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Monday, August 10, 2020

Lindsey Graham says FBI lied to Senate about Steele dossier

'This is a second lie. This is a second crime. They lied to the FISA court'

Sen. Lindsey Graham, the chairman of the Senate Judiciary Committee, said on Sunday that newly declassified FBI documents from 2018 show that the bureau lied to the Senate Intelligence Committee about Christopher Steele's anti-Trump dossier.

"This document clearly shows that the FBI was continuing to mislead regarding the reliability of the Steele dossier," Graham said during an interview on Fox News' "Sunday Morning Futures." "The FBI did to the Senate Intelligence Committee what the Department of Justice and FBI had previously done to the FISA court: mischaracterize, mislead, and lie."



  1. Graham doing what he does best. Run his mouth and do NOTHING. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. I'm gonna. That all he does.

  2. Well what you going to do about it graham
    I thought so nothing

  3. After damorats ran this crap in the ground and spent OPM. The other group is mad. So they will spent more OPM to investigate the investigators and get it done, but do nothing about it. Long overdue for Graham and more to go home. Been feeding them too long.

  4. So when are the arrests and convictions coming? Seriously.

  5. Bla bla bla. Blows more smoke. He does not have the guts to take on the Communists.
    The Clintons and Obama’s will literally kill him. They’ll compete to see who can get him first.
    He will end up like Kurt Smolek or Seth Rich and nothing will ever be done. Justice will not prevail.

  6. Joe. I wish you would stop posting anything about Graham. We all know he will do nothing. You're just wasting your time and ours. This will be the last comment I have about Graham.

  7. The FBI needs to be shutdown and replaced.

  8. Graham, another loud talking, do nothing Republican!


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