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Monday, August 10, 2020

Catholic Group Calls on Biden to Denounce Vandalism, Violence Against Churches

A Catholic political advocacy group is calling on presumptive Democratic nominee Joe Biden to speak out on a rash of violence and vandalism against churches across the nation.

"Catholic churches across America are literally burning, and Joe Biden has said nothing. Leading members of the Democratic Party have fueled a climate of hate against Catholics, and these attacks have now led to acts of vandalism and violence," CatholicVote president Brian Burch saidThursday.

"These attacks on the Church raise serious questions about the commitment of Joe Biden, a self-professed Catholic, to stand up to the rising climate of anti-Catholicism across the country."

Between July 10 and July 16, Catholic institutions from Massachusetts to Colorado reported several instances of vandalism, with some acts endangering the lives of congregants. In Florida, a 24-year-old man set fire to a church while several congregants were inside preparing to celebrate Mass. Police arrested the man and charged him with attempted second-degree murder and arson.



  1. I don't want to hear anything from the Catholic Church. Get your house in order first. You let pelosi run her mouth from the alter. Another pro abortion , COMMUNIST Loving POS.


  2. It's always touchy (not in the Joe sense) to take someone to task for their religious beliefs. However, Joe Biden claims to be Catholic, and the press characterizes him as devout.

    It's a phony veneer. Joe has been a mindless drone in following Democrats into wild enthusiasm for abortion. That's an easy litmus test, and the clergy will have to answer for not lowering the boom on rogue Catholic politicians. Joe pretty much does as he pleases.

    Joe was a widower with 2 small sons serving his first Senate term when he met Dr. Jill. She was married, but separated, later to be divorced. They began dating before her divorce and later he popped the question. He was a resident of Wilmington, DE and the diocese there.

    Catholic practice dictated Jill would have required an annulment of her first marriage in order for them to be married by a Catholic priest. This aspect always confounds my non-Catholic friends. The annulment process is complicated and lengthy, by design. And carries some financial costs. It was not a rubber stamp format.

    Cut to the chase: They got hitched in a chapel at the UN by a Catholic priest well before an annulment might normally be granted, and faster than the usual year waiting period a couple faced when they sat down with their parish priest to arrange a wedding. Getting married 'on the road' would have required some additional approvals, even if all else was in order.

    Many of the clergy have let us down in many ways; they have to answer for their actions on earth and afterward. This brief discussion is about the phony hiding out in his basement.

  3. So it begins with this candidate....those lining up to tell someone what they need or need not do.

    Hard to believe this is the 21st Century.

  4. Biden's belief in the Church is about as sincere as that of most gym membership owners.

  5. 9:22 same with Trump unfortunately. I don't understand why evangelicals vote for a guy who's been divorced twice and has kids with many women. Those are usually the people they judge harshest.

    1. If you are camparing President Trump to Biden do it right. You look at Biden and his creepy antics. Than look at Trump's?? Biden is the ultimate pervert. But he's your canidate so you must Love perverts??

    2. Biden supports the taking of almost 1 million lives per year in the US. Trump does not support this. The church believes in the preservation of life from conception to natural death. Biden claims to be Catholic but does not follow this basic belief which is seen as immoral. I could never support such a person as Biden who does not support the basic dignity of human life.

  6. No one is perfect.

  7. 1017 - amen to that!

  8. Joe Biden at one time thought about becoming a priest, but then learned there are more young boys than girls to get at, so he wasn't too interested then. He knew he could touch, grope and smell lots of girls as a professional pervert in politics.


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