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Tuesday, July 28, 2020

Trump's Executive Order will drop the price of Insulin down to Pennies a day

(CNSNews.com) – President Donald Trump signed four executive orders on Friday aimed at lowering the cost of prescription drugs, the first of which, he says, will lead to the cost of insulin dropping to “just pennies a day.”

“The four orders I’m signing today will be on the prescription drug market in terms of pricing and everything else to make these medications affordable and accessible for all Americans. The first order will require federal community health centers to pass the giant discounts they received from drug companies on insulin and EpiPens directly to their patients. You know insulin became so expensive people weren’t able to use it. They desperately needed it,” he said.



  1. Why not create an economic incentive to change their eating habits life style and obesity ?

    1. Because diabetes can be genetic too genius

    2. Read a book, diabetes isn't always caused by obesity/unhealthy lifestyles. It can be genetic as well.

    3. Or we could just let the trash take itself out...just sayin🙄

    4. 5:00
      Because that is not the job of government

    5. Not all diabetics are over weight and have bad eating habits 5:00. Sometimes it is hereditary, I wouldn't crow to loud yet.

    6. Being a victim of this life changing disease I can see how ignorant you are on the subject. Ask yourself what is Type I diabetes? Don’t mean to bust you bubble, but you need a lot of education on this matter before mouthing off. It is obvious to the world that you need to educate yourself about this illness. The ones that suffer from it had to and it would be in your best interest because it could attack your healthy butt. Let’s hope not.

  2. Should have already been happening (passing on the savings)

  3. How about people with type I diabetes 5:00- learn before you speak

  4. Please change my last comment as posted anonymous (I really don't want hate mail)

  5. Preventive measures (500pm) and cheaper meds (511pm) should be the natural order.

    Yet capitalistic mindset still rules.

  6. Thank you, President Trump!!!! You are the only one who could do this. You have no idea what this will mean to sooooo many people! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. If we put the medical experimental labs back into this country and the manufacturing labs in this country here not China we can lower a lot of drugs and make things easier for the elderly and poor.


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