, no, force them to go set up their little Communist utopia there. Guilty white Democrats can go and wash feet or something.
    Deport them, let them go breed like roaches and ruin the neighborhood over there for a while.
    My normal black friends that read this will understand. They know once that riff raft leaves, America will be a much better place
    for all decent people of color that choose to stay. The racist war zones that are now Democrat controlled ghettos can be cleaned out
    and we can get back to our apple pie and baseball, chitterlings and watermelon, grey poupon and brioche, PBR Colt 45 and Dogfishhead in peace without being called a racist.

  7. I am afraid to say this, but these loons are just asking for someone to let loose a hail of lead upon them. I am not advocating for that but rather, am amazed that it hasn’t happened yet.

  8. Do this in a blue collar neighborhood with people that have to get up and go To work the next day and see what happens

  9. Haha excellent. It's truly a shame hedge fund babies and billionaires skip out on paying their taxes while we have children starving and homeless veterans on the street. So much for the greatest country in the world.

  10. 9:57 hard to find a profitable job in a climate where your governments failed response to a virus exacerbated the problems that already existed. Take a simple look at the many graphs depicting how wage growth and compensation have diminished in relation to productivity starting in the 70's. Right after Reagan gave the rich tax breaks big enough to let them buy and control our government. Exacerbated is a big word for "made worse" ;)


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