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Monday, August 10, 2020

After Release From Jail Over Coronavirus Fears, Alleged Rapist Kills His Accuser

A Maryland man indicted on rape charges, who a Virginia court released in April due to the coronavirus pandemic, murdered the woman who accused him, Alexandria, Va., police say.

Ibrahim Bouaichi was indicted on five separate charges, including rape, strangulation, and abduction, and was originally jailed without bond after Karla Dominguez accused him of raping her in October.

Bouaichi shot and killed Dominguez outside of her Alexandria apartment on July 29, according to police.



  1. Time to sue governor black face of Virginia

  2. This is so sad, there is no justice😞

  3. Time for public hangings

  4. Suing won't bring her back, but holding the governor responsible and punishing with extreme prejudice would make a lot of people happy.

  5. Appears the judge should be in jail. Even stupid people agree.

  6. Retribution is now required and those who made the decision to get this lowlife out of jail - well appropriate retribution too.

    No more pussyfootin - get the job done the first time.

  7. 1:48 You people are to pussy to sue anyone, So just STFU and go away would you!!! This is your new normal, the life your kids and grand kids will now have to live!!! But what do you care right? You let it get this way to begin with...

    1. Try to make some sense next time 8:46

    2. Lol 8:46 sounds like some kind of anarchist. Don't you have a riot to attend?

  8. I bet it says covid related on her death certificate

  9. The libutards have really DESTROYED our infrastructure. They have ruined the education system. The judicial system. The healthcare system. All over what?? Slavery?? What a joke.

  10. He'll shrug it off as collateral damage with a phony reach out to the family, then somehow blame it on Trump.

  11. Lock up the authority WHO released him & make them do his time !!!

  12. democrats could care less. There isn't a decent democrat alive. They are all lying filth who don't even love their own children much less anyone else's. If they loved their families and their children/grandchild they wouldn't be democrats. It's as simple as that and any that deny it just proves they are liars-which all democrats are. Every single democrat policy is bad for families and future generations.

  13. That is how you take care of a squealer, snitches get stiches!

    1. 11:01 am. You need help. Don't you have some place to be (like at work) at 11:01 am.

  14. 1011 Jimmy Carter. Now before you state Peanut Boy...Country Bumpkin, oil crisis, Billy Beer, 1980 Olympics and Iran Hostages...

    He has done more from a community conscientious standpoint after his Presidency than any other who followed him.

    He is a decent former President - regardless of political affiliation.

  15. This is on everyone who thought this over reaction was a just thing. I am sick and tired of this BS thinking.

  16. Anonymous said...
    1:48 You people are to pussy to sue anyone, So just STFU and go away would you!!! This is your new normal, the life your kids and grand kids will now have to live!!! But what do you care right? You let it get this way to begin with...

    August 11, 2020 at 8:46 AM

    You really need to get off Mommy's tit and get a job.


  17. This felon should hang in public.

    Where are the howling women protesting on these crimes?

  18. They were warned in no uncertain terms that no good would come of this.

  19. Time to bring back the FIRING SQUAD !!! 2020 ALL 50 states !!!


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